After the two of them had a meeting, they had to face each other.

Mu Hui was also a blood descendant, and this kid had an A-level talent after becoming a blood descendant.

The most important thing was that this kid left a good impression on Li Mu, so Li Mu still valued him more. When he heard that Mu Hui was in trouble, he immediately asked.

"Trouble, what trouble did you encounter, tell me."

Mu Hui hesitated a little, because he didn't really want to trouble Li Mu, which would make Li Mu think he was a useless waste.

After hesitating for a while, he still said it.

"Now the survivors of Magic City University are divided into two factions. One side is the people led by me, about two or three hundred people, all of whom are young and strong men, and most of them are athletes."

"The other side is a group led by the president of the Student Union of Magic City University. Although these people are not many in number, they are very powerful for some reason."

"After we occupied the two canteens of the school, these people wanted to share a piece of the pie and wanted us to give up the supplies of one canteen to them. Of course, we would not agree."

"So we have fought several times in the past few days. Neither side has taken advantage, but we can't do anything about them, and there is a more fatal thing."

Li Mu asked.

"What is it."

Mu Hui continued.

"My people accidentally discovered that the group of students in the student union seemed to be supported by the previous group of mercenaries, and my people also took photos. I will send them to you."

Soon a photo was sent to Li Mu's mobile phone.

Li Mu put the photo in front of Arctic Fox.

"Have you seen this guy?"

Arctic Fox nodded slightly.

"Viper, a tough guy among the weeds, Vulture should know more about him than me."

The driving Vulture said.

"Viper is a very sinister and cunning guy. He used to be a team member under me, but I kicked him out of the team because he had too many small thoughts. Later, he never joined any team again and always acted alone."

"Have the guys from Magic City University been targeted by Viper? That would be dangerous, but they are really lucky to be able to take pictures of Viper."

"Because Viper is just like his name, this guy likes to hide himself, and then hide in the deepest part to plan everything, and wait until the last moment to come out and give a fatal blow."

"So it's better to let them be careful, this guy is a dangerous lunatic. If he didn't join the army, then he must be a very dangerous leader of a terrorist organization."

Looking at the ugly yellow man in the photo on the mobile phone, Li Mu asked.

"Which country is he from."

Arctic Fox said.

"Islanders, being photographed means that Viper underestimated his enemy, because he is a very arrogant guy, a man who thinks he can control the overall situation."

"In fact, in my eyes, he is just a clown."

When Li Mu heard what Mu Hui said before, he thought it was just a small fight.

But after listening to what he said later, as well as the explanations of Arctic Fox and Mu Hui, Li Mu suddenly became interested, because this meant that Xifa Company also wanted to reach out to Magic City University.

Then, Li Mu said to Mu Hui.

"Don't worry, I'll go there tomorrow. I want to see what the situation is there."

Mu Hui said.

"Brother, I think I can solve it, so I don't need to bother you."

Li Mu smiled.

"It's settled, I'll go there tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, Vulture asked.

"Boss, do you need me to accompany you tomorrow?"

Li Mu shook his head.

"You don't have to accompany me, just stay in the villa area. These people in the villa area must be uneasy these two days, and you are needed to calm the situation."

"Just let Arctic Fox accompany me."

The vulture smiled.

"Okay, boss, I won't disturb your world of two."

Back to the mountaintop villa.

Yu Lan saw the two people coming back and said immediately.

"You are back, let's prepare to cook!"

Li Mu took off his coat and said.

"No cooking today, the weather is good today, let's have barbecue and barbecue, how about it!"

Hearing about eating barbecue, everyone remembered that they hadn't eaten barbecue for a long time.

"Really? That's great."

"Barbecue? I haven't eaten it for a long time!"

"I love barbecue the most. If my husband didn't tell me, I would almost forget what barbecue tastes like.

. "

Li Mu took out some ingredients from the storage space and put them on the table.

"Prepare some first, remember to chill some beer."

"I'll take a shower first, and we'll have barbecue and beer tonight."

Eating barbecue in the evening was Li Mu's favorite thing before the end of the world.

In summer, it's too hot to go out during the day, so you can only go out at night.

Just sit in a night market, eat barbecue, drink cold beer, blow the cool evening breeze, and then brag with your good brothers, life is so beautiful.

Before the end of the world, this was the normal life of many people, but now, this is the fairy life that many people dare not even think about.

But for Li Mu now, this is just an ordinary evening.

Soon, Li Mu and his women ate the fragrant barbecue.

Cai Yutong and Su Rou were eating lamb skewers with oil dripping from their mouths.

"Husband, I didn't expect you to be so good at barbecue, it's so fragrant. "

Bai Shuang had long lost her celebrity airs, and was chewing a chicken wing in her hand.

"It smells so good. I haven't had such delicious barbecue for a long time. I didn't dare to eat anything to keep in shape before, but now I don't have to worry about that."

Chen Yurong was helping Li Mu grill the barbecue.

Lin Qiunan was no longer able to talk at this time, and kept eating barbecue.

Arctic Fox was eating at a table nearby with a grilled steak.

Arctic Fox quickly finished such a large steak, and even Li Mu was amazed at the Arctic Fox's appetite.

It was completely dark, and Li Mu was sitting on a recliner drinking beer, watching the women playing in the distance.

"It's time to check the talents of these women. Now that I have crystal cores, I should also improve their strength. After all, this will make me improve my strength faster. "

Li Mu first set his sights on Yu Lan and began to check her talent.

[Name: Yu Lan]

[Level: Level 2]

[Talent Rating: B!]

"Has Yu Lan broken through to Level 2? I really didn't notice this, and her talent is pretty average, not too bad!"

"Before, they were too weak, and we didn't dare to let them go out to kill zombies, so they basically had no way to upgrade their levels. Now that they have crystal cores, they can also upgrade their levels."

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