"My research suggests that exposure to high-energy cosmic currents generated by the solar wind may trigger the evolution of life on early Earth." In one conference room, a young man was talking.

Operating the three-dimensional projection, he said: "In six weeks, another cloud with the same constituent elements will pass through the orbit of the Earth.

"Research in space can improve our knowledge on the basis of human genetic structure, treat countless diseases, and even promote human evolution..."

A man on the other side said.

"Well, I'm not done with my plan, Mr. Stark."

"Sounds good, if it was before, I would have discussed it with you, but now, I have more important things." Tony Stark said.

"Please wait a minute

, Mr. Stark, if you support my project, I will transfer all the benefits..." "I think you misunderstood, Mr. Reed Richards, I will invest in your project, but you can talk to my assistant Pepper about the specifics." Tony Stark finished and went to his lab.

If not for Reid. Richards is a young scientific talent who has recently gained fame, and Tony Stark will remain in the lab.

"Then the supercomputer I just mentioned..."

"No problem, you can apply for it when Stark Industries runs out."

Reed Richards, who got the desired result, walked out of the Stark Building with a beaming face.

"How's Reed?" Ben Greim, who was waiting outside, asked.

"If it works, Stark Industries will invest in my project."

"Then we don't have to go to Victor?"

"Yes, his company's space station is an excellent location to study high-energy cosmic streams." Reed Richards said.

Victor von Dum, who had been waiting for the company for a long time, thought that he would successfully win the leadership of Reed's scientific research project, but he did not expect to wait for the news that Stark Industries had joined the investment.

Victordum, who was confident in Reed's research, did not want to miss this opportunity and held long negotiations with Reed and Stark Industries.

In the end, Stark Industry V, Victor Dum III, and Reed Richards II determined the investment ratio.

Victor Dum sent his own genetic research director Susan Stone to follow up on the project.

Working with his ex-girlfriend was a bit embarrassing for Reed Richards.

"You can call me tomorrow morning and ask about the configuration and team members." Susan handed her business card to Reid.

"I have your number."

"It's changed early." Susan said expressionlessly.

"Ahem, what, as for the team members, I think "Ben" can be the driver of this mission."

"We already have a choice to drive, but we could have been a deputy."

"Who?" Reid asked subconsciously.

"My brother, Johnny Stone."

After separating from Susan, Reed and Ben return to their own mansion, Baxter Building.

"Can't do it, can't do it at all!" Ben said loudly.

"It's similar to your previous job in a spaceship."

"I don't want to be that guy's deputy!"

"Don't be, Ben."

"That madman was kicked off by the General Administration of Aviation and Aerospace because he secretly let two girls who wanted to be underwear models into the mock cockpit."

"Young and full of spirit."

"They hit the wall! Just in the cockpit simulator! With a face that resembles Captain America, but doing the same playboy behavior as Tony Stark! "Bendu didn't want to mention him.

On the other side, a man in a trench coat gallops down a suburban road on a motorcycle while he sticks his head to the side and kisses a girl in a convertible.

"Hey, I heard you're a relative of Captain America?"

"I don't know, maybe he's a distant relative of mine." What do you think? What does it feel like to kiss

Captain America" "Come on, Captain America is a serious person, like you."

"Hahahaha!" Johnny Stone laughed, his face almost identical to Captain America made him invincible among the flowers.

At this moment, a streamer flew from a distance and shot straight at Johnny Stone.

Johnny, who had no time to dodge, was hit by the streamer, but when the light dissipated, the terrified Johnny found that nothing had happened, only an extra ring on his hand.

After this episode, Johnny lost interest in playing and hurried home.

As soon as Johnniston opened the door, he found a cyclone shooting out of the room, and he was caught off guard.

"Johnny, are you all right?" Susan hurried out of the house.

"Sister, you put that air mass just now?"

"I don't know why this happened, I was panicking, you opened the door and came in, and I subconsciously launched it."

"Sister, do you have superpowers?" Johnny exclaimed.

"It's not me, it's supposed to be the reason for this ring." Susan illuminated the ring on the middle finger of her right hand, which was set with blue circle-shaped gemstones.

Seeing the ring on Susan's hand, Johnny was stunned, and at the same time, he also showed his left hand to his sister.

Johnny Stone also wears a ring on his left index finger, but with red gemstones.

"Your ring also flew over suddenly?" Susan asked.


Let's go home first." Realizing that something was wrong, Susan dragged Johnny back home.

"Sister, how to use the ring."

"Actually, I didn't figure it out, I just looked at this ring and stared at it for a while," Susan said with some embarrassment, "You also know that I was in a relationship once, and Reed guy didn't know about gifts, only remembered his experiments."

Johnny changed the subject knowingly: "So you want to stare at it?" I'll try.

Johnny stared wide-eyed for a full ten minutes, his eyes almost dry and unresponsive.

"I guess you should still stare at it," Susan suggested, "and you can think of the ring as a life."

Johnny stared at the ruby on the ring, watching as he noticed in a trance that there was a graceful red figure in the gemstone.

His body subconsciously leaned forward, but he only saw a whole piece of red, and in the red, a fire gradually ignited.

"Ugh!" Johnny suddenly woke up to find Susan looking at him angrily, the sofa next to him covered with burnt marks.

Johnny smiled and realized the power of his ring—flame.

"So yours is Cyclone and mine is Flame," Johnny concluded, "Why don't we be superheroes, your name is Cyclone, my name is Thunderfire, just like Iron Man."

Susan gave Johnny a brainstorm, rolled her eyes, and said, "You're not working?" Do not work and drink the northwest wind to go. We are not rich people like Tony Stark, let's support ourselves first.

Johnny pouted, but heard Susan say, "Prepare well, we will soon go to space." "

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