I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 890: Boiling a frog in warm water


The strength of the Nascent Soul Stage should not be underestimated. The golden arrow accurately shot at the trunk of the spiritual plant, and at the moment of contact, it turned into countless sharp wind blades, which swept around explosively.

As the wind blades went, many branches of the spiritual plant were cut off.

The dangerous spiritual plant at the center of the storm had gone completely crazy, and the green light on its body lit up, and the soil under their feet also shook.

The other people followed suit, and bows and arrows and various magic attacks all attacked the dangerous spiritual plant at this moment.

Qin Shu stood behind all of them, feeling the movement under her feet, and then after her experience summed up from many battles with dangerous spiritual plants, she knew that the roots of these spiritual plants were often more powerful than their branches and vines.

She cast the spell calmly, using the earth-based skills that she rarely used.

Solid as a rock.

In order not to be discovered, she made very little movement, hoping to delay it for a while.

At least... the roots can't come out before weakening its branches.

The broken branches seemed to shoot at them like sharp blades, and everyone quickly put up a protective shield and evaded them flexibly.

However, this spiritual plant was one level higher than them after all, and Feng Yin, who had the lowest cultivation, didn't dodge the sharp blade.

The sharp blade slashed across his cheek, and a piece of flesh and blood was poked off his entire left face.

The breeze blew past, and Feng Yin felt a chill on his back, and he had never felt death so close to him.

If that branch was a little more off, it would be able to pierce his entire head, and then even if the God of Nature was alive, he would not be able to survive.

The next moment, a soft green light fell on his body, and his cheeks felt warm and itchy, as if flesh and blood were growing.

He looked up at the woman in black standing in the distance, and a little doubt came to his mind.

Didn't they say that there was only a fourth-level? Is the treatment effect of a fourth-level healer so good?

But it was obviously not the time to talk. The healer cast a healing spell on himself and turned his head decisively, controlling other spiritual plants to interfere with the growth of this dangerous spiritual plant, and occasionally casting a healing spell on other injured elves.

Feng Yin saw someone injured, and immediately came to his senses and joined the battle.

The two sisters were also very powerful. They seemed to have cooperated for a long time in the past, and even the attack points could be perfectly overlapped.

The damage caused by the two of them to this dangerous spiritual plant was definitely greater than the sum of the two. Under the frontal suppression of the two of them, the branches of the spiritual plant were also weakened a lot.

Feng Yin's eyes lit up when he saw this, and suddenly saw the dawn of hope.

If this trend continues, they will soon destroy this dangerous spiritual plant.

However, the development of things is never satisfactory. At this time, there was a sudden violent vibration from the ground, and several people almost lost their balance.

At the same time, everyone flapped their wings and flew up, and at this moment, dense roots broke out of the ground, wrapping them up like a solid cage.

Xiang Ying and Qin Shu were the first to react, and they immediately launched an attack, making sure to leave the last gap.

But unexpectedly, the roots of this spiritual plant were stronger than its branches. Xiang Ying and Qin Shu's attacks only had a slight impact on it, but they still couldn't stop these dense roots from forming a net-like encirclement.

Everyone reacted quickly and wanted to fly out in an instant, but they didn't expect that the dense roots seemed to have eyes, stretching out from the ground and wrapping around their ankles.

The people who were originally close to the exit could only watch a complete big net completely formed, covering them head and face.

More and more roots wrapped around their bodies, and the feeling of suffocation gradually came.

Just as Xiang Ying was struggling, she suddenly found that the woman next to her was like nothing happened. She took out a sword without changing her face and cut off the roots that were wrapped around her.

"You? Are you okay?" Although she knew that this was not the time to ask this, she was really shocked.

Qin Shu ignored her. Although she was at a higher level of physical training, it was still difficult for her to deal with dangerous spiritual plants in the out-of-body stage.

All she could do was to last a little longer than them.

Fortunately, she had the sword of life and death in her hand, and she was soon out of trouble.

The moment she was out of trouble, she rushed towards Xiang Ying.

Xiang Ying was the strongest among these people. Only by rescuing Xiang Ying could she help herself rescue others.

Qin Shu thought so, and the sword fell. Xiang Ying felt that the shackles on her body were loosened immediately, and the dull suffocation in her chest dissipated, and she could start to absorb fresh spiritual energy again.

She was overjoyed and rushed to her sister beside her.

A flash of light flashed in her hand, and a golden dagger appeared in her hand.

However, when her dagger slashed at these roots, she realized that rescue was not that simple.

Qin Shu rushed towards Feng Yin at this time. The others might be able to hold on for a while, but Feng Yin's face had turned the color of liver, and his pair of black eyes rolled up.

She slashed the roots wrapped around his neck and chest with a sword. Seeing that he was still motionless, she threw another healing spell at him, and he began to breathe heavily.

Xiang Ying, who was standing aside, was also in a very difficult situation at this time. Although the dangerous spiritual plant had become intelligent, it was not a highly intelligent creature after all. It would only attack people who threatened it first.

Between Xiang Ying and Qin Shu, Xiang Ying was clearly a soft persimmon.

Xiang Ying could only quickly dodge the waving vines and roots while slashing at the roots that were wrapped around her sister.

Her attack was somewhat effective. Just after Qin Shu rescued the others, her sister was also successfully rescued by her.

However, at this time, the five of them were still shrouded in a dense cage formed by roots.

At some point, the vines slowly covered these roots, and the palm-sized leaves had yellow light spots slowly sliding down.

Where the light spots landed, a strong smell of corrosion came to the face.

At the same time, the golden green inner elixir in Qin Shu's dantian also slowly turned...

Qin Shu: "..."

It seems that this is indeed a good place, at least more suitable for Da She than Dongzhou.

If the crack in the demon world led to Nanzhou, I'm afraid he would have practiced to the Ascension Stage long ago.

"Be careful! These liquids are poisonous!" Xiang Ying reminded with a dark face.

Before they came, they never thought that this spiritual plant would boil a frog in warm water.

The yellowish light spots above their heads fell bit by bit, gradually increasing in number, and at that moment it was as if it was raining.

Everyone instantly put up a protective shield, and the yellowish liquid dripped on it, emitting a burst of white smoke...

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