Outside the castle of Einzberen, Shirou Eimiya and Illas Phil eventually met.

Although it is strange to call a nine-year-old girl her sister, who makes Illya a year older than Shirou, and in the end Shirou Emiya accepts this fact.

Without waiting for everyone to greet each other, Qiqi found that there was something wrong with Illya's state.

"What's wrong with you?" Qiqi asked.

"I thought I could delay for a while," Illya said with a somewhat weak smile, "I didn't expect the time to come so soon."

"Are you sick?" Qiqi, please save her!

"It's useless, Shirou." Illya said, "This body was originally created as the Little Grail, and now that the souls of the seven Leaving Spirits have been stored in my body, it's time for the Little Grail to appear. Before

everyone could digest this information, Ilya transformed into a small chalice.

The Grail was supposed to be a noble and sacred item, but what appeared in front of everyone's eyes exuded an ominous aura.

"The Grail is contaminated."

As if to prove the correctness of this statement. From the small chalice, black mud full of ominous aura constantly gushes, filled with unspeakable evil.

"I know why you ruined the Grail, Daddy." Shirou Eimiya muttered.

Saber on the side looked disillusioned.

Such a holy grail, or black cup, even if the wish can be fulfilled, I am afraid it is achieved in an extremely distorted way.


"In the name of the true king of Doer, and with the spell, Saber, use the treasure to destroy the Holy Grail!"

Such a familiar command made Saber feel like he had traveled back a decade to a decade ago, but in a very different mood.

"Sword of Oath Victory!" The invisible sword in Saber's hand was gradually unsealed, and a brilliance gradually appeared around his body, which was the faith and hope of living beings, and the light of the sky converged on the blade, sending out the strongest fantasy blow, straight to the black mud that was gushing out, the evil of this world.

Good and evil, good and evil are confronted here, the sword of faith has been sent out with full force, but the evil of this world has only had time to reveal part of it, and it is once again beaten back, and dissipated in the air along with the small chalice.

At the same time, Saber's body began to turn into a point of light.

"Shirou, Shichichi, Rin, I'm leaving. It was an unforgettable battle, and the delusion to borrow a shortcut would not end up with the desired result. The Holy Grail, I will not pursue it again. Saber then disappeared into the air.

"It's finally over." Rin Tosaka said.

Just as everyone was trying to sort out the relics, something happened again.

In the place where the little chalice slowly disappeared, a large hole gradually opened, revealing an esoteric aura in the depths of the big hole.

"The root, haha, I finally see the root." Ma Tong Dirty Ink, who was hiding in the shadows to observe, finally couldn't help but jump out and ran towards the big hole in the air at the fastest speed in his life.

However, before he could get closer, he showed a heartfelt smile, and the smiling matong inkstone shattered like a bubble and turned into dust. At the same time, certain bugs in different corners of the world also turned into debris and eventually dissipated.

"Huadao." Qiqi said word by word.

While everyone was silently observing, Qiqi suddenly felt a traction that she couldn't break free.

Qiqi was dragged towards the entrance of the cave like this.

"Seven seven!" Rin Tosaka tried to grab her, but was bounced away.

"Rin, it seems that Qiqi has not been affected!"

Under the noses of the two, Qiqi entered the cave.

Because of her inexplicable protection, Qiqi boldly observed the laws and principles around her, and at this time, she finally understood the words of the sages.

Chao Wen said, you can die at night!

At this moment, Qiqi sensed his past, present, and future possibilities, and six dark stars faintly appeared around him.

Cold echoing star, bright!

Ice Bone Eclipse Star, bright!

Ascending Star of Heaven, Bright!

Heavenly power overwhelms the stars, bright!

Red Lotus Blooming Star, Bright!

Rise to the star of the remains, bright!

The six stars around the body of Seven and Seven shine brightly, connecting with each other to form a set of star maps - the three clear bells.

From this moment on, Qiqi was full of life.

Before Qiqi could carefully feel his peak state, he found that he had reached the end.

Qiqi looked around and found two young girls as tall as her standing not far away.

"Ru is here."

"I've been following Ru for a long time."

The two girls turned around, and Qiqi was shocked to find that the two girls looked exactly like themselves, but one was white-haired and the other was yellow-haired.

"Don't be surprised," said the white-haired Qiqi, "I am the embodiment of the collective will of mankind—Alayah, and what Ruzhi sees is not me, but Ru himself." "

I am the will of the earth—Gaia." Huang Mao Qiqi said.

"Hello, are you looking for me for something?"

"Visitors from the other world, I want to know the body of Ru, the power of Ru." Huang Mao Gaia said.

"Of course, we will give Ru a suitable reward." White-haired Alaya added.

"No problem." Of course, Qiqi did not dare to say that there was a problem.

Huang Mao Gaia immediately said: "I have already given it, and now all the life stars of Ru have been lit, and the hidden power of Ru has reached its full peak.

"Since Ru likes the treasures of our world so much, then I will give Ru a real treasure of my own." The white-haired Alaya said with a smile.

I didn't see any movement from Alayya, but I saw the constellation of Qiqi's life reappeared, and the form of the Sanqing Bell constellation that was originally a constellation map gradually solidified, and finally a real treasure appeared - Sanqing Bell!

"Vibration law bell, gods and ghosts Xian Qin, three clear bells ringing, demons and evil spirits are shocked. This is Ru's exclusive treasure. "

Qiqi carefully experienced the effect of this treasure tool, which is obviously a special attack on the evil treasure tool, and the effect of demons and monsters is outstanding, and it also has a miraculous effect on the spirit body and spiritual power.

Shake the bell and it will attack AOE in all directions in the form of vibration waves, which can hurt the spirit or destroy the entity.

The most important point is that this treasure will not have an effect on Qiqi itself.

Ben was still a little hesitant Qiqi instantly let go of her heart, but turned her head and thought that she was originally a zombie wearing the original Qing Dynasty small official uniform, with talismans attached to her forehead and limbs, and as a result, the left hand knocked the Sanqing bell, and the right hand drew the Duer talisman, uh, the picture is too beautiful, Qiqi is a little unthinkable.

As if seeing through what Qiqi was thinking, the white-haired Alaya reminded: "Ru forgot that Ru is the strongest state in our observable timeline at this moment, although he is a zombie, he is no different from ordinary people.

"Really? That's great! Qiqi jumped up happily.

"Then you guys start checking your body."

"You don't have to. When Ru came to this world, we paid attention, and every time Ru made a move, he was showing the mysteries of the other world, especially when the other side drove my treasures. The white-haired Alaya said.

"When Ru leads to the root and reveals the throne, we will already understand," said Huangmao Gaia, "as for what we are not yet known, no matter how much we pursue it, we will not find anything."

"The deal is done, return it now."

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