I am in the world of immortal cultivation

Chapter 989 Otherwise, you should just bear with it

"My friend, why did I just vaguely feel a breath..."

It was the voice of Yuan Zhen Patriarch.

He took the initiative to speak, which really surprised Qin Shu.

But she still followed his lead and asked: "What breath?"

"Well... there is a grudge."

Qin Shu: "?!"

She suddenly remembered that when she entered the Kunpeng Small World, the big snake had told her that he seemed to have some grudges with the Kunpeng clan.

Qin Shu hadn't spoken yet, Yuan Zhen Patriarch continued, "What is your relationship with him?"

Qin Shu pursed her lips and was silent for a long time, and finally decided to be sincere again.

"He is my Taoist partner."

Yuan Zhen Patriarch: "..."

He was silent for a long time, and just when Qin Shu thought he wanted to unilaterally terminate the contractual relationship between the Return to Original Mirror and himself, Yuan Zhen Patriarch asked again, "Have you performed the Heavenly Sacrifice Ceremony?"

Qin Shu shook her head, really not.

Yuan Zhen Patriarch was obviously relieved, "Consider changing a Taoist partner."

Qin Shu: "?"

Can a Taoist partner be changed just by saying so?

Seeing that she didn't say anything for a long time, Yuan Zhen Patriarch continued: "Why? You can't do it?"

Qin Shu nodded, "I really can't do it."

Yuan Zhen Patriarch: "..."

Then Qin Shu continued: "We have been through hardships for many years, and he has helped me a lot along the way..."

At the end, Qin Shu suddenly paused for a moment and added, "By the way, we have a covenant. If he is interested in you talking to me... he can hear it."

Yuan Zhen Patriarch: "?!"

Since his death, he has been a spirit for many years, but his emotions have never fluctuated as much as today.

He never thought that after so many years, he would see the snake again.

All of them have returned to dust, but he is still alive and well, and he has a human Taoist partner.

Why? !

If the Return to Original Mirror could not change its owner before the original owner passed away, he really wanted to change this female cultivator!

Qin Shu dripped blood on the mirror, so she could also feel Yuan Zhen Patriarch's emotional fluctuations.

It was precisely because of this that she was even more curious.

What happened back then that made them enemies?

Could it be... related to Qin Yuan's death?

"Senior, what happened back then?" Qin Shu asked.

Yuan Zhen Patriarch was silent for a long time. Just when Qin Shu thought he would tell her something, she heard him sigh, "Alas... I gave up this memory when I became a weapon spirit, and I can't remember it clearly."

Qin Shu paused after hearing this, and then continued, "Since you have given up this memory, why do you still cling to hatred? Time will erase everything."

Yuan Zhen Patriarch was silent again, and after a long time, he said, "Even if I gave up this memory, I couldn't let go of this hatred, which means that even time can't erase it for a while."

Qin Shu thought for a long time and stopped persuading him. In the end, she just choked out a sentence, "Otherwise... you should just bear it."

Yuan Zhen Patriarch didn't say anything. I don't know if he really endured it or was angered by Qin Shu and fainted.

Seeing this, Qin Shu simply stopped meditating, stood up, opened the door and walked out.

I don’t know what the big snake is doing now?

Since he went to find Guo Chong, it shouldn’t be too much for me to find Su You to ask?

She sent a message to Su You and went to his yard.

Su You was about to leave, but after receiving her message, he waited for her at the gate of the yard for a while.

When he saw her figure appear at the end of the corridor and appeared in front of him the next moment, he almost popped his eyes out.

“You, you, you… your cultivation? Isn’t it a bit too fast?”

Su You said as he circled around Qin Shu, carefully looked at her from head to toe, and asked: “Don’t you have the blood of any race in your body?”

Qin Shu shook her head and reminded him, “This is what I have worked hard for, don’t count it all on my blood.”

Su You still didn’t understand. He always felt that the person who could be favored by Lao Xie could not be just a simple human.

Sure enough, her cultivation speed seemed to have no threshold.

His cultivation speed was fast because he already had that level of cultivation, and now he was just dispersing his power and re-cultivating.

It was like a pond. His pond had been dug long ago, and now he just needed to fill it with water. It was normal for him to be fast.

But Qin Shu needed to dig the pond and fill it with water at the same time, so it was obviously abnormal to be so fast.

Su You also had an absurd idea in his mind at this time, "You are not also dispersing your power and re-cultivating, right?"

Qin Shu shook her head, "How is it possible? How old am I? How can I have such a high level of cultivation?"

Su You still felt that she should have the blood power of a certain clan, and decided to go to Lao Xie to ask him when he got back.

He looked up at Qin Shu again and asked her, "Sister-in-law, what do you want me for?"

Qin Shu felt strange when she heard him call her sister-in-law.

She suppressed the strange feeling in her heart and quickly talked to Su You about business.

"By the way, I came here to ask you, do you have any grudges with the Kunpeng clan?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Su You sneered from between his teeth.

"Grudges? Haha, that's a big deal! Fu Cheng died because of them!"

Qin Shu's heart "stomped", her guess was indeed correct.

However, after listening to Su You's words, at least one thing can be confirmed, Fu Cheng did not die directly at the hands of the Kunpeng clan, and someone else killed him.

"Can you tell me in detail?" Qin Shu asked.

"It's all in the past, don't mention it, so as not to make everyone feel upset."

Qin Shu frowned, and was also a little embarrassed.

Now it's... it's not right to ask, and it's not right not to ask?

Forget it, I'll ask the snake later, anyway, the Return to Nature Mirror is already in my hands.

"I brought Fu Cheng's body back." Qin Shu told Su You.

Su You's eyes widened, "You went to Kunpeng's small world?"

Qin Shu nodded, "Yes, by chance, I got a chance to go in."

Su You's expression became more solemn, "The Kunpeng clan and the dragon clan have a feud that is innate. Among the dragon clan, only the Azure Dragon among the four great beasts can fight against it, and the other dragons are their food. In the battle of the beasts, the Kunpeng clan stood on the opposite side of us because of the feud with the dragon clan..."

As he began to tell the story, Qin Shu understood the events of the year again.

They, a group of beasts, faced someone. The Kunpeng clan, which was strong, turned against them and stood on the opposite side. They were caught off guard.

Fu Cheng sacrificed himself and blew up the exit of Kunpeng's small world, so they were able to escape from the ambush...

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