I Am Invincible From the End of the World

Chapter 429: Liu Miaomiao is concerned

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It has to be said that the vitality of mutant zombies is really too tenacious, especially the "dead claw", which is considered to be an overlord among mutant zombies.

Even if Zuo Wenyao was a whole realm higher than the opponent, it took a full minute to kill him.

Of course, this is mainly because he didn't drive his legendary mecha over here. Otherwise, fighting an opponent who is a whole realm lower than himself is really no different from abusing children.

Zuo Wenyao stood on the huge head of "Dead Claw", panting slightly, frowning tightly, his expression solemn.

There is no doubt that this is a second-order "dead claw", and it is still the second-order peak.

However, when he just arrived, the aura emanating from the other party was only first-order.

After he displayed his demon body and made the other party feel a deadly threat, this "dead claw" broke some kind of shackles, fully showing the strength of the second-order mutant zombies.

In other words, the other party used some unknown method to forcibly reduce the aura on his body to the first order.

Honestly, it's pretty scary.

It is precisely because of this ability that the opponent can escape the pursuit of the military.

The question now is, how does the other party do this?

How big is the price to pay to hide the breath like this?

If the other mutant zombies in the abyss plane can do this relatively easily, then this is definitely a very terrifying thing. At that time, the military wants to use the instruments to lock the high-level mutant zombies that escaped, just It's not that easy anymore.

"Old Lu, send someone to protect this 'dead claw', pull it back and slice it, and study how the other party hides its aura." Zuo Wenyao briefly explained what had just happened.

Lu Wei couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when he heard it, because he had directly judged that this was a second-order mutant zombie from the opponent's body size and combat power, but he had no idea about the hidden aura.

But soon, he realized the seriousness of this matter, and while making arrangements, he sent the news back to the military department.

He can fully imagine the military department, after getting this news, it is estimated that it will be messed up again.

After all, according to the original plan, they have given up chasing and killing those first-order mutant zombies, but now they absolutely cannot let go.

And Zuo Wenyao hurried in the direction of Lin Xinghai after solving the "dead claw".

A minute later, when he came to Lin Xinghai's place, he saw the other party sitting on the side of the road panting and resting, and the "giant arm" had fallen to the side of the road dripping with blood. The corpse is farther away.

Seeing this scene, even Zuo Wenyao, the powerhouse of the gods and demons, was speechless for a long time, and he didn't know what to say.

Lin Xinghai's degree of perversion once again broke his common sense.

He came to the side of the "giant arm" with some curiosity and checked it.

The head of the other party can no longer be seen in its original shape, and there are wounds shot by bullets everywhere, especially the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, which are almost blurred with blood.

It's just that the fatal wound on the other side was on the lower jaw.

There is a bottom-up wound here, straight to the mind.

There is no doubt that shooting from here will also bypass the protection of the skull.

Of course, even so, with the defensive power of the "giant arm", it is estimated that there are not twenty or thirty bullets, and it is impossible to shoot through this place at the same time.

"Amazing, you have exceeded my expectations time and time again." Zuo Wenyao came to sit next to Lin Xinghai and couldn't help but sigh.

"It took more than 300 bullets to kill the opponent. I don't think it's so powerful."

"And it's not just me alone. If I hadn't miraculously extracted the life force of the 'giant arm' and made its speed and reaction power drop again and again, I wouldn't dare to output like this." Lin Xinghai said.

Hearing what the other party said, Zuo Wenyao was slightly taken aback, and then he realized that the physical characteristics of this "giant arm" were indeed somewhat abnormal.

In some parts of the "giant arm" body, there are many features that are extraordinarily old.

He looked at Liu Miaomiao, who was sitting quietly beside him, with some surprise, and the other party's face was pale, obviously because of excessive consumption of powers.

"What is your ability? The vitality of the first-order mutant zombies can also be extracted. Your ability is not simple!" Zuo Wenyao asked.

At this time, he had realized that their previous observations might have missed something. The talent and strength of Liu Miaomiao in front of him might not be much worse than Qiu Liang and Yuan Zheng.

It's just that Lin Xinghai was so good that she covered up her brilliance.

"Miaomiao's awakening ability, I call it life control, this ability can not only extract the enemy's life force, but also use this life force to heal allies. By the way, Miaomiao's ability has been completed twice. Awaken." Lin Xinghai briefly explained the situation.

However, Zuo Wenyao became more and more surprised as he listened, and later let Liu Miaomiao demonstrate it on the spot.

When he saw with his own eyes that a zombie~www.readwn.com~ turned into a mummified corpse within ten seconds, then he cut his arm and experienced the therapeutic effect himself, his eyes were full of shock.

This life control ability is stronger than he imagined.

After reading Liu Miaomiao's basic information and checking it, she found that the other party was not only an A-level genetic assessor, but also possessed a special physique, she was stunned for a moment, and then she laughed.

"I thought that among the more than 30,000 candidates this time, it would be lucky enough to have one enchantress. I didn't expect two at a time." Zuo Wenyao couldn't help laughing.

After laughing, he looked at Liu Miaomiao, thought about it, and said, "I feel that your ability potential is very great. It would be a pity if you can't fully develop it."

"However, I shouldn't be very suitable to teach you. There is a wood-type **** and demon realm powerhouse in our East China Sea College. Her powers also have healing effects. She should be the most suitable candidate to be your mentor and the only one. Strong female gods and demons. If you want, I can introduce you."

"Of course I would, then thank you very much, Teacher Zuo." Liu Miaomiao said immediately.

Lin Xinghai looked at the plate with a smile on his face.

"Based on your relationship with Lin Xinghai, I can be considered as half of your personal teacher. What's there to thank for that?" Zuo Wenyao waved his hand.

"Okay, hurry to the nearest survival spot! I will help you kill all the mutant zombies along the way." Zuo Wenyao said another sentence and left quickly.

After disappearing into the eyes of Lin Xinghai and the two, he immediately turned on the communication watch and edited a message to send.

"Yo! Wen Qiuying, you bitch, don't reply to my message this time if you have the ability." Zuo Wenyao hummed a song, feeling quite good.

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