After hearing them say that they had never seen it, Li Mu did not say much, but put the photo away.

"You go out and wait first!"


The few people walked out immediately without any objection.

Li Mu then called Mu Hui again.

"Have you packed it up? I have dealt with the people. Come to the fourth floor to find me after you pack it up."

Mu Hui's answer was very straightforward and he said immediately.

"It's already packed up. I'll come to you now."

After hanging up the phone, Li Mu squatted down and began to study the equipment on Ivan, and then he saw a walkie-talkie hanging on Ivan.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the talk button to say.

"Heizi is talking!"

After releasing the button and no longer occupying the channel, the intercom soon responded, and a person spoke in an unskilled Longguo language.

"Who are you? Where are my team members?"

Li Mu also continued.

"They are already dead, but don't worry, it will be your turn soon."

"The hunt has begun, and you are my prey."

The black man on the other end of the intercom said.

"Don't be arrogant, it's not certain who the prey is, I will make you pay the price."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Then let's wait and see!"

Not long after throwing away the intercom, Li Mu heard Mu Hui's voice.

"Brother, can I come in?"

Li Mu walked over and opened the dormitory door, and then saw Mu Hui, who was fully armed, but at this time Mu Hui was alone.

"Why are you alone, where is the other one."

Mu Hui said after entering the door.

"There was a little accident. My roommate didn't want to come out with me to kill zombies, and he wanted to kill me for food, so I had to kill him."

Li Mu didn't say much after hearing this. This kind of thing is normal.

"Now let's talk about our business. I have cleared out the mercenaries in this building. There are only zombies and survivors left."

"What you have to do now is to clear out the remaining zombies, and then gather the survivors in this building together, and then let them clear out the zombies in this building. Can you do it?"

Mu Hui said directly without hesitation.

"I can try, but I can promise that I will never back down."

Li Mu smiled slightly, then took out his dagger and cut his palm.

"It's good to have courage, but you also need to have enough strength. You don't have strength now, but I can give you strength."

"My blood can make people who drink it stronger. Do you want it?"

Mu Hui looked at Li Mu's palm that was already dripping with blood. He knew himself very well and knew the environment he was in now. If he wanted to survive, he had to become stronger, so he couldn't miss this opportunity.

"I want to become stronger."

Li Mu smiled and stretched out his palm that was dripping with blood. Mu Hui also quickly raised his head and drank a few drops of Li Mu's blood.

Mu Hui then felt hot all over his body. Half a minute later, Mu Hui recovered. At this time, his strength had reached the third level and his talent reached the A level!

Mu Hui looked at Li Mu's palm that was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye and asked in surprise.

"Brother, your palm?"

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"It's just one of my abilities, don't be surprised."

"Now your strength has reached the third level. If nothing unexpected happens, there should be no one stronger than you in this building, so killing zombies should not be difficult for you now."

"I'll leave the things here to you. I still have to clean up other mercenaries."

In fact, Li Mu also wants to train a strong man in Magic City University, or to establish a survivor base.

Of course, all this depends on Mu Hui's own ability. Li Mu has now given him guidance. As for how far he can go, it depends on him.

Besides, Li Mu also believes that he will not make a mistake. This Mu Hui has courage and courage, and is also cruel enough. In the end times, probably only such people can survive.

Li Mu came downstairs and suddenly saw the infantry fighting vehicle parked at the door of the building. He walked up and observed it.

"This is a good thing. Not only is it powerful, but it is also very defensive. Take one away when you leave, so that it will be much more convenient when you go out in the future."

"If you can't take the rest, leave it.

Give it to Mu Hui!"

At this time, Li Mu suddenly remembered Gao Mushan who came to Magic City University with him, and then he took out the intercom that Gao Mushan gave him.

"Are you there? I got your reply."

Soon, Gao Mushan's voice rang on the intercom.

"Got it, please go."

Li Mu started talking.

"Now a group of mercenaries broke into Magic City University. After I reconnaissance, I found that their goal was to capture an important person in Magic City University."

"Now the group of mercenaries is checking one by one in the dormitory building of Magic City University. Remember to be careful."

Gao Mushan said immediately after hearing it.

"I understand. After the outbreak of the apocalypse, Longguo also fell into chaos. I didn't expect that mercenaries would break into the forbidden area of ​​​​mercenaries."

"Although I am no longer a policeman now, I can guess that what this group of mercenaries wants to do is definitely not a good thing. "

"Tell me the truth, do you want to kill these mercenaries? If you want to do that, maybe we can work together to kill these damn mercenaries."

Li Mu did not refuse, he asked.

"Have you found your brother?"

"We have found him. We are together now. I can go find you there."

Li Mu thought for a while and said.

"Why don't you tell me the location? I will drive over to find you. I am also in the dormitory area."

Gao Mushan asked on the other end of the intercom.

"Xiao Lin, which building are we in now?"

"Dormitory Building No. 9!"

After hearing the address, Li Mu said immediately.

"Okay, I will go there now."

In a dormitory in Building No. 9, Gao Mushan was holding a gun and preparing to go out.

Beside him stood a young man wearing a bulletproof vest and holding a rifle. He was Gao Mulin, Gao Mushan's younger brother.

"Brother, wait a minute, who was talking to you just now? Was it your colleague? "

Gao Mushan turned around and said.

"I forgot to tell you that this person saved me today. If it weren't for him, I would be dead now, let alone come to save you."

Although Gao Mulin heard that it was Li Mu who saved his brother, he was still a little hesitant. He thought for a while and said.

"Brother, there is something I must tell you. Those mercenaries he just mentioned are probably coming for me. Your brother's current identity is somewhat special and important."

Hearing Gao Mulin say this, Gao Mushan also became nervous instantly.

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