When Qiqi and Thor enter the fairy palace, Odin is already high on the throne.

"Father, Loki, he ran away." Thor said.

"I know, I hope he gets lost," Odin said, "Thor, go back first."

Then Odin looked at Qiqi and said, "Hello, newborn goddess of winter."

"Hello, my name is Qiqi, not the Goddess of Winter."

Odin thought for a moment and said, "Do you know why we call your earth the atrium? "

In the distant past, the earth gave birth to the first ancient gods under the creation of the power of life and the force of nature," Odin said, "no one knows what happened, only that later most of the old gods dissipated, the powerful ancient gods retreated beyond the dimension, and new gods were born in the scattered divine power of the old gods."

"The reason why we are called the Protoss is because we have obtained the power of the planet, and we call it the Godhead."

Odin paused, and saw that Qiqi was looking at him quietly with wide eyes, so he continued: "Scati is not an Asgardian, she is a remnant of the Eternal Family, and later the god king Bor took her in, and she became the winter goddess of Asgard. "

You gained Scati's power," Odin said, "it's a combination of her own power and the Asa's Godhead." Hearing

this, Qiqi's first thought was Thor. The reason why he is still a hammer god is because he has not yet mastered the power of Thor!

"So Qiqi, are you willing to be the winter goddess of Asgard? It has now been thousands of years since Scati left. "

Scati... Qiqi thought of the memories of the girl she saw before, and in that bumpy life, only the days in Asgard missed her the most. But Qiqi was still a little hesitant.

"I am an immortal, and I am the Rock King Emperor under the throne to save the Bitter Emperor."

"It's okay, we allow part-time jobs here."

"Then I agree to join."

"Welcome, then, Goddess of Winter." Odin said.

Qiqi suddenly thought that he still had an ice box in his hand, so he took it out.

"Since you are the Goddess of Winter, the Ice Box will belong to you," Odin said, "but then you will come with me to a place."

"Where to?" Qiqi asked.


Odin stepped out and took Qiqi to the location of the Warner Protoss.

Qiqi saw all kinds of ships, all kinds of ships, and the divine court of Warnerheim was completely the country of ships, and before he reached the palace, Qiqi smelled the smell of wine.

Coming to the door, Odin just wanted to let the attendant go to report, when an old voice came from the palace: "What are you still standing for?" Come on in!

Odin was quite helpless and walked in with Qiqi.

Qiqi followed Odin to the hall and saw an old man with a white face.

He was tall, shirtless, showing strong muscles, and was drinking with the gods while holding a barrel.

"I said Odin, you old boy hasn't been here for a long time, what wind is blowing you here today."

"Niyod, I have business today." Odin said helplessly.

"You don't even want to call me Father-in-law," Niyod shouted, "and you know you're not going to come over."

Niyod looked into the center of the hall, and when he saw Qiqi, he was stunned. After sensing for a long time, Nyod suddenly said to Qiqi:

"Be my daughter!"

Odin on the side hurriedly stopped: "Niyod, don't mess around." "

Isn't Qiqi his daughter becoming Odin's sister-in-law."

"Why am I messing around, I was also once Scati's husband, this little girl inherited her godhead, isn't that my daughter?"

"I haven't been to Warnerheim for a long time, and I want to visit my mother-in-law." Odin suddenly said to Niyode.

"Ahem, Nielsus is not at home, so what, what are you doing here?"

"This child is a newborn goddess of winter, and needs to be taught by his predecessors."

"Well," Niyod sighed.

He took out an ancient book, rubbed the pages, and finally handed it to Qiqi.

"This is what she left here - The Book of Scati, you take it."

"Thank you Grandpa!"

"I often come and play when I have time! My daughter! Odin

hurriedly took Seven Seven to Nyod and returned to Asgard.

The next day, Odin summoned the gods and announced that there was a new member of the Asa clan, the goddess of winter, Qiqi.

From then on, in this universe, Qiqi is no longer a black household, but a member with a name and surname.

After the usual cheers, a month-long welcome banquet was held.

At this time, Qiqi had the leisure to study the ice box and the Book of Scati.

When the Eye of the Ice God was mixed with the power of Scati, controlling ice had become Qiqi's physical instinct, but how to use it could only be explored by Qiqi himself, and the "Book of Scati" just obtained just solved the urgent need.

The book describes how to use ice energy to condense weapons, techniques for manipulating ice, and various martial arts.

At the same time, Qiqi also learned a new charm from it, the hunting talisman.

This is Scati's signature skill, and when an enemy is marked, the homologous energy will automatically track towards the marker, and it will not die.

Qiqi inexplicably felt that Scati's combat routine was somewhat familiar.

Then, Qiqi turned his gaze to the ice box.

The ice box is a congenital fetish, which contains a huge and endless magical power, creating an environment covered in ice and snow all year round in Jotunheim, and was made into a treasure of the town by the frost giant a long time ago.

The reason why they can only be used by frost giants is because they are naturally resistant to cold and can adapt to the extreme cold emitted by the treasure box.

Qiqi carefully opened the ice box a tiny gap, and a cold aura oozed out of it, and the room instantly dropped by several degrees.

She didn't dare to slacken, put her hand on the gap, and the ice attribute immortal power mixed with a trace of spiritual power slowly probed into the treasure box.

The first thing I felt was the endless cold, the power of ice filled the entire space, and the depths of the treasure box faintly exuded a darker aura.

Qiqi mobilized immortal power and established a wistful connection with the treasure box.

Then, Qiqi's mind moved, and he began to try to absorb the power of cold ice in the depths.

The moment the ice power in the depths of the treasure box entered his body, Qiqi felt the difference between it and ordinary ice energy.

The cold energy of the ice box is not only ice energy, it is also mixed with the breath of death. Legend has it that the ice box can destroy the planet, and that is because the wind and frost blowing carry death and withering, the earth is frozen, and life is extinct.

The frost carrying the breath of death should have made life wither, but Qiqi did not have any discomfort.

Because winter originally represents death and slaughter, the goddess of winter, that is, the god of ice and winter, Scati before was only restrained by the presence of Hela.

What's more, Qiqi is a non-living and non-dead ice zombie, and its compatibility with the ice box is extremely high.

During this month's time, Qiqi continued to absorb the energy in the ice box, feeling the breath of death, and in the end, Qiqi felt that he had reached his limit, but the ice box showed no signs of weakening. Qiqi realized that it was time to resign.

Originally, the Asgardians also wanted to hold another godhood banquet for Qiqi, after all, not every Asgardian can directly book the power of Thor like Thor, but unfortunately Qiqi refused because he wanted to return to Earth.

Of course, later, the Asgardians held a banquet for Thor's return, and there were even proposers who held a banquet for Loki's disappearance.

When Qiqi offered to go home, Odin gave Qiqi the status of an Asgard diplomat on Earth, and asked Qiqi to return with Asgard's token.

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