I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 87: An epiphany triggered by a famous quote

Lu Li froze on the spot, turned around and looked at the road he had just climbed up, and then looked at Qin Shu. His long eyelashes trembled slightly, and his eyes suddenly became blurred.

Then he lifted up his clothes in front of Qin Shu and sat down cross-legged.

Qin Shu saw him closing her eyes, and the impetuous aura in her body seemed to settle down in an instant.

She turned around and looked at her master's cave. Why was Lu Li sitting down when he was already at the door? Could it be that he is tired from walking?

Just when Qin Shu was confused, the air around her seemed to fluctuate slightly. She turned her head and saw her master's figure appearing next to her.

"He has had an epiphany... I never thought that Master Lu Li would have such an opportunity when he came to my place." Master Lingxu said with emotion, stroking his beard, with a hint of envy in his words.

"Epiphany?!" Qin Shu never dreamed that a famous quote she casually uttered would actually give him an epiphany?

Not only Qin Shu herself was surprised, but even Master Ling Xu was also very curious. He turned his head, looked at Qin Shu and asked, "Shu'er, what did Immortal Master Lu Li see? Why did he suddenly have an epiphany?"

He has been looking at the scenery on his mountain top for hundreds of years, but he has never had an opportunity for enlightenment. How come he encountered it just once when he came here?

Qin Shu pursed her lips and told him with a complex expression how she had led him up from the mountain and casually said a wonderful sentence to him.

"When there are more people walking, it becomes a road." Master Lingxu's eyes seemed to be in the void, and he repeated this again, "Wonderful! Wonderful! My Shu'er is young, and her understanding is really good." Yes, he can still say such shocking words."

Qin Shu's face turned red. No matter how shameless she was at this time, she would not dare to admit these words.

She quickly waved her little hand and defended: "No, no, no, I didn't say this. How can I have this ability? This is what a senior said before I came to the world of immortality."

Master Lingxu also laughed when he heard this, "This makes sense. I was originally surprised that the person who said this should have some experience, how could you, a little kid, understand it."

Qin Shu looked at Lu Li and fell into deep thought. She was seriously considering the possibility of writing down all the famous quotes passed down from generation to generation and publishing a book called "The Book of Enlightenment".

"Let's go, let's go back first." Master Lingxu turned around and left.

Upon seeing this, Qin Shu looked back at Lu Li and asked Master Lingxu, "Master, don't we help Immortal Master Lu Li protect the law?"

Master Lingxu smiled and said: "This is my fairy mountain. I will take care of it for you, so little Shu'er doesn't have to worry."

With his words, Qin Shu felt much more relieved.

After all, this man was enlightened by her. It was indeed his chance that he had an epiphany because of such a sentence.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye for Lu Li's epiphany. When he opened his eyes again, his eyes were as bright as fire and he exhaled a breath of turbidity.

He stood up and performed a cleaning technique. Looking at his way up the mountain, the depression in his heart disappeared.

As expected, he was still favored by Heaven. He had just stumbled and his Taoist heart was unstable, yet Heaven granted him such an opportunity again.

The road he walked may have never been walked before, but there must be those who come after him. It is common for divination to be inaccurate. The work of spying on the secrets of heaven is never always effective.

There was a slight movement around him. Lu Li withdrew his thoughts and looked to his side, where he saw the figure of Master Lingxu gradually appearing.

"Hahaha, congratulations to Master Lu Li."

Lu Li also returned the favor and said, "Thanks to Master Lingxu for this precious land in the Immortal Mountain. If I had known that I could gain some insights by coming here, I would have come to bother me a long time ago."

Master Lingxu said with a smile: "Destiny will make you indispensable. My little disciple has just been taken in by me. If you had come earlier, I'm afraid you wouldn't have met her!"

When Lu Li heard this, he quickly asked: "Master Lingxu, I wonder what your disciple's name is?"

"She! Her surname is Qin, and she is named Shu." When he said this name, Master Lingxu's face was full of smiles.

Lu Li didn't even need to do any math to figure out that this little fairy named Qin Shu was Master Lingxu's beloved disciple.

"Oh? I wonder where Fairy Qin Shu is now? I might as well say thank you to her in person."

Lu Li is over 300 years old this year. When he used to predict fortunes quite accurately, many people came to his door with property in hand just to ask for his fortune-telling.

He said he wanted to say thank you, so the thank you gift would certainly not be shabby.

Thinking of this, Master Lingxu stopped being polite to him and said, "Shu'er, she's on the top of the mountain opposite. I'll just ask her to come over."

Unexpectedly, Lu Li said first: "Since I know she is on the other side, I will just go there myself. Xiao Shu'er is a self-cultivation practitioner. If we wait for her to come over, we don't know when!"

After Lu Li finished speaking, he raised his feet and ran down the mountain.

It's just that this time he quietly used the method of shrinking to an inch, but after a while, Master Lingxu could no longer see his trace.

Master Lingxu raised his head, looked at the top of the mountain where Qin Shu was located from a distance, and murmured to himself: "Physical cultivation?"

Isn’t his disciple an alchemy cultivator? It doesn't seem right, she should be a sword cultivator, why did she become a physical cultivator again?

When Lu Li arrived at the top of Qin Shu Mountain, Qin Shu was still busy taking care of her few seedlings in the "experimental field".

Xiao Xiao has been sleeping for the past two days, and no one has taken care of these little seedlings. Qin Shu came out today and was about to practice swordsmanship. When she saw those wilted little seedlings, she quickly used wood spirit to save them.

"Xiao Shu'er, how are you?"

Qin Shu turned her head when she heard the voice, and saw a figure in a green shirt walking towards her slowly from a distance, and the next step was directly in front of her.

Qin Shu was very envious, this body movement was too useful.

If she could use this to travel, wouldn't it be better than her children's music!

There was once an opportunity to learn body movement in front of her, but she didn't cherish it. If she was given another chance...

"Xiao Shu'er, are you stupid? Do you really not want to learn my shrinking the earth into an inch?" Lu Li's face had an expression of "don't struggle, I have seen through your heart."

Okay, she admits that she has no future, she wants to learn! He also chased after her to teach her. If she didn't eat the meat that was delivered to her mouth, how could she know that God had fed her food before?

"Master Lu Li, I don't understand why you must teach me this body movement?"

The little girl in front of him was just a little taller than his waist. With her slender eyebrows and the high ponytail on her head, she looked quite heroic.

Seeing that she asked seriously, Lu Li also became serious and said, "Maybe it's because we have a history, but now, it's because you gave me this opportunity for enlightenment and stabilized my heart of Taoism."

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