The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were still very busy.

Li Mu looked at the several young men behind Mu Hui who were wearing mercenary equipment and were very strong.

One advantage of being in school is that it is basically full of strong young people, so the people here have an advantage in overall strength.

"How is the situation? Did that group of people make any moves today?"

Mu Hui made a gesture of invitation to Li Mu.

"Let's talk inside, brother."

When Li Mu entered the cafeteria, he saw that the cafeteria had been transformed into a simple hospital.

The tables in the cafeteria were combined into beds, and there were at least dozens of wounded people with broken arms and legs, and many people with minor injuries.

"It looks like the situation here is not optimistic. Why are there so many injured people?"

At this time, Li Mu discovered that Mu Hui's arm was also bandaged and looked injured.

"I don't know what happened to the group of students in the student union. They were not very strong at first, but they suddenly became stronger in the past few days. Many of our people were injured during this period."

"But fortunately, we have many medical students and several medical teachers here. The zombies of our brothers have basically been controlled."

"The only trouble now is that we can't deal with this group of people. If we don't find a way to kill these people, the casualties of our brothers will be even greater."

Li Mu sat on a chair, took out two cigars, and handed one to Mu Hui.

"Don't worry, do you want to smoke?"

Seeing Li Mu's calm face, Mu Hui knew that the matter was probably stable, and even the brothers around Mu Hui were relieved.

These young people wearing combat vests were the first group of people to follow Mu Hui. They knew Li Mu's record and strength very well. He killed so many mercenaries alone.

Mu Hui took the cigar. Li Mu did not fumble for a lighter from his body. At this time, a younger brother immediately took out his lighter and handed it to Mu Hui.

Mu Hui lit the cigar for Li Mu.

"Those people in the student union are minor problems. You should talk about the situation of the entire Magic City University now. How many survivors can there be in Magic City University now?"

Mu Hui said after thinking for a while.

"The Magic City University originally had tens of thousands of people, but now there are three to five thousand people. It is enough. During this period, I led my brothers to hunt a lot of zombies, so the pressure on the survivors in the boys' dormitory is relatively small."

"The situation over there in the women's dormitory is probably not good. There are more zombies over there. I heard that many people have starved to death."

Li Mu's idea is very simple. There are many talents in Magic City University. After all, it is a double first-class university in Longguo, and many of them are high-end talents.

For example, the medical major of Magic City University is definitely the top in Longguo.

So Li Mu wanted to bring these people to the villa area to develop and merge the people from the two places together, which would be more convenient.

Li Mu nodded slightly.

"Let's talk about the situation of the student union now. How many people do they have?"

Mu Hui said immediately.

"About a hundred people, but each of them is very powerful, and the overall strength is very strong."

"The person leading them now is called An Xing. He was originally the president of the student union of Modu University. Most of the people following him now are members of the original student union."

Li Mu suddenly noticed a detail.

"You mean they suddenly became powerful. How strong can they be?"

Mu Hui said.

"Around level three, but slightly weaker than me. I'm about to break through to level four."

Mu Hui has killed a lot of zombies during this period, so it's not surprising that he's going to break through to level four.

But what he said immediately made Li Mu think of a possibility, that is, the strengthening potion of Xifa Company.

Vulture said that the strengthening potion can make an ordinary person have the strength of level three. Apart from that, Li Mu couldn't think of why this group of people suddenly became powerful.

Besides, there are people from Xifa Company behind the Student Union, so Li Mu can basically conclude that this is the strengthening potion.

Thinking of this, Li Mu immediately asked.

"Do you know how many survivors have joined this group now?"

Mu Hui said.

"It was okay in the first two days, but we have more injured in the past few days, so many people have gone to join the Student Union."

Li Mu stood up and said to himself.

"Then this matter is

It must be solved as soon as possible. People who drink the strengthening potion can only live for one month. It seems that the people of Xifa Company want to make the whole Magic City University chaotic! "

At this point, Li Mu suddenly had another idea.

"No, Xifa Company may want to make the whole Magic City chaotic. As long as you drink the potion, you will die in a month. The more people who drink the potion, the more Dragon people will die. "

"It's really insidious!"

Although Li Mu claims that he is not a good person, he is also aware of the interests involved. If the situation is really as Li Mu expected, then the Magic City will be the world of Xifa Company in the future.

Li Mu does not want such a situation to happen.

Mu Hui did not hear what Li Mu said, and did not know Li Mu's plan.

Li Mu extinguished the cigar in his hand.

"The guy from Xifa Company must have deceived the group of students in the student union. It is estimated that anyone who joins them will be required to drink the strengthening potion. "

"Hundreds of third-level strongmen, such overall strength is indeed a bit scary! "

Even though Li Mu is now a fifth-level warrior, he must take it seriously when facing hundreds of third-level warriors.

Li Mu knew that there was a tough battle to be fought.

On the other side, in a dormitory building.

On the first floor, a group of people holding sticks and various weapons have surrounded the entire corridor.

In a room, An Xing was holding a mobile phone and making a call.

The person on the other end of the phone was Viper.

"My people are all ready. I have asked all my people to drink the strengthening potions you gave me. Don't you say that your strengthening potions are really effective."

"After drinking the strengthening potion, even ordinary people of the first level have the strength of the third level. The people under my command are ridiculously powerful now!"

Venomous Snake said with a smile.

"Of course, I said that my background is very deep, and these potions are just some small things. You have used up yours, right? "

An Xing was very happy.

"Of course, I have used up all these good things. Do you have any more? Can you give me some more?"

The venomous snake smiled contemptuously.

"Don't worry, as long as you do a good job, I will give you more strengthening potions in the future, and I can also help you control the entire Magic City University."

"And as long as you are ambitious enough, I can also help you control the surrounding areas."

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