I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 855 Will Become Stronger

But she was still very angry. She was not angry that Jiduo acted rashly. She was just angry that he did not discuss with her when making the decision.

Qin Shu was silent for a moment, and finally decided to talk to him properly.

This kid is young, and although he has transformed now, he is still a spiritual plant in essence.

Even if he is enlightened, there are not so many twists and turns in his mind. She has to teach him well.

"Duoduo, you are powerful, mother knows that even if you tell mother that you want to try your hand, mother will never intervene casually while watching from the side. But it is wrong for you to make decisions for mother like this. Mother can't see what you do, and she is very worried in her heart, but she dare not act rashly, for fear of accidentally hurting you."

Jiduo's little head lowered lower and lower, and his chin was about to poke his chest, "Mother... Duoduo really knows that I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again next time."

"Don't be angry with Duoduo, Duoduo must listen to mother... woo woo..."

As it spoke, a tear fell on the soil, splashing a wet ball.

Qin Shu: "..."

The child was crying, what else could she say?

Forget it, what bad intentions did he have? He just wanted to protect his mother.

The nature of man is also the nature of all living things.

She raised her hand and pulled Ji Duo into her arms, wiping the tears on his face with her clean fingers, "Since you listen to your mother next time, you are still your good child, don't cry."

Qin Shu sat cross-legged on the ground, Ji Duo turned his head and lay in her arms, rubbing his tears and snot all over her.

Qin Shu thought that her clothes were actually just the skin of a big snake, and suddenly she felt relieved.

The two of them were "evenly treated".

She casually performed a cleaning spell, and washed off the mess on herself and Jiduo, and then said, "Douduo, don't cry. Mother asks you, where is the blood demon?"

Jiduo's voice still had a bit of grievance from crying, but it did not prevent him from answering Qin Shu's question, "Mother... is it that ugly monster?"

Qin Shu thought of the mother appearance of the blood demon and nodded decisively. It was indeed quite ugly.

"Yes, did he escape?"

Ji Duo sniffed and replied aggrievedly: "Eat...eaten."

Qin Shu: "?!"


Ji Duo frowned, pouted, and his pair of black eyes were still a little wet. His childish voice sounded again, "Eated by Duo Duo."

Qin Shu's face was about to turn black, "Did mother tell you not to eat anything randomly?"

Ji Duo nodded, "Duo Duo remembered, so he didn't eat it, but just...swallowed it."

Qin Shu rubbed his eyebrows, "Can he still be released?"

Ji Duo replied: "Of course, mother said that Duo Duo couldn't eat anything randomly, so Duo Duo just locked him up."

Qin Shu breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Just after she finished speaking, an idea suddenly popped up in her mind.

Why did she subconsciously think that eating the demons was not good? Perhaps for human cultivators, demons and demonic energy are not good things, but Duoduo... is obviously different from ordinary people...

Qin Shu adjusted her mentality, looked at Jiduo and asked again: "Duoduo, mother asks you, if you eat these demons, will it have any effect on you?"

Jiduo nodded without thinking, and Qin Shu's heart immediately rose to her throat at this moment.

"What effect?" Qin Shu's vocal cords were tight, and the whole person was nervous, and the muscles on her face were stiff for a moment.

Jiduo pursed his lips and uttered three words solemnly, "It will become stronger."

Qin Shu: "..."

Nervous in vain.

She deflated in an instant, raised her hand and gave all the remains of the third-level and above demons she had hunted casually before to Jiduo.

"All for Duoduo."

The first and second level ones are not of much use to Duoduo, it is better to take them back and refine them into low-level spiritual tools.

As for the others...what tools are there to refine! Isn't it better to just raise a son!

"Huh?" Ji Duo's eyes lit up, and he looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Didn't mother tell me not to eat anything randomly?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "Since eating is good for you, it's not eating randomly. Mother was wrong in the past."

How could she use human thinking to restrict Duo Duo?

Ji Duo was very happy and took the debris from Qin Shu. He couldn't see how he moved, and a huge red flower suddenly appeared behind him. He threw it away, and all the debris disappeared.

Qin Shu was silent when she saw this scene. Why did she feel that she was the most useless in their family of three?

The son had just transformed, and he could kill the eighth-level blood demon.

No wonder the big snake told Duo Duo to protect himself before he left. He should have known Duo Duo's ability a long time ago, right?

Of course, it was him who asked for three drops of his heart blood, so he must have known it.

"Mother! How many more grasses do we have left to plant?"

Qin Shu took out the storage ring and scanned it with her spiritual sense, and found out, "There are still more than 10,000. According to the speed of our mother and mother, we can go back in less than two days."

Ji Duo had just swallowed all the debris, and felt full of energy and enthusiasm, with two small fists clenched tightly.

"Mother, let's do it in one go!"

Qin Shu agreed, "Okay!"

The following planting went smoothly, but just as they were about to leave, the demonic energy around them suddenly became thicker.

It was so thick that Qin Shu and Ji Duo stood face to face, and she still couldn't see Ji Duo's face.

The purple spiritual energy in Qin Shu's body began to circulate, and Duoduo also transformed into his original form and began to absorb the evil energy. Only then did the mother and son appear in each other's field of vision again.

At the same time, another figure appeared in their field of vision, a black-haired young man with fair and cyan skin, and a mass of red seemed to be shrouded in the center of his pupils.

Looking down slowly, Qin Shu's pupils shrank, and she actually saw a tail behind him!


The thoughts in her mind seemed to be rewinding, looking for clues quickly.

Finally, her memory stopped at one afternoon many years ago, when she saw a corpse embedded in a huge rock on Qiyuan Mountain.

The bones have been completely jade, but it also retains its tail intact.

Almost instantly, ten thousand speculations flashed through Qin Shu's mind.

Is it a new species of demon? Or a higher level demon?

Does this demon with a tail have anything to do with the corpse he encountered on Qiyuan Mountain?

Her eyes narrowed. No matter what kind of demon he was, his cultivation level was at least higher than that of the eighth-level demon who came before!

Qin Shu took out the Thousand Miles Teleportation Talisman in an instant and was about to run away with Ji Duo when suddenly the sound of a gong sounded above her head, like a summer thunder that instantly struck the rich demonic energy in front of them and above their heads. broken.

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