I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 97 No one can hurt you here

The Taiqing Wuchen Liuli treasured robe on her body floated lightly on the water. The warm water and the medicinal power of the herbs gradually relieved the pain in her legs. She took a deep breath and buried her head in it.

The movement of the entire mountain was shrouded in Xie Shiyuan's consciousness, and Qin Shu's every move was "seen" by him clearly.

At first, he couldn't understand her running up and down the mountain, until he saw her start to cook herbs in an iron pot, and then he understood what she wanted to do.

The little thing has a poor physique. It's so tired after such a short distance. It really needs to practice well.

He just closed his eyes, and suddenly his eyelashes moved. Why does it feel a little wrong?

His eyes opened "swish". No, it's very wrong. Why is he not breathing?

This child doesn't seem to know how to swim? This is the first time he has seen someone who can drown himself in a bath.

As soon as Xie Shiyuan thought about it, he appeared next to the tub where Qin Shu was bathing.

He didn't even hesitate, and directly reached out to pull Qin Shu out of the tub.

The water that splashed out wet his sleeves, and the ink-colored cloth stuck to his arms, outlining his lean lines.

Qin Shu had just felt the nourishment of the medicine in her body, and the next moment she was exposed to the air again.

Qin Shu was full of question marks, opened her eyes and looked around in confusion, but when she looked up, she met a pair of enlarged vertical pupils.

She was startled, and when she came to her senses, she found that she was picked up by the big snake.

"You... what are you doing?" Qin Shu asked in confusion.

Fortunately, she didn't take off her clothes when she was taking the medicinal bath, otherwise she would be picked up like this, would she still have face?

"You're not breathing." Xie Shiyuan's lips were pursed into a straight line, and he said seriously.

Qin Shu: "..."

Could it be that she almost drowned in the lake last time, and the snake had a stress reaction?

Qin Shu sighed. Did she really look like a fool who could drown in a bathtub?

The air was quiet for a moment, and Qin Shu struggled again, "Put me down."

Xie Shiyuan loosened his hand, and Qin Shu fell into the bathtub again, and a splash of water hit her forehead directly.

Qin Shu raised her hand to wipe the water off her face, and resignedly told him: "No breathing does not mean death, and no heartbeat may also be saved. Only brain death is true death."

"Brain death?" Xie Shiyuan thought for a moment and asked back: "You mean, the sea of ​​consciousness collapses?"

Qin Shu has not answered him yet, he said: "That's not right, you should not have a sea of ​​consciousness yet."

Qin Shu: "..."

Some snakes are quite pleasing to the eye when they don't speak, why do they suddenly become hideous when they speak?

"Brain death means that consciousness disappears." Qin Shu forced to explain to him.

"Consciousness disappears? Souls and spirits are scattered?" Xie Shiyuan asked in a low voice.

Qin Shu was just about to tell him about her atheism, which she had identified. Strange powers and chaos are not good, and three souls and seven spirits are just legends.

But just as she opened her mouth, she suddenly found that she seemed not so firm.

This is the world of immortal cultivation, where you can ascend to heaven and become a ghost after death, so you naturally have souls and spirits.

Her expression was a little complicated. When she looked up and saw Xie Shiyuan still looking at her, she sighed and said faintly: "You can say that."

Thinking that she still had a hurdle to overcome in six years, Qin Shu's mood suddenly became heavier.

However, the next moment, she heard Xie Shiyuan say: "Don't worry, you have a contract with me, and there is no one here who can make your souls and spirits fly away."

Qin Shu was slightly stunned when she heard his sudden domineering remarks, and nodded perfunctorily.

What she was thinking was that this big guy seemed a little too confident. Did he forget that he was seriously injured? She was almost on the verge of death, but she was still stubborn.

He seemed to have many enemies, and the possibility of being implicated by him was much greater than her own death.

Xie Shiyuan seemed to see that she didn't believe it, and his expression was quite unhappy. He had already promised to keep her soul immortal, but she still didn't believe it? She was indeed a child with little knowledge.

Qin Shu didn't see him make any movements, and saw his figure gradually faded in front of her, and then disappeared.

Qin Shu leaned in the bathtub, feeling her body gradually filled with strength again.

She took a breath again, buried her head in the water, and spit bubbles "gurgling".

After repeating this several times, the water in the bathtub was completely cold, and the medicinal power in the water gradually faded. Qin Shu climbed out of the bathtub, and the spiritual power circled around her body, and the clothes that were originally attached to her body were also dry.

She stretched and looked at the sky. It was still early. If she rested now, it would be a waste of time. How about going to the library?

She was about to go out when a familiar golden butterfly appeared outside her restriction. Qin Shu opened the restriction and the butterfly flew in and burned up in front of her.

Then came the voice of her master, "Shu'er, come to my cave."

Well, the trip to the library would be postponed again.

The spell of shrinking the earth into an inch was already running. She dispersed her spiritual energy and ran towards the other side of the mountain.

Anyway, she had to practice her body now, so it was okay to run more, but she would be slower. I believe the master could wait.

Lingxu Zhenren drank a pot of spiritual tea until it was tasteless, and he hadn't seen Qin Shu yet.

"What has Shu'er been busy with these days? Why hasn't she been seen for so long?" Lingxu Zhenren asked.

Cheng Yan thought for a moment and said, "Junior sister has refined a lot of pills. Now our sect has a lot of surplus of Buling Pills and Fengxing Pills."

"How many months have you been refining pills?" Lingxu Zhenren was quite shocked. It was the first time he had seen such a diligent disciple.

"That's right. She has refined a lot of pills now. She has figured out a way to refine two furnaces at the same time." Speaking of this, even Cheng Yan was a little impressed.

Lingxu Zhenren has been refining pills for hundreds of years. When refining those low-level pills, he can also refine two furnaces at the same time. But that's because he has been refining pills for hundreds of years and has long been accustomed to it, while Qin Shu has only been refining for less than half a year. This child is really a genius.

"Where's Chiyu? It's not like he's also refining pills, right?" Lingxu Zhenren asked.

Cheng Yan clasped his hands and said, "Master, you really guessed it right. Chiyu has been living in the alchemy room for the past two months. It is said that she and Qin Shu have come up with a strategy to clear tasks. They can help disciples to make pills, but they have to take a commission."

Lingxu Zhenren: "?"

"This method was thought up by Shuer, right?" Lingxu Zhenren asked.

Chiyu is a straightforward person. With her innate arrogance, she should not be able to think of this method.

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