As the time came to late at night, everyone tiptoed to the living room.

I saw that on the sofa in the living room, Shirou Eimiya was holding the quilt and shrunk into a ball, as if he was asleep.

"This man!" Rin Tosaka said and walked next to Shirou Emiya.

She looked at Shirou Emiya condescendingly, and suddenly raised her right hand and pinched Shirou's nose.

The originally quiet Shirou Emiya's face became whiter and whiter.

"Ah, huh!" Shirou Eimiya woke up suddenly.

Before Shirou could make a sound, Rin Tosaka covered Shirou's mouth and pointed to Fujimura Daigawa's room.

"Shh!" Shirou Emiya blinked, and Rin Tosaka let go of his hand.

"Let's go." Rin Tosaka said.

In order not to make a move, Shirou Emiya and Rin Tosaka were ready to be carried by Saber and Red A, and Nanichi blinked his eyes and also jumped into Tosaka Rin's arms.

〈Ding! Rin Tosaka opened the live broadcast room. 〉〈

Lu Mingfei, Hermione, Tony big, seven seven into the live broadcast room.

Hermione: Are you so rolled? Fight late at night, too.

Lu Mingfei: Hehe, you still don't understand. No matter how much × they are in the back, high school students have to attend classes during the day! This is the iron law that transverses the multiverse!

Tony Big: So those sleepy students in the classroom are secretly heroes who save the world?

Lu Mingfei: It's also possible, so don't offend people who doze off in class!

Hermione: It could also be that they simply couldn't listen and were drowsy.

Lu Mingfei: Piercing the heart.

Tony Big Seed: Isn't Seven Seven on the scene? Why do you come to the live broadcast room too?

Lu Mingfei: I guess it's diving to peep at the screen. Soon

, everyone arrived at Willow-dong Temple, which is famous in Fuyuki City.

As soon as they reached the steps of the mountain gate, everyone found a heroic spirit dressed as a Toei samurai standing condescendingly at the gate.

"This road doesn't work." Strange Ying Ling said.

"Are you a follower? Are you allied with Medea?

"Unfortunately, Caster is the Lord who summoned me."

"The Spirit can also summon the Spirit!" Shirou Emiya was taken aback.

"Medea is a magician of the Divine Generation, and it is not unusual for her to have the means to summon heroic spirits and think about it carefully." Rin Tosaka pondered.

〈Lu Mingfei: This dress won't be Dongying's heroic spirit, right?

Hermione: Swordsmen, lancers, archers, cavalrymen, magicians, berserkers, then he is the last hero.

Rin Tosaka: Yes, Assassin – The Hideout.

Lu Mingfei: Isn't that an assassin? Can you see the shadow of the assassin?

Hermione: It's strange in your world, archers specialize in close combat, and assassins show up in the open.

Tony Big Seed: In other words, does Dongying Yingling have a local popularity bonus?

Rin Tosaka: I'm afraid yes, it seems that this time it is tricky.

Lu Mingfei: Don't panic, isn't your Yingling your future husband? Fuyuki City has more indigenous bonuses.

Rin Tosaka: Aaaaa

Tony Big: Hey, isn't that obvious? Holy widow!

Lu Mingfei: And according to that kind of bloody plot, Archer has a high probability of being Shirou Emiya.

Hermione: ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ... Why?

Lu Mingfei: The two of them are rare magicians in Fuyuki City, and now they have been fighting side by side for so many days. Weigong Shilang got the moon first, and the deterioration of the comradeship may become a coyote of the Weigong.

Tony Big: Makes sense.

Hermione: Okay, okay, this may have been the original historical development, but now with the addition of chat groups, I'm afraid things may not be the case. Let's concentrate on watching the battle.

On the other side, Saber had volunteered to fight the enemy.

The others were not idle, Red A had one in one hand and one on his shoulder, and jumped directly from the mountain wall.

But strangely, despite everyone searching inside and outside the Willow Cave Temple, they could not find any trace of Medea.

Finding nothing, several people returned to the door, but were shocked to find that Saber had been suppressed.

Tony: I remember someone saying that swordsmen seem to be heroic spirits with comprehensive abilities.

Lu Mingfei: Actually, it's not surprising that the Weigong coyote is just a novice magician, and Medea was a Greek mythologist when she was active, a magician in mythology!

Lu Mingfei: It's like a novice holding a zero-level god suit, and no matter how you can't beat the big guy with full level equipment.

Tony Big: Why are you so sure?

Lu Mingfei: Novels, games, and anime are basically this routine.

Hermione: But now it's the real world.

Lu Mingfei: Novels also need to be logical, but reality does not need logic at all, what happens is what happens.

Tony Big: It sounds kind of plausible.

Lu Mingfei: Even if someone immediately told me that there really are Ultramen and monsters in the world, I wouldn't be surprised. Seeing

that Saber was about to hold on, Qiqi was about to greet everyone shoulder to shoulder when he heard a voice in the distance.

"All right, Assasin, step aside." When Assassin heard this, he immediately disappeared.

Everyone looked up and saw Medea flying in the sky, her cloak unfurled to the sides, like a big bat.

"You're too arrogant to face us alone, Caster?" Shirou Eimiya said.

"Originally, I was quite scared to see that you gathered so many people to bully me as a weak woman, but now," Medea showed the ordinary person who was restrained on the side, Fujimura Daiga.

"Sister Fuji! You are so mean! Shirou Eimiya shouted.

"Oh, roar, roar! It's a pleasure to see your faces! Medea let out a loud laugh, and the magic thread slowly wrapped around Kamimura Taiga's neck.

"Taking hostages, what the hell do you want to do?" Rin Tosaka asked seriously.

"After all, it's a little fart kid who is still in the ivory tower, you don't think of war as a game of your one-punch and one-punch kids, do you? War has only one goal, and that is to win by any means! Medea was like an elder teaching his juniors at this time, and slowly said, "The so-called art of war—soldiers, sophistication. "

Lu Mingfei: It's over, the lair has been stolen.

Tony big: This is the adult world, since you participate in the war, you must have the consciousness to pay the price.

Hermione: Someone: I'm Iron Man.

Lu Mingfei: A certain iron man who revealed his identity is probably not qualified to say this.

Tony Big Seed: Hmph, I'm alone, as for the enemy wants to sneak up on Stark Tower, then I'll take a look at his pounds. 〉

Although he was still hard in the chat group, Tony Stark lying on the sofa was already full of solemnity.

"It looks like I'm going to build a pair of armor for Pepper too." Tony Stark muttered.

In the Moon World, Medea, who was happy enough, finally said her purpose:

"I'm more interested in the little boy over there, your magic circuit is very interesting, give your body to me!" What do you think? Little boy. "

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