After hearing this, Li Mu smiled and shook his head.

"Forget it, these two names are really awkward. You should continue to call me Brother Li Mu as before!"

"It's just a name. It doesn't matter to me."

Zhang Yahu said seriously.

"Don't. Our identities are different now. It's not appropriate to be the same as before. Why don't I call you Master Li in the future? The former gangsters like people to call him this Master or that Master."

Li Mu refused immediately.

"Forget it. I don't like this. If you really want to call me that, just call me Mr. Big in the future. I still like this name more."

Zhang Yahu clapped his hands immediately.

"No problem, sir!"

The two smiled and walked into the villa together.

On the other side, Wild Wolf, who was sleeping, was frightened by the two explosions and couldn't sleep.

When he heard the first explosion, he didn't care, but asked his men to check the situation of Tianhu Base.

They are now living in a building not far from Tianhu Base.

But when the second explosion sounded, Wild Wolf couldn't sit still anymore, because he had experienced war and could judge the size of the explosion just from the sound of the explosion.

Obviously, the power of the second explosion was far greater than the power of the first explosion, so he couldn't sit still, because he still knew that there would be heavy weapons in Tianhu Base.

After he jumped off the bed, he immediately looked towards Tianhu Base with a telescope.

"What's going on? Why did the explosion happen?"

The younger brother next to him pointed to the two residential buildings and said.

"The explosion came from behind those two residential buildings. We couldn't see it, but someone has gone there to check. The specific situation is not clear for the time being."

The Wolf then put down the telescope.

"Okay, report immediately if there is any news."

"By the way, what is the situation in the Tianhu base today? Is the operation of purchasing crystal cores still continuing?"

The white man next to him said with a disdainful smile.

"Of course, a group of greedy guys, they never know what satisfaction is."

"So many crystal cores were purchased yesterday, and at least thousands of people went out to purchase crystal cores this morning. It is really hard to imagine how many crystal cores there are in the Tianhu base now."

The Wolf lit a cigarette.

"Of course the more the better. The more crystal cores they purchase, the richer our harvest will be."

"I believe we will definitely have harvests beyond imagination. I am already looking forward to it."

When the two spoke, it seemed as if the crystal cores in the Tianhu base were already in their pockets.

"Don't be anxious. There is an old saying in Long Country that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so we can wait a little longer. The longer we wait, the greater the harvest will be."

"I can already imagine the scene of slaughtering those Long people, hahaha!"

"When do we start?"

Wild Wolf shook his head.

"Who knows? The boss said that we can only start after he gives the order."

Wild Wolf stretched lazily.

"Okay, I need to sleep for a while. Call me if there is any situation."

White man suddenly thought of something and said immediately.

"Wait, there are really some new situations this morning."

He took out a high-definition camera, which was prepared for scouting the situation of Tianhu Base.

Then he found a picture in the camera, which was a picture of Li Mu driving an infantry fighting vehicle into Tianhu Base.

"Look at this, this is definitely a major discovery."

Wild Wolf took the camera and looked at it. When he saw the infantry fighting vehicle, he also smiled.

"Wardfa, it's our infantry fighting vehicle. It's indeed our infantry fighting vehicle. How come it's here?"

Yelang immediately stood up and started thinking.

"That's right. Xifa's infantry fighting vehicles were all obtained from Longguo. Although they are very similar to the infantry fighting vehicles of the current rapid reaction force, there are still differences."

Xifa Company can be said to be deeply rooted in Longguo. They have trained a lot of spies in Longguo. Even now, these people are still willing to work for Xifa Company under the temptation of Xifa Company.

Among them, there is an equipment director of a small military base in Modu. He said that after the outbreak of the apocalypse, Xifa Company snatched a lot of infantry fighting vehicles and weapons and equipment from this military base.

But helicopters are not something they can snatch. This is Xifa Company from Longguo.

The helicopter was dispatched from the nearest military base of the Lighthouse Country.

The role of helicopters in the end times is self-evident. After all, zombies can't fly, so taking a helicopter is a relatively safe means of transportation.

The fact that Xifa Company can dispatch helicopters from the military base of the Lighthouse Country is enough to show how much the Lighthouse Country values ​​Xifa Company, and it can also be seen that Xifa Company has a position in the Lighthouse Country.

So when Wild Wolf saw the infantry fighting vehicle that Li Mu was looking at, he could tell at a glance that this was an infantry fighting vehicle that Xifa Company had robbed, not from Dragon Country.

"Let me think about it carefully. It's definitely not our people, nor can it be someone from the Dragon Country Rapid Reaction Force. We have investigated the relationship network of the Tianhu Base, and they have nothing to do with the Rapid Reaction Force."

"If I remember correctly, the last time Vulture went out on a mission, he drove away three infantry fighting vehicles. It is very likely that the person who killed Vulture seized the infantry fighting vehicle."

Thinking of this, Wild Wolf instantly became excited.

"It is highly likely that this is the case, otherwise there is no way to explain it. In other words, we may have found the people who killed Vulture. Of course, this is just speculation."

"After all, Vulture was so powerful back then. How could an ordinary person have the strength to kill a team of elite mercenaries led by Vulture?"

After thinking for a long time, Wild Wolf finally decided to report the matter first.

He and the boss talked quickly.

"Wild Wolf, what's the matter!"

Wild Wolf arrived immediately.

"This morning we found an infantry fighting vehicle, and it was our infantry fighting vehicle. I guess it should be one of the ones lost when Vulture was killed before."

"This infantry fighting vehicle was driven by a young man from Dragon Country, but I couldn't see his appearance clearly. I can only be sure that the driver was a Dragon Country person."

"This infantry fighting vehicle drove into the Tianhu survivor base this morning and has not come out since then."

The boss was also a little surprised after hearing this.

"There is such a thing. I didn't expect our infantry fighting vehicle to appear in the Tianhu survivor base."

"I wonder if Vulture's death is related to this person, otherwise Vulture's infantry fighting vehicle would not appear in this person's hands."

"Besides, if it was the Dragon Country Rapid Reaction Force, then they would not leave the infantry fighting vehicle. They might take it away or destroy it, but they would not leave it like this."

"So I think we can investigate the cause of Vulture's death now."

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