I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 986: Really Frustrating

"If you are like this, we will have to join someone else in the future!"

"It's really frustrating!"

"Boss Scorpion, I misjudged you before!"


However, no matter what the other poisonous creatures said, Boss Scorpion still insisted on his own and resolutely withdrew from the competition.

He has been practicing for more than 9,000 years, and he is also a veteran-level poisonous creature in the entire small world. He can live to this day because he knows the current situation.

This time, several powerful people came into the small world. The bird he met by the extremely pure fruit tree on the shore had a terrible pressure.

And when the two of them were talking on the shore just now, he heard it clearly in the water.

It seems that the relationship between the two of them should be quite close. How could this female cultivator be a fuel-saving lamp?

What's more, they have all practiced to this point. If they don't have a certain strength, how can they brag about it?

These little monsters have been in this small world for a long time, too comfortable, and have long forgotten the truth that there are people outside people and there are heavens outside heavens.

He had lived a long life and had seen a lot of fighting and killing. He had long understood a truth.

It didn't matter what face he had. The most important thing was to survive.

Well, since they had called him the boss for so long, I would give them one last reminder.

"This female cultivator might be difficult to deal with. Don't be too impulsive."

However, who knew that he was interrupted by one of the toads as soon as he opened his mouth.

This toad had practiced for three thousand years and had been in the lake for three thousand years.

Because of the skeleton at the bottom of the lake, he had won half of the advantage since he was born, and his practice speed was extremely fast.

His current cultivation level was second only to his. As his cultivation level improved, he gradually became restless.

"Boss Scorpion, look at what you said, it's too inappropriate. Our brothers were originally looked down upon by the wolves next door. If we retreat without fighting, how can we stay in this small world in the future?"

"Old Toad is right! Boss Scorpion, don't drag us into it if you are timid! We have so many brothers, how can we be afraid of her who is just a cultivator?!"

"Yes! Not afraid of her!"


The scene became more and more lively. Qin Shu listened to their argument as if no one was around, but turned her head away in surprise to look at the retreating Boss Scorpion.

This guy really knows the current situation. He gave up the Supreme Heavenly Pure Fruit because of Sang Ze's pressure before, and now he gave up the Tianxin Rakshasa Heart-binding Lotus because of himself.

The long wait was burned, but he could endure it again and again.

It is rare for monsters to have such emotional control ability.

The poisonous scorpion said that it would withdraw from the competition, and it really turned around and left, without even looking back, as if it really didn't miss it at all.

The other poisonous creatures watched him leave, and cursed again. The noisy sound died down again after a long time.

The toad jumped out, stared at Qin Shu and said, "Female cultivator, this lotus has more than one lotus seed. We can share it, and we can also give you a few petals of the lotus. But if you want to keep it all, then we can't agree to it no matter what we say."

Its big eyes were particularly wide, and it looked even more weird and cunning across the pink lake.

Qin Shu just glanced at it lightly, "You are not worthy of negotiating with me."

The old toad's eyes were filled with anger, "You! Don't be ungrateful!"

Qin Shu no longer paid attention to it, but turned her head and set her sights on the lotus not far away.

The flower bloomed.

The pink petals opened little by little, quietly, completely ignoring the countless covetous eyes around.

The fragrance of lotus seeds gradually drifted out, and the smell could not be smelled in the water, but the eyes of all the poisonous creatures present turned red.

Some of them even made an attacking gesture, waiting to strike first when the lotus seeds matured.

When the last petal opened, the old toad squatting on the side jumped up instantly and rushed towards the lotus.

Other poisonous creatures followed closely, but at the moment they approached the lotus, an invisible wave suddenly came from the water and pushed them away.

The force was not very strong, and the poisonous creatures didn't take it seriously at first, but when they wanted to get close to the lotus, a second force pushed them away.

This force looked weak, but they couldn't resist it at all.

When the third wave came, they realized the seriousness of the matter.

It seems that this sudden wave did not come out of thin air, perhaps it should be the magic of the female cultivator in front of them.

Their innate skills lit up one after another, and they tried to rush towards the direction of the lotus.

But the waves one after another seemed endless.

The delicate lotus bloomed quietly, standing tall and clean, without any vines or branches.

But there was always a distance between them. Qin Shu stood up, looked at them and said with a smile: "You can't even get close to it? What can you use to fight with me?"

It was at this time that Qin Shu suddenly felt that her immortality was very useful, just because this set of swordsmanship can also be extended to magic... and the most powerful thing is that it is actually a group attack skill.

She came to the lotus and was about to reach out to catch it, but suddenly an attack came from behind her.

If she dodged, the attack would definitely fall on the lotus in front of her.

The delicate petals could not withstand such destruction. Qin Shu stood in front of the lotus, motionless.

The poisonous creature attacking from behind did not seem to expect that she would not dodge or evade. His original intention was just to break up the petals, so that he could take advantage of the chaos to grab a piece or two.

But he did not expect that this female cultivator would rather die than dodge.

As a result, the eyes of all the poisonous creatures lit up in an instant.

She did not dodge? !

They knew the poison of the old toad. Even if this attack could not kill her, the toxins were enough to kill her!

All the poisonous creatures stopped attacking at the same time. Some of them had fierce faces, while others had sarcastic smiles.

This female cultivator was so arrogant just now. Now that she was poisoned, she probably couldn't laugh anymore, right?

But who knew that Qin Shu, right under their noses, raised her hand to pick the lotus pod as if nothing had happened.

On the contrary, the old toad that had just attacked Qin Shu suddenly spit out a long tongue from its big mouth, raised its claws to touch it, and gasped in pain.

The other poisonous creatures looked over and saw that its tongue suddenly swelled up.

"Old toad! What are you doing?"

A fish just said a word, but was interrupted by the old toad's voice transmission, "Don't talk nonsense! Hurry! The lotus pod has been picked by her!"

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