I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 892 The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind

Xiang Ying retracted his gaze and said to them: "Whether it is a spiritual plant or an elf that is undergoing the tribulation behind us, it has nothing to do with us. If we rush in rashly, we will be smashed to pieces without leaving any residue."

The others were also very rational and nodded one after another. No one wanted to go back to join in the fun.

Except Feng Yin, he frowned and said: "But... Qin Zheng is still inside."

When he said this, everyone was silent. They also knew that this time it was thanks to Qin Zheng. If she hadn't saved them, they would have died long ago.

It was a long time until a thunder that suddenly resounded through the night came from a distance, and everyone seemed to be awakened.

Xiang Ying looked at everyone and said, "When the thunder strikes, not to mention Qin Zheng, I'm afraid even the dangerous spiritual plant will be destroyed. We remember her kindness, but... now we are really powerless..."

She looked up at the golden purple thunder that struck from the sky like a flood. This scale and color of thunder was the first time she had seen it in her life. She really couldn't imagine what kind of cultivation was needed to withstand such a thunder.

She also couldn't imagine how Qin Zheng would survive under such a strong thunder?

Even if so many of them used their bodies to bear it for her, it would be useless.

Everyone fell silent and stared at the terrifying thunder from the sky.

It hit the jungle, splashing a large piece of purple halo.

Qin Shu was hit directly, and her whole body was smashed into the soil ten feet deep, surrounded by deep pits a hundred miles wide.

She spit out the dirt in her mouth, touched her hair from the top of her hand, and her face didn't look good.

Sure enough! She guessed right! Her hair is gone again!

Fortunately, the hair growth pills she has researched over the years are very useful, otherwise, with her cultivation speed, it would be difficult for her hair to reach her shoulders.

This time, she clearly felt that her physical strength could not keep up.

She was hit by the thunder just now, and her blood and qi were churning, and even large cracks appeared on her shoulders.

The texture of the muscle was clearly visible, and her wood spirit was circulated in time, and the cracks were restored little by little.

I hope that with the help of this thunder tribulation, her physique can also be broken. I have to find some other ways to cultivate my body in the future.

Qin Shu was thinking wildly in her mind, and there was another crackling sound above her head, and then another thunder tribulation struck down.

This thunder tribulation was even stronger than the previous one. The ribs on her back were all shattered one by one, and there were still tiny purple-gold arcs in the gaps between the bones.

Qin Shu spit out a mouthful of blood, and quickly circulated her spirit to recover quickly.

Just when she had recovered 80%, another thunderbolt struck.

Qin Shu stubbornly withstood all 72 thunderbolts, and her whole body was almost smashed into a pool of mud, and even her skull was sunken.

You should know that Qin Shu has practiced iron head skills for many years, and her skull is also the hardest bone in her body.

She lay quietly on the ground, watching the dark clouds above her head dissipate, and a tear slowly fell from the corner of her eye.

It really hurts... I want to cry loudly, but even breathing hurts...

At this time, she also perfectly interprets what it means: Whatever can't kill you will make you stronger.

The land under her body is like a loving mother. Even if it is devastated by the power of thunder, the gentle and powerful earth spirit still comes from this scorched earth.

At the same time, the surrounding jungle also slowly has wood spirit spreading over.

Qin Shu's body is recovering bit by bit, and in her broken chest, the heart is beating strongly and firmly.

Everything seemed to be getting better, but at this moment, a tiny root suddenly emerged from under the charred soil.

Qin Shu did not notice it for the time being, until her hands gradually recovered and the surroundings suddenly changed!

The root attacked her without warning, carrying a force of ten thousand pounds, and pierced straight into her lower abdomen! Thoroughly penetrated her!

The suddenly tightened root lifted her up completely, and the whole person was suspended in the air like a kite.

She spit out a mouthful of blood, and the originally condensed spiritual energy around her body was also somewhat scattered at this time.

This dangerous spiritual plant? It's really a dog!

Qin Shu cursed in her heart, but her heart was extremely calm.

Her dantian was broken, and she could feel the leakage of spiritual energy in her dantian.

Although this attack might not take her life, it would definitely have an impact on her cultivation.

What should she do now to minimize the damage?

Before she could think of any good way, the golden green inner elixir that was originally suspended in her dantian suddenly moved.

The inner pill was spinning crazily, and the root was tightly attached to it. The next moment, a strong wave came from the root.

It was poisonous, but it had no effect on her body.

At the back, Qin Shu seemed to feel that her whole body was wrapped in warm green.

She blinked her tired eyes and realized that these green things should be... life.

The dangerous spiritual plant thought it was the mantis catching the cicada and the oriole behind, but it didn't expect that it would become someone else's nutrition in the end.

I don't know how long this state lasted. Qin Shu felt extremely tired. Her skull seemed to be repairing, and she felt drowsy.

But she couldn't be sure if there would be any other dangers in this jungle. This time she was indeed careless. She didn't expect such a spiritual plant to survive under such a strong thunder tribulation.

She seemed to see the black fragment vaguely, and she suddenly realized something.

Perhaps it was this fragment that left it with a glimmer of hope, and it also became her biggest disaster this time.

Just as she was in a daze, a tall figure seemed to appear beside her, holding her in his arms, with his big hands tightly pressed against her lower abdomen.

As if she had sensed a familiar breath, Qin Shu, who was originally tense, also completely relaxed and fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up again, she found herself sleeping on a huge leaf. There was no one around, not even a ghost.

She sat up, seemed to have thought of something, and quickly looked down at the wound on her abdomen.

No wound?

After circulating the spiritual energy again, there seemed to be nothing unusual in the dantian.

Qin Shu narrowed her eyes and thought, could it be that... everything she had experienced before was fake?

But her cultivation had indeed broken through, or was her recovery ability so amazing?

As she moved, her hand seemed to touch something, and when she turned her head, she saw a black fragment two fingers wide.

She put the fragment back into the storage ring and jumped off the leaf again. Looking at the large area of ​​scorched earth around her, some green had already appeared, and Qin Shu was silent...

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