A few days after Qiqi returned home, Nick Fury suddenly came to visit again.

"Tony, what are your plans for Miss Seven Seven's future?"

"This depends on Qiqi's own ideas." Tony Stark replied.

"I don't know." Qiqi herself also felt quite confused, in this world she has no bonds, no industry, except for practicing spells, it seems that there is nothing else.

Thinking about it like this, Qiqi missed the continent of Tivat a little.

Hearing Qiqi's words, Nick Fury was secretly happy in his heart and said:

"If there is no goal in the future, stay in the room all day, and people will be wasted."

"What do you suggest?" Qiqi asked.

"I can arrange a place for you, and when you have something to do, maybe you can find your goal."

"Wait," Tony Stark said, "you're child labor!"

"What are you thinking?" Nick Fury rolled his eyes and said with a dark face.

"It's just a record in the archives, I'm still a black household," Nick Fury was unimpressed, "I think Miss Seven Seven is not from this era!"

"I've been following you for a long time, Miss Seventy. At the scene of the salvage of Captain America, the expedition team found you in the cockpit of the plane where Captain America was sleeping," ignoring Tony Stark's shocked expression, Nick Fury continued: "The costume you are wearing is very similar to the official clothing of the Qing Dynasty on the other side of the ocean, and there are strange runes on your body.

"After research and comparison, it was found that this image was active in Hong Kong films in the eighties and nineties, Miss Seven, are you a zombie?"

"Yes, Qiqi is a zombie."

"The zombie image on the other side is similar to zombies and vampires but different, and Qiqi, your performance is very different from the zombies in the traditional sense, no different from ordinary people, and even Taoist spells," Nick Fury said, "After many evaluations, I now officially invite you to S.H.I.E.L.D.

At this time, Tony Stark suddenly interjected: "Then what did you say about the Avengers before?" Nick

Fury coughed dryly and said, "The time has not come, and I will invite you to form the Avengers when it is critical." "

In fact, it was Nick Fury's recent embezzlement of public funds that was somewhat ruthless, and the World Security Council did not approve the proposal to form the Avengers.

"What kind of work?" Qiqi asked, "Is there a salary?"

"Of course, assist in dealing with some supernatural events in the world, and I will give you the treatment of a level five agent."

"How many levels are you?" Tony Stark asked.

"Level ten."

"Then you only give seven seven five levels!"

"Level five is high enough," Nick Fury said angrily, "S.H.I.E.L.D. is not my family, it has to conform to the process!"

Then Nick Fury said to Qiqi: "I think before you officially work, you should get some education in order to better adapt to the life of this world." "

Ah, go to school!"

"That's right, but don't worry, tuition is free during this period, and food is included."

Qiqi thought about it, I don't know how long I will live here in the future, the so-called near water building platform gets the moon first, and it is not bad to mix into the Snake Shield Bureau.

A week later, according to the address given by Nick Fury, Qiqi was sent to Washington by Tony Stark.

After repeated authentication and security scans, Qiqi entered the interior of a huge three-curved wing building.

Just looking at the appearance, it is not at all obvious that it is the headquarters of a secret service organization, but like the headquarters of a group of listed companies, and white-collar workers in and out are busy with their tasks.

Where do I go next? Qiqi stood in the hall, dazed and at a loss.

And the surrounding staff didn't seem to see Qiqi.

Speech Spirit Scythe!

The information of the entire building gradually appeared in Qiqi's mind, and it was strange that there were several places where there was no feedback, as if it was blocked, but Qiqi still found a familiar information.

In an unmanned aisle, Qiqi opened the portal.

The next moment, Qiqi appeared in front of Nick Fury, who was working on the case.

"The first thing you have to learn is not to enter someone's private place without permission." Nick Fury said without raising his head.

"But you didn't tell me where I was going?"

"It was supposed to be a test, but since you've found me, you'll pass," Nick Fury said, "I'll find someone to take you there." Not

long after, a middle-aged man with a dangerous hairline walked in.

"Hello, I'm Phil Coulson."

"Hello, I'm Seven Seven, I met you at Tony Stark."

"That's right, come, follow me, this direction."

Later, under the leadership of Coulson, Qiqi came to the place of learning.

Under Coulson's introduction, Qiqi found that the colleges and universities within S.H.I.E.L.D. were more similar, but the students were either preparatory agents or specially recruited talents in various fields.

However, this is a college run by the secret service organization after all, the duration of study is only half a year, and one term is considered a graduate.

The study direction of the college includes eight categories: field, science, innovation, espionage, agent, strategy, operations, and diplomacy, but there are hundreds of subdivided courses.

Under Coulson's recommendation, Qiqi chose an elite agent training program, but there are still dozens of disciplines involved.

Learning makes me happy, Qiqi said to himself in his heart.

It seems that Coulson is the exclusive mentor assigned by Nick Fury to Qiqi, and Coulson has been guiding Qiqi's learning for the next time.

This is an easy task for Coulson.

Coulson, who has not taken a vacation for a year, regards the task of guiding Qiqi's study as a rare moment of relaxation.

For Qiqi, her favorite is the firearms class, which is much easier to use than a sword!

The seven martial arts masters who had obtained the inheritance of Hercules' martial arts had a strong foundation and quickly mastered the skills of shooting.

But in addition to the combat course, there are a large number of theoretical courses in the training plan of Qiqi, and the general knowledge class is fine, but why are there quantum mechanics, high-energy physics, astrophysics in the course... These things?

Just learning like this, Qiqi felt that he was already a waste zombie.

During this time, Qiqi experienced various courses such as lurking and espionage, government and public relations handling, and mechanical driving, and finally waited for an extracurricular practice.

Qiqi assisted Coulson in his mission this time as Coulson's assistant.

Coulson didn't say the specific mission goal, he only told Seven that the destination was New Mexico.

After showing the documents of an FBI agent to local government officials, Coulson fenced off a wasteland in New Mexico.

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