The old man was very happy.

"I don't care if you are women or not. If you want to survive here, you have to work. I don't keep idle people here, so you'd better put away your fairy tricks."

"If you want to survive and eat here, you have to work."

Mu Hui stood on the top of the off-road vehicle and arranged the work of everyone. Obviously, these words were said to the girls who had just arrived.

And these girls naturally had no complaints. They lowered their heads and worked there. Those who should carry the wounded carried the wounded, and those who should help helped.

Mu Hui pointed to a few boys and said.

"You guys go to the medical school and bring back more medicines. There are many wounded today, and the medicines may not be enough."

"If the canteen is not enough, have someone clean up a dormitory building and let the wounded live there."

After arranging everything, Mu Hui came to Li Mu with a schoolbag.

After opening the schoolbag, it was full of crystals, estimated to be at least thousands, and many of them were third-level crystal cores.

"Brother, these are the collected crystal cores, all here."

Li Mu took the schoolbag and threw it on his infantry fighting vehicle.

"Good job, I just happened to have something to tell you."

The two came to the side, lit a cigar and Li Mu said.

"Mu Hui, I usually live in the villa area, which is not far from here, so I plan to let you move to the villa area."

"The place over there is bigger, and there is more land. The most important thing is that there are fences around the villa area. As long as it is reinforced, it will be safer than inside the Magic City University."

Mu Hui said immediately after hearing it.

"Really? Actually, I have long felt that it is not safe inside Magic City University. I am planning to discuss moving with you later."

As the saying goes, good universities have no walls, and Magic City University is like this.

Without walls, those low-level zombies cannot be stopped, and this is a problem.

Li Mu continued.

"There are many talents in the university, and these people are also an important condition for the development of a survivor base. Now most of the survivors in Magic City University are basically here."

"During this period, you should start preparing for moving. Of course, I don't just want people to go there, I want some good equipment in Magic City University to go there as well."

"For example, solar power generation equipment. Now there is a shortage of electricity, so solar power generation must be started, at least to meet some daily power supply in the villa area."

Li Mu's plan is very long-term. He also plans to develop some light industries, such as manufacturing some cold weapons of better quality, etc. After all, the weapons in the hands of these people are too poor.

Mu Hui nodded solemnly.

"Okay, these things shouldn't be a problem. I've discovered a talent during this period, a science and engineering genius. It's definitely not difficult for him to assemble solar power generation."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"Really? Such talents are indeed important. Call them over so I can take a look."

The two chatted under a big tree. Mu Hui looked around and waved to a man wearing glasses in the distance. He looked very thin and looked like a standard science and engineering man.

"Lu Shao, come here!"

Li Mu also looked over and found that the boys seemed to have a hard time moving things.

Mu Hui said after Lu Shao ran over.

"That's him. Although he is thin, he is very smart."

Li Mu looked at him and said.

"I want to assemble a solar power generation device, and it must at least meet the electricity needs of thousands of people. Can you do it?"

Lu Shao pushed his glasses.

"There are quite a few solar panels and batteries at the New Energy College. It will definitely not be a problem as long as I give you time."

The electricity issue should be solved.

After all, electricity is also very important in the apocalypse. Now it is summer, and the role of electricity is not very obvious.

But once winter comes, if electricity cannot be used for heating, then I don’t know how many people will be frozen to death.

After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the weather has become extreme, and it will be extremely cold in winter.

Heating with firewood is also a drop in the bucket. How many trees can be cut down in the city for heating? So in the end, we still have to rely on electricity for heating.

Although it is not certain whether Lu Shao

It can really be done, but you can always try it.

"I hope you can do it. I cherish talents. Starting today, you don't have to do these rough jobs. You can start research, and I will let Mu Hui give you the highest treatment."

"But if you can't do it, then I won't be soft-hearted. No problem!"

After hearing what Li Mu said, Lu Shao's legs began to tremble unconsciously, and he nodded.

"Okay, I will definitely get the power generation equipment out."

After Lu Shao left, Li Mu continued to say to Mu Hui.

"Remember to collect more seeds of grain crops in the school. You know what I mean!"

Mu Hui nodded.

"Of course, find a way to be self-sufficient."

After arranging these, Li Mu prepared to leave.

"The rest of the things are up to you. Prepare for moving during this time!"

Then Li Mu put the venomous snake, which had become a disabled person, on the car, and then drove away.

In the evening, Li Mu drove back to the villa area. After sending Arctic Fox and Xiao Guping to the villa on the top of the mountain, Li Mu went to Tang Sheng's base again.

He wanted to know how the situation in the villa area was going today.

"What happened today."

After entering the door, Li Mu found that Vulture was also in the villa.

After seeing Li Mu, the two immediately stood up to greet him.

"No need to bother, tell me about today's situation!"

Tang Sheng replied immediately.

"Today, the zombies in the villa area have been cleared. We almost dug the entire villa area three feet deep, and we also found a lot of food."

The vulture next to him also nodded.

"I have checked it once, and the zombies in the villa area have basically been cleared."

Then the vulture took out a baseball bag, and after unzipping it, it was full of crystal cores.

"Today's spoils, all are here."

This is the purpose of Li Mu coming here so late. Li Mu is in great need of crystal cores now. This kind of thing is only too much, the more the better.

Li Mu patted the baseball bag.

"Well done. From now on, all the crystal cores collected will be divided into 40% and 60%, 40% for me and 60% for you. As for the use of the crystal cores, Vulture, don't spread it yet, I still have a big business to do."

Vulture nodded.

"Okay, boss!"

Li Mu looked at Tang Sheng again and said.

"In the future, when you collect crystal cores, I will give my share to Vulture, and you can keep the remaining 60% yourself. When the time comes, I will tell you how to use it."

Then Li Mu said to Vulture.

"By the way, I also brought your old friend Viper, but this person is too stubborn."

"Arctic Fox said you should be able to deal with him, so he will be handed over to you."

Vulture snapped his fingers.

"No problem, I can pry open his mouth sooner or later, just give it to me."

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