Inside a secret and heavily guarded base, a riot has just taken place.

An important experimental subject at the base lost control of his abilities, causing huge losses.

But fortunately, her ability seems to have just been activated, and she is not skilled in using it, and she was eventually re-locked in the deepest isolation room.

And this experimental subject is - Wanda Maksimov.

At a very young age, Wanda discovered that she had a magical ability to win every time she bought a lottery ticket if she wanted to win the lottery.

With this ability, she brought a lot of wealth to the family.

But the good times did not last long, and her abnormality was finally discovered.

During a trip, Wanda was kidnapped and taken to a secret base.

Her kidnapper was none other than the notorious Hydra leader, Baron Strack, who inherited most of the Red Skull's inheritance.

After a long period of research, Strack discovered that Wanda's ability is related to probability, and she can modify the probability of an event occurring.

But Hydra researchers have not found the principle behind it, but Wanda's ability has been applied to Hydra's experiments.

Since obtaining Wanda, the success rate of the Hydra Vein experiment under Baron Strack is extremely high.

As a result, the labs they control are highly sought after by unwitting graduate students around the world.

Unlike hard-pressed graduate students, who spend months or even three or five years getting the expected data, Hydra's graduate students usually succeed after a few experiments.

Therefore, although Wanda is a detained experimental subject, it has been secretly regarded as the god of scientific research by researchers.

Recently, however, things have changed, and a mysterious ring that breaks through the blockade suddenly appears on Wanda's finger.

And in one experiment, the entire laboratory was twisted by unknown forces.

It took a lot of effort for the Hydra members to regain control of Wanda.

Unfortunately, the ring could not be removed, and even started running automatically when Hydra wanted to cut Wanda's finger.

In order to make Wanda not have the energy to use the ring, Baron Strack even placed light sources around Wanda's room, and turned on the bright light twenty-four hours a day.

In the corner of the room, Wanda folded her hands in her knees, buried her head in her knees, and silently endured the bright light.

Unable to sleep, she had to turn her attention to the ring.

She could faintly sense the power inside the ring.

After repeated attempts, Wanda finally got in touch.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked tentatively.

"I am the Lord of Winter." A majestic voice replied.

Although she heard a magnificent voice in her head, Wanda strangely felt that the voice seemed to be a little immature.

Wanda shook her head, shaking off this unreliable idea, it should be hallucinating after not sleeping for a long time.

"Why did the ring choose me?" Wanda continued to ask.

"Because you fit."

"So what do I need to do?"

"Use this power," Qiqi said, "and the ring will guide you in the future." Even

in the end, Qiqi signed a contract with Wanda, and then Qiqi separated a wisp of primordial winter power from the ring and threw it into Wanda's body.

Wanda's ability to modify the probability of events is gradually integrated into the power of winter, which has evolved into Wanda's unique winter magic.

With the power of winter as a source of energy, the modification probability is no longer as rootless as before, but is effectively controlled by Wanda.

At the same time, Wanda also establishes a spiritual connection with the ring.

And that ring is exactly - gravitational manipulation.

So Wanda's spirit began to urge the ring.

Although Wanda is still quietly crouching in the corner, she is already ready to go.

Suddenly, the walls of Wanda's room were pulled by different gravitational forces in all directions and directly scattered.

An alarm sounded instantly inside the base.

The Hydra security forces not far away soon arrived, but by this time Wanda had already lifted the ceiling.

The Hydra elite pulled the trigger of the anesthesia gun towards Wanda.

But the anesthesia bomb popped off when it was seven steps away from Wanda, as if it had hit a transparent shield.

This is the gravitational field built by Wanda, centered on Wanda, but produces an outward gravitational force.

The anesthetic bombs scattered all over the place flew back into the air under Wanda's control, and then turned around and fired at the Hydra troops in unison.

The hydra that was shot was constantly numb, and soon Wanda swept away the hydra inside.

Baron Strack, who sensed the danger, had already moved to another base, and then quickly transferred the troops with real guns. Since you can't control Wanda, then simply destroy it.

Under Baron Strack's orders, several tanks slowly turned their guns and aimed them directly at Wanda.

When the tank fired, all the shells fired by the tank exploded directly at the barrel, causing martyrdom.

All tanks were blown up.

Ashkenazi equipment seemed to become Indian equipment in front of Wanda, and it failed step by step.

Even if a shell is successfully fired, it will successfully hit friendly forces under the pull of gravity.

Hydra's troops were full of fire and successfully destroyed their entire army.

Wanda, who successfully solved the enemy, felt at a loss.

She was kidnapped as a child, her impression of home was blurred, and when the base was blown up, she had nowhere to go.

The heavens and the earth are so big that there is nowhere to stay.

And just then, the ring gave her an address.

Thinking of the Lord of Winter he met before, Wanda suddenly had motivation again.

Since the Lord of Winter has given her strength, then she should follow the Lord of Winter.

Wanda, who had made a decision in her heart, followed the guidance of the ring and set off for a distant place.

And Baron Strack, who was hiding in the shadows, was violent and angry.

"Lately the earth has become more and more dangerous." Baron Strack hated it.

Since entering the twenty-first century, there have been more and more people with superpowers, and even terrifying existences such as the Hulk and Thor, which has made it difficult for Hydra to rule the world.

I think that Hydra was invincible with the Winter Soldier, and now Baron Strack feels that the Winter Soldier can even deal with the new hero Spider-Man in New York.

"It can't go on like this! Hydra must also have superpowers! Baron Strack said through gritted teeth.

"You finally figured it out." A voice came from outside.

A masked man walked in.

"Although you inherited my father's legacy, only I know his core secret."

"You know, the key is in my hands, daughter of the Red Skull, Cynthia Schmidt."

"Hmph, so we need to cooperate!" Cynthia said.

Cynthia then took off her hood, revealing her red skeleton face.

"So, let's go."

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