Hammers outside space rushed towards Earth at great speed.

The satellites of the US military only captured the image of seven meteors flashing by, and watched powerlessly as they fell to all parts of the world.

A small town in the western United States.

"Do you want to tease the Great Red Tank?" A strong man wearing a metal hood and several iron rings on his limbs shouted at the man opposite.

"Hey, Red Tank, we said the commission is $500."

"I killed the gang boss who was hostile to you, and you gave you $500?"

"Okay, okay, count me a loss," the man on the other side took out 3 bills with a pained look and handed them over, "Hey, $800 is fine!" "

That's pretty much it," Red Tank put away the $800 contentedly, "No one wants to trick Red Tank!" Just

as the red tank was about to leave, there was a sudden loud bang on the roof, a large hole in the ceiling, and half of the room was reduced to ruins.

"What a thing!" The red tank looked into the big hole in the ground and found that it was a golden warhammer.

"If you sell it, you will definitely get a lot of money." The red tank didn't want to grab directly at the hammer handle.

At the moment of grabbing the handle of the hammer, the red tank was controlled by the hammer of the great serpent.

At the same time, the red tank's whole body was automatically covered with a battle armor made of God Domain metal, and the armor was also distributed with divine power inscribed patterns.

One of the Skyhammer Venerables, the Stone Crusher Red Tank was born!

Under the control of the big snake, the red tank headed towards the nearest big city, Los Angeles.

The more fearful a human being, the more powerful the God of Fear becomes.

Let the world feel the pain!

Meanwhile, Bruce Banner, who was meditating in the Avengers Mansion trying to control his emotions, was smashed squarely by a hammer falling from the sky.

The fiery Hulk appeared directly and set his sights on the culprit.

When Hulk saw the hammer, it instantly brought up the unpleasant experience in his memory, and he became even more angry.

The Hulk jumped directly next to the hammer and raised the Great Serpent's Hammer.

The Hulk was also controlled, and the Hulk the Breaker was born.

The avengers, caught off guard, were directly hit by the Hulk.

Black Widow and Hawkeye were seriously injured on the spot, and Captain America could still be supported by the huge force of the Hulk with his energy-absorbing vibranium shield.

But there have also been several dangers.

After all, the Hulk can be hit countless times, and the American team will be cool as long as it is hit.

Iron Man swam through the air and fired a magic energy cannon.

But unfortunately, it has almost no effect on the Hulk, but it makes him more violent.

Originally, the Hulk had thick skin and flesh, but now he was enchanted by the divine power of the hammer, and his defense power soared.

In desperation, Iron Man can only take the rest of the people to retreat strategically when Captain America resists damage, and then the American team also takes the opportunity to evacuate.

Without an enemy, the Hulk followed the hammer's instructions and headed for Washington.

On the other side of the globe, Barberton, South Africa, the Greenstone Mountains.

An identical warhammer fell from the sky and landed in the mine.

The mine is run by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Creel, who absorb them.

Karl Creel was a former criminal who was transformed by Loki with magic during the New York War, gaining the ability to absorb all the substances he came into contact with.

After that, he was active in the United States as a super criminal, but after meeting his current wife Titania, he decided to wash his hands and go back to his hometown to get married.

Starting a family still had to start a business, so he took over a diamond mine in South Africa.

The sound of the hammer falling caught the attention of the miners, who came to check it out.

The absorber drove them back to their workstations and tried it himself.

"Good fellow, this broken thing can't be moved."

"Okay, let me go back to work!" Time is diamonds, you hillbilly, don't always stand silly, and you can't dig? The absorber shouted loudly, "The more you don't dig, the fewer diamonds my mother-in-law has, and our pension..."

"Listen to me, Titania, no matter how you pull it, it won't move."

"Just talk nonsense, silly big man, get out of the way."

"Look at my hand, I wanted to absorb it, but it didn't—" "

Shh—it cried like a baby." Titania whispered, grasping the handle.

A strong light flashed, and it turned out to be Titania in a brand new armor - the Spirit Exterminator.


"Let's go, my love, follow me north."

The originally tall absorber was half-squatting on the ground at this moment, and said pitifully:

"Going north? I don't, baby what do you say, you... Isn't it...... Really you?

"The north has your warhammer, besides, I'm not me, at least there is a voice in my head." Titania said.

"What hammer, are you like this, or is it like Thor?" How far north is it?

"Okay, shut up, little man, just follow me, he's talking!"

"Go, spread my horror to the world."

"Men, women and children should not let go of any assets, kill them all."

"This is war, no one is a civilian."

"Preach my gospel to every corner of this planet and scare every creature!"

His words were not only sounding in Titania's mind, but also heard by every Heavenly Hammer Venerable.

At the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantean Sea Man also held a giant hammer, turned into a sea breaker, and smashed the submarine pipeline with a hammer.

In London, England, the hammer-wielding degenerate gray gargoyle dropped thousands of corpses and crashed Big Ben.

The absorbers who got the hammer also began to wreak havoc in Dubai.

Washington, Los Angeles, Dubai, London... The seven Heavenly Hammer Venerables set off chaos together, and the endless power of fear turned into the source of power for the Great Snake Kur.

But the words of the great snake Kul were also heard by Qiqi.

Originally, Qiqi's attention was all focused on an existence that was about to come in the future, but the arrogant words of the big snake Kul made Qiqi feel very annoyed, and she decided to let the big snake also feel the pain.

In Manhattan, New York, the Fantastic Four are pulling up the realm around the crater where the hammer fell.

At this moment, the stone man suddenly received a guide, and he reached for the hammer handle.

"Ben, what are you doing!" Mr. Fantastic on the side stretched his neck to several meters long, and his head caught up with the stone man and asked.

"Take the hammer."

Ben Yi grasped the warhammer and transformed into the Heavenly Hammer Venerable, the Soul Eater, after a burst of strong light.

Mr. Fantastic, Invisible Woman, and Thunderbolt are shocked and even ready for battle.

But the stone man did not start destroying on the spot like other people with hammers, but turned the hammer to take off and disappeared into the sky.

The Avengers, who evacuated from the Avengers Mansion, arrived at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Trident Mansion.

"It seems that another world crisis has emerged." Nick Fury took a deep breath.

He then briefed the Avengers on the latest situation.

"About three hours ago, we started tracking the impact curve of an object in outer space," Nick Fury said, "and colliding with Earth at their speed would have caused a huge impact, but it has not caused damage on that scale so far."

"And such a fall phenomenon has also occurred in many parts of the world."

"According to statistics, a total of seven hammers landed, and those who got the hammers without exception all began to wreak havoc, even slaughtering humans."

"Guys, I think we're going to stop them."

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