It was a desert of uninhabited red deserts, with active flames on the distant horizon, several huge gears intertwined in the distance, and countless ownerless sword tombstones in the wilderness.

Far from the field of vision, stood a blurry red figure. In the wind and sand, he held his sword in his hand and quietly looked into the distance.

Rin Tosaka, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes sharply.

Is there a connection between the lord and the follower? When did you start noticing the true face of that dream?

That's the hero's mental image. Rin Tosaka's thoughts were messy, and he couldn't help but think.

Among the large number of Spirit Followers are special beings called Guardians, who have been summoned from various ages to prevent the destruction of the world.

Or, to be precise, to prevent destruction caused by humanity itself.

Obviously summoned to save humanity, but constantly forced to deal with the mess that humans have broken into.

From feeling empty to beginning to despise the world, he continued to betray the ideals he guarded after death.

Archer, or Hero Eimiya Shirou, what is your purpose in responding to the Grail's call?

Rin Tosaka couldn't help but want to sense the position of Red A, but found a blur.

On the other side, Shirou Eimiya, who was wrapped in bandages, was also silently reminiscing.

"As a child, I longed to be a partner in justice. After becoming an adult, it is difficult to consider yourself a hero.

"Then Daddy's dream is wrapped up in me."

"Is it? Then I will be at ease. "

The memory of ten years ago is deeply imprinted in the mind of Shirou Emiya, and even if his father Emiya Kiriji did something wrong at the beginning, the path he chose was not wrong.

As the sole survivor of the Fuyuki fire ten years ago, Shirou Emiya decided to be a partner in justice in order not to let the accident ten years ago be reduced to a sad past.

With the ideal that no matter who can live a happy time, Shirou Emiya has been working all the way since ten years ago.

"Then what should be done was decided from the beginning, not to fight because of becoming an imperial lord, but to firmly believe that this is what he can do and cannot do without before deciding to fight." Shirou Eimiya said to himself.

"Do you really want to be a partner in justice?" Red A suddenly appeared next to him.

Without waiting for Shirou Emiya to answer, Red A continued: "If five people are tied to the tram track on the left, and one person is tied to the tram track on the right. Now a runaway tram is coming towards them, you can pull a lever and let the tram go to one of the tracks, so what do you choose?

Eimiya Shirou was silent for a long time and said, "Can't you save one more person?"

Hong A did not answer, but changed the topic and said: "I am a guardian but I can't save humanity." Because the duty of the Guardian is only to clean up the aftermath, to clean up the existence of what has happened, the sins caused by humans.

"As long as it is harmful to the survival of mankind, no matter whether it is good or evil, people must be dealt with, such a guardian is just a killer, it is really stupid, what is the difference between you and the powerless you in front of you?"

"So you regret it?" Shirou Emiya asked.

"In order to realize the boring desire of a partner of justice, I am tired of constantly cleaning up the mess for humanity, but as a heroic spirit, I can only repeat this matter constantly." Red A said, "If I didn't exist in the first place, if I could be eliminated, then..." Before

Hong A finished speaking, Shirou Emiya laughed: "Sure enough, we are different people, no matter what happens, I will never regret it, so I will never agree with you, if you are my ideal, then such a wrong ideal will be destroyed by my own hands."

"Such thoughts are the culprits! As a heroic spirit, I have long transcended the wheel of time, and killing you now will not change anything, but if my faith is destroyed, at least there will be no mistake of a righteous partner in this world!

"Without Saber, what room is there to resist!" Red A said that the tool appeared as the general Mo Xie appeared, and fought with Shirou Eimiya, who used the projection magic tool to show the same weapon.

The two sides attacked each other, but in a moment Shirou was out of breath.

"Is that all? If you want to catch up, it means you have to do the same thing first. See again with your eyes, the world I have arrived.

Red A released his magic power and chanted a mantra:

"This body is made of swords

, blood is like iron, heart is like glass

, traverses countless battlefields

, has not been defeated once

, has not tasted a confidant

, he always stands on the top of

the sword hill, drunk alone in victory

, so this life is meaningless,

then this body is destined to be born for the sword." ,

Unlimited Sword System! "

As the magic unfolds, a world of swords unfolds.

This is the closest magic trick to magic - the inherent enchantment, which embodies the spiritual world of the caster into the enchantment of the real world, and the ability to be close to it can be called the fantasy manifestation.

And the countless long swords in the long wilderness are Archer's treasures.

"Take your false ideals and pass away."

Red A brazenly launched an attack, but the opposite Weigong Shirou seemed to be Xiaoqiang who could not be killed, falling down again and again, getting up again and again, and constantly rushing towards Red A.

One wants to destroy the original self, one wants to defeat the self that stands in the way, and the past and future are intertwined at this moment.

It is undoubtedly a foolish move to attack the legendary heroic spirit with a mortal body, but at this moment, Eimiya Shirou is not without dependence.

The inherent enchantment was originally the ability that he could master in the future, and now under the personal demonstration of Red A, Shirou Emiya has comprehended it.

What's more, Eimiya Shirou also has a holy relic left over from the Holy Grail War ten years ago, the legendary King Arthur's lost scabbard - Avalon.

"It turns out that there really used to be such a me." Red A's hands and feet are not messed up, but his heart is already messed up.

Shirou Emiya grabbed a flaw and plunged the knife into Red A's chest.

"I won, Archer."

"Yes, I lost," Red A said slowly, "I hope you can always practice your philosophy."

After that, Red A's figure dissipated.

Tosaka's house, Tosaka Rin suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the Ling Curse on the back of his hand stunned, and said:

"How is it possible, the connection between the Ling Curse is broken."

She got up from the bed, ran to the door of Qiqi's room, and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang!"

In the room, Qiqi was lying in Saber's arms, sleeping fragrantly, or a rare good dream.

Suddenly, Qiqi in the dream saw a terrifying red figure, and the other party appeared with a snort, and Qiqi could only hide behind the door, listening to the bang outside the door in a daze.

"Ah! Don't catch Qiqi! Qiqi doesn't want to be buried! Qiqi jumped up from Saber's arms, and Saber had already opened his eyes.

When the three of them met, they got a shocking news.

"What, Archer is out?"

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