Seeing Peter Parker stunned in place, Ben Parker is also a little unhappy, I am dying, at least give a reaction to your instructions before dying, right?

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, hear no!" Ben Parker roared huffily.

"Heard me." Peter Parker pointed to his wound.

Ben Parker also reacted, originally he was ready to see God, why is he not dead?

Then he saw the healing wound and stood up with his whole life.

Knowing that this seemed to have something to do with Peter Parker, the uncle and nephew returned home full of doubts.

Under Ben Parker's repeated questioning, Peter Parker explained these things about his abilities and the ring that suddenly appeared.

Over the next week, Ben Parker and Peter Parker conducted a full-scale trial of his abilities.

Of course, all this is hidden from Ben Parker's wife, Mei Parker, so much so that she has recently suspected that Ben Parker is having an affair.

Because of the spider's bite and gaining superpowers, Peter Parker's strength, agility, and nerve reaction speed have been comprehensively improved.

In tests, it was found that Peter Parker could lift weights up to twenty tons and could withstand the same number of force blows.

And the speed of running at full strength is close to 2 times the speed of sound.

Definitely a hero of Double A.

In addition, Peter Parker also figured out the ability of the ring that was accidentally activated.

Rings can actually rearrange the atoms and molecules of matter, or speed up or slow down their movement, resulting in different effects.

Peter Parker once tried without Ben Parker that he could turn charcoal into diamonds!

Of course, diamonds are more hyped, the real value is not easy to judge, it is not easy to sell too much.

But precious metals are no problem, and Peter Parker has decided to sneak to the beach when he is strapped for money one day.

At the same time, Peter Parker also found that perhaps due to the influence of the ring, the inside of his body can also synthesize a very tough silk thread, which is emitted through the wrist.

After two and a half weeks of practice, with the support of Ben Parker, Spider-Man Peter Parker, a good neighbor of the people of New York, officially went online and successfully debuted as a superhero.

I believe that after passing the novice period, Spider-Man can also become a member of the Cold Winter Line, contributing to the development of the power of Winter.

Qiqi's spiritual power retreated satisfied.

The flowers bloom in two, one on each side.

The host of the other ring seems to be in danger.

Qiqi, who was a little curious, leaned out a wisp of spiritual power.

This ring has long been far away from the earth, across the cosmic sea of stars, and Qiqi feels that the signal is somewhat delayed.

But when he poked out of the ring, Qiqi found that the ring was not worn on his hand, but fell in a pile of debris.

Wrong! There is a faint life force in the debris, which has a seemingly inconsocuous connection with the ring.

This host is a little fierce, and it has turned into ashes and can still be alive.

Qiqi summoned the cold ghost to take care of him, and then looked around.

Although it is an alien planet, it is still green and green, and most of the creatures on this planet are not much different from the earthlings.

However, what attracted Qiqi's attention the most was the blue-skinned man who came out of a ruin.

To be precise, it was a hammer held by the blue-skinned man.

The hammer emits a purple halo, which contains extremely strong energy.

This familiar style is obviously another infinity stone.

Qiqi, who originally only wanted to observe secretly, became interested.

Using the ring as a guide, Qiqi turned on the teleportation and teleported to the destination - Shandar Star.

The blue-skinned man in Shandar Star is none other than a commander of the Kree Empire, named Ronan, the Controller.

Ronan and the Shandar fought in the war, and now he wants to destroy the star of Shandar.

Ronan holds the Infinity Stones Hammer and slowly urges the power of the gems.

Just as he was about to destroy Shandar Star with one blow, he saw Qiqi appear out of thin air, and Ronan, who sensed that something was wrong, stopped moving.

As soon as Qiqi, who teleported over, arrived at Shandar Star, he heard a strange music coming from the side.

Qiqi and Ronan looked at the same time and found that it was a man in a jacket dancing awkwardly.

Not only Ronan, but even his companions were stunned by his commotion, and the three parties were embarrassed in place.

Seeing that Ronan did not let his guard down because of his embarrassing dance, Star-Lord Peter Quill stopped his movements angrily.

And Ronan focused most of his attention on the newly emerged Qiqi.

"You are very strong," Ronan said slowly, "but you don't know the power of the Infinity Stones!" Surrender to me!

Qiqi looked at Ronan with a question mark on his face.

Ronan showed the warhammer in his hand and said, "In the face of the power that can destroy the universe, you will be defeated!"

"Sorry, I have three gems like this!" Qiqi said softly.


Ronan's space was suddenly blocked, and the whole person suddenly couldn't move.

And Qiqi stretched out his hand and pointed at Ronan, and the war hammer in Ronan's hand suddenly turned into a bubble.

The purple Infinity Stones wrapped in bubbles flew to Qiqi's side.

When the bubble dissipated, Qiqi pinched the purple Infinity Stone, the Power Gem.

Ronan has a saying that I don't know if I should talk about it.

With his strong physical qualities not daring to directly touch the Infinity Stones, how could this little girl be so relaxed?

Is she the real daughter of the universe?

However, Ronan also knew the huge gap in strength between the two sides, and did not dare to act rashly, of course, he could not move.

Seeing that Qiqi easily subdued the strong enemy, Peter Quill breathed a sigh of relief and walked up calmly.

"Hey, beautiful little sister-in-law, I'm Star-Lord, the captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and these are my teammates in the back," Star-Lord introduced.

"Hello, my name is Qiqi," Qiqi pointed to the pile of dead branches on the ground and asked, "Is it also your teammate?"

Star-Lord suddenly became sad and said, "Yes, Groot consumed his life force to protect us.

"It's not dead." Qiqi said.

"What!" The rocket raccoon on the side was the first to jump, "Please save it!" "

With Qiqi's instruction, the cold ghost guarding on the side almost released the power of life.

Among the dead branches on the ground was a fragment containing Groot's life mark and the last life energy.

Now, with the help of the cold ghost, the dead branch has sprouted and slowly turned into the appearance of a toddler Groot.

Of course, the newborn Groot cannot leave the earth yet, it needs to draw energy through the earth.

"I'm going to bring it." Qiqi said.

"This..." Xingjue was a little embarrassed, on the one hand, after fighting side by side, Groot had long been a member of his recognition, he didn't want to be separated from his teammates, but on the other hand, he was afraid that Qiqi had some good means of recuperation there, and it was not good not to go.

At this time, the little Groot on the side shook the branch.

"Groot said it would." Rocket Raccoon translated.

"Okay." Star-Lord decided to respect Groot's wishes.

Qiqi dragged Groot away with his hand.

After Qiqi left, the rocket raccoon thought of something and said, "Qiqi forgot one thing."

Everyone turned their gaze to Ronan, the immobile controller.

Ronan, who was still pretending to be dead, wanted to cry without tears.

Although he is one of the best warriors among the Kree, he cannot be alone in Shandar after losing the power gem.

Although Ronan was imprisoned in place by Qiqi, the others were not affected.

The slowed down Shandar directly put a shackle on Ronan, and built a prison on the spot with the strongest material in the universe centered on Ronan.

And after returning to Earth, Qiqi immediately put Groot into the dirt, and at the same time summoned the cold ghost to guard it.

The smiling face of the cold ghost froze for a moment.

The owner doesn't love me anymore! Bring other leprechauns to the house! And let me take care of it!

Although the cold ghost had some small emotions, he did not dare to disobey Qiqi's order after all, and floated towards Little Groot one by one.

Then it went around slowly.

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