The two of them were in a mess, and the two of them were in a mess.

Li Mu also walked out of the dormitory building at this time, shook off the blood on the bronze sword, and then went straight to the infantry fighting vehicle not far away, and began to look for the next target.

Just as he was looking aimlessly, the intercom suddenly rang. It was Gao Mushan's voice, he said anxiously.

"Li Mu, come to Building No. 7 quickly. The last team of mercenaries is here, and it seems that they are going to escape."

After hearing the news, Li Mu immediately turned the steering wheel, the throttle was welded to the fuel tank, and he changed direction with a drift on the spot, and immediately rushed towards Building No. 7.

On the other side, the black man had already brought people to the infantry fighting vehicle.

"Hurry, hurry, drive, let's get out of this damn place."

Gao Mushan, who was hiding in a dormitory on the first floor of Building No. 6, saw the infantry fighting vehicle trying to escape, and he immediately raised the rifle in his hand.

"No, we can't let him escape."

Then he immediately pulled the trigger, and a string of accurate bullets immediately hit the back of the infantry fighting vehicle, and even the rear lights were broken.

It's just a pity, because the glass of the infantry fighting vehicle is bulletproof, and rifle bullets can't penetrate the infantry fighting vehicle at all, so this damage can be said to be insignificant.

Hearing the gunshots from behind, the black man immediately spoke.

"Don't stop the car, keep going, don't worry about other things, keep going forward, don't stop."

The black man now just wants to leave this ghost place as soon as possible, so he doesn't want to stop even if someone shoots from behind.

The car speeds up and doesn't stop because of Gao Mushan's shooting.

"Li Mu, they ran away, and they ran very fast."

Li Mu, who was driving, picked up the walkie-talkie and asked immediately.

"Which direction are they going?"

But Gao Mushan didn't know which direction they were going, so Gao Mulin, who was standing next to him, grabbed the intercom and said.

"They went along the road west of the dormitory building, towards the teaching building. They should be leaving the school from the east gate."

After hearing this, Li Mu immediately turned the steering wheel and went towards the teaching building from another road.

Gao Mulin stuffed the intercom into his brother's hand and said.

"Brother, let's go over and take a look. We can't let this group of people escape. I also want to know about Xifa Company."

Gao Mushan nodded.

"No problem, let's go, let's go drive now."

A few minutes later, the infantry fighting vehicle had completely left the dormitory building, and the black man in the car finally felt relieved. He sat in the seat and lit a cigarette.

"Damn it, why do I always run into those damn Dragon people? Every time, my plan is disrupted by them."

Last time, it was also the black man who led the team to arrest Gao Mulin, but he was very lucky. When he encountered the zombie tide, he got into an off-road vehicle and drove away, so he survived.

And it was the same this time.

The black man said to the driver.

"Go to our safe house, and you can get your reward when you get there."

At this time, the black man finally had time to relax his tense mood. He took a deep puff of cigarette, then leaned back in the seat and exhaled a puff of smoke.

"Luckily, we escaped from here safely."

As soon as he finished speaking, a light suddenly flashed. It was already evening, and the road was gradually becoming unclear.

After the light flashed, a car suddenly rushed out of the green belt next to it and hit the side of the infantry fighting vehicle directly, and the car that hit it was very fast.

Li Mu never let go of the accelerator all the way, and finally caught up with the infantry fighting vehicle at a fork in the road.

He did not hesitate at all, and directly calculated the distance and rushed through the green belt and hit it hard.

The infantry fighting vehicle that was hit from the side was instantly blown away, and after several turns in the air, it hit the wall of the teaching building and stopped.

Li Mu, who was sitting on the infantry fighting vehicle, shook his head. Because the speed was too fast and too crazy just now, he also suffered a lot of impact.

But after shaking his head, Li Mu felt no discomfort.

Both cars were infantry fighting vehicles, but the fatal thing was that the black man’s car was hit by Li Mu from the side, so Li Mu’s infantry fighting vehicle only had the front bumper dented, and then there was basically no damage.

This kind of infantry fighting vehicle was made to deal with war, so the impact ability is very strong.

As for the one where the black man was

The car was completely scrapped at this time, and the whole car was lying on the ground with its four legs up.

Li Mu got out of the car and walked towards the car.

The infantry fighting vehicle with four legs up also moved at this time. A door on the side was kicked open by someone, and then a black man with blood on his face crawled out from inside.

The black man struggled to get up from the ground and looked at Li Mu in front of him.

Li Mu smiled when he saw the black man's embarrassed look.

"Hey, the hunt is not over yet. How can the prey escape?"

The black man spit out the blood in his mouth and said in the unfluent Longguo language.

"You are the one who killed my people. Are you the only one?"

Li Mu shrugged and smiled slightly.

"Isn't it enough for me alone?"

The black man turned his head to look at the infantry fighting vehicle with four legs up, and then looked at Li Mu.

"You are a crazy guy. It's a headache for me to meet an opponent like you. I don't like fighting with a madman."

Li Mu continued.

"But now you seem to have no choice."

At this time, a police car came speeding and stopped beside Li Mu.

After getting out of the car, Gao Mushan pointed his rifle at the black man in front, but after looking at the miserable appearance of the black man and the upside-down infantry fighting vehicle behind him, he put down the gun.

"It's over, it looks very intense."

At this time, Gao Mulin looked at the infantry fighting vehicle behind the black man, and then looked at the infantry fighting vehicle behind Li Mu.

"Did you just knock their car away? This is a bit too crazy!"

Li Mu smiled.

"It's really exciting."

"Okay, let's take a look at the situation of this black man!"

Li Mu walked slowly towards the black man.

"Tell me about Xifa Company. I'm so crazy for you. I'm very curious about who this Xifa Company is."

The black man smiled slightly, showing his white teeth in the dark night.

"Don't bother, just kill me. I've received the most brutal interrogation training in the world, so even the interrogation methods of your Dragon Country Rapid Response Force are useless to me."

Li Mu smiled and shook his head.

"Really? It's just a pity that I'm not from the Dragon Country Rapid Response Force, and I don't know any interrogation methods."

The black man suddenly frowned.

"If you're not from the Dragon Country Rapid Response Force, then who are you?"

"Then why did you attack me?"

Li Mu said.

"It's just pure curiosity, and it's because I can't stand you foreigners doing evil on Dragon Country's land."

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