Looking at the five people who fell in the ruined space station, Qiqi's mind moved, sent them into the return module, and then the return module ejected and landed on the ground.

Not long after, the space station finally disintegrated, and the remaining debris began to fall under the capture of Earth's gravity, gradually turning into a wisp of fire and disappearing into the air.

The project was undoubtedly a complete failure, and Stark Industries' investment was completely lost.

But Tony Stark is not the worst, he only lost a few hundred million dollars.

And Victordum directly lost money to a space station, and the company's tens of billions of dollars of physical assets turned into a few fireworks in the sky.

Affected by this adverse information, the stock of Dum Company fell directly into waste paper, and all the industries that Dum had worked hard for were wiped out.

Victordum, whose mentality was completely broken, awakened the energy hidden in his body.

Since everything is destroyed, then I, Victordum, am - Dr. Doom.

Doom, who became Dr. Doom, went bankrupt and went straight back to his hometown in Eastern Europe, Latvia.

He and Reid parted ways completely.

On the other hand, Reed, Ben, Johnny and Susan also found that their rings seemed to become part of their bodies, and they could naturally use their abilities.

After exposing their superpowers to prevent a traffic accident, the four directly combined to debut as superheroes - the Fantastic Four.

Raiden Rubber Man – Reed Richards

, Thunderbolt Fire – Johnny

Stone, Invisible Storm Woman – Susan Stone, Ice Stone

Man – Ben Greim.

Reed Richards, who is the captain, has another special nickname called Mr. Fantastic.

As the saying goes, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation.

The people of the United States are mostly envious of Iron Man, but there is no sense of substitution, they do not think that they can become Iron Man, after all, it is very rich to be Iron Man.

But the mutation is different, "I can do it when I go up".

Therefore, the magical four heroes with handsome men and beautiful women and different abilities are full of substitution for the people of the United States, and for a while the fantastic four have become the new favorite of the media industry.

Qiqi, who successfully harvested the four-person Ice Power Hang-up Simulator, was ready to continue his efforts and released the other six rings in one go.

However, this time the result was not satisfactory, Qiqi waited for nearly a month, and did not sense that the ring was activated.

Unable to eat hot tofu in a hurry, Qiqi is ready to take his time and wait for the blossom to bear fruit.

Because there is another more important thing now, Qiqi feels that the earth's space is becoming more and more unstable.

The most volatile place is in London, the capital of the United Kingdom.

Qiqi stood up, stepped out, and the next moment she appeared in an abandoned factory in London.

In one of the workshops of this factory, Qiqi clearly sensed the aura of the otherworld.

The Marvel Universe is not only a material universe, in addition to the dimension where the earth is located, there are many ectopic planes attached to the material plane.

Asgard is one of them.

Asgard's successive god kings have conquered the east and west, the south and the north, conquering the eight planes, plus the earth in the center, collectively known as the Nine Realms.

This is also the origin of the earth's nickname atrium.

Now that the nine worlds are about to join pearls and converge somewhere, the gravitational pull of the nine worlds on each other has caused an extremely strange physical phenomenon.

The physical rules of the location where Qiqi is located are the most severely distorted, and they are affected by unknown energy.

Qiqi followed the traces of space and flew in.

Walking out of the space door, Qiqi's eyes were greeted by a desolate temple.

The temple itself is not beautiful, but rather rugged, and although it is different from Asgard's buildings today, it can be seen that they are in the same lineage.

Qiqi walked into the temple and saw the dark red liquid that was pressed under the boulder.

The dark red liquid was obviously spiritual, and although the main body was still pressed under the boulder, there was already a lot of erratic liquid scattered in every corner of the hall.

Qiqi could feel the huge energy it contained, almost comparable to the space gem.

This is exactly - ether particles.

Or a reality gem.

However, ether particles cannot be completely equal to real gems.

After Malekis, the Lord of the Dark Elves, obtained the Reality Gem many years ago, although he did not recognize it, he also knew that it was a rare treasure.

But he couldn't afford to use the reality gem directly, so Malekith had to soak the reality gem with dark energy year after year, and finally branded it.

The Reality Gem also turns into an ether particle, with the ability to rewrite reality regardless of the rules.

Malekis originally wanted to pull the universe back into primordial darkness, but was almost completely destroyed by the Asgardian army that came with the Rainbow Bridge.

The ether particles were also seized by the then god king Bor.

Unlike Odin, who pursued wisdom in his later years, Odin's father, King Bor, was a distinctly Norse barbarian style, paying attention to straightforwardness and opening and closing, and he had no idea how to place this liquid etheric particle.

But let it go, the ether particles will escape again, and the consequences are endless.

In the end, the anxious Bor God King directly moved the extremely dense boulder and pressed it on top of the ether particles, while applying a divine power seal.

For thousands of years, the inside of the boulder has been full of cracks under the resistance and erosion of etheric particles, and it seems that it cannot be suppressed.

But the rough man Bor can't help it, seven or seven have.

Disposing of Infinity Stones can also be regarded as Qiqi's old skill.

The dark red energy transformed by the etheric particles is rampaging through the temple, and some of them even want to rush towards Qiqi.

Qiqi directly urged Sanqing Bell and blocked the space of the temple.

The energy of the temple that was just a reality gem escaping was not the slightest room for resistance.

At the same time, a huge amount of psychic power rushed towards the etheric particles under the boulder.

Under the combined suppression of the Space Gem and the Mind Gem, the first thing that could not hold on was the boulder with severe wear.

The boulder eventually turns into debris, while the etheric particles are firmly imprisoned in place, while enduring the constant erosion of the power of the mind.

The targeted ether particle wanted to yell that it was unfair to cheat more, but the two gems did not respond.

The annoyed etheric particles even want to summon their former host, Malekith.

But unfortunately, it cannot break through the double blockade of space and heart.

The imprint left by Malekith was gradually worn out, and the etheric particles completely turned into the shape of seven sevens.

The liquid particles also gradually condensed into a dark red gemstone, and then merged into the Sanqing Bell.

The yellow sapphire inside the Sanqing bell welcomed a new neighbor and even flashed to welcome it.

From this, Qiqi gained a new energy - to modify reality.

This is the authority of the Creator God, ignoring existing rules, directly creating something out of nothing, and the great change is the size of the true heart.

And how big is Qiqi's heart? Mind gemstones are that big.

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