The battle was over, and the enemy was in a hurry.

Zhang Yahu was very happy after destroying four helicopters in a row.

"I didn't expect that I would be so strong after reaching the fifth level. If I was only the fourth level, I would not be able to shoot the fourth arrow after shooting three arrows."

Three arrows was the limit for Zhang Yahu, who was at the fourth level, but now he shot four arrows in a row and shot down all four helicopters. Now he didn't feel very weak.

Li Mu beside him took out the bronze sword.

"Now is not the time to discuss this. The real battle has just begun. Organize your people to prepare to fight back."

"This group of people is most likely coming for the crystal core. Since they dare to come, just kill them all."

Li Mu looked at the battle that had already begun in the distance and said to Zhang Yahu.

"You organize people to start fighting back. I will go inside to collect all the crystal cores to avoid accidents."

Zhang Yahu now knows that Li Mu has a storage space. At this time, he also thinks that it is safest to let Li Mu collect those crystal cores.

After Li Mu entered, Zhang Yahu immediately called Fang Cheng over.

"Tell the brothers not to panic and let the brothers gather together."

"If these beasts dare to come to the door, then kill them all."

Fang Cheng nodded immediately.

"Okay, I will go to gather people now."

Li Mu came out soon, and at this time Zhang Yahu's phone rang.

"Brother Hu, there are a lot of people outside the base. They rushed directly into the community. We can't stop them."

Zhang Yahu asked anxiously.

"How many people are there?"

The strong man guarding the gate said immediately.

"At least hundreds of people, they are all very strong."

Zhang Yahu hung up the phone immediately.

"It seems that we are in big trouble!"

Li Mu held a bronze sword.

"Then kill them all. Xifa Company dared to come to our door. Then I will make Xifa Company bleed."

The two immediately rushed to the place where the plane crashed. At this time, Fang Cheng also rushed over with hundreds of people, and the battle was about to break out.

The two parties soon met, and the vehicle of Xifa Company rushed directly and stopped behind the wolf.

Hundreds of fully armed mercenaries soon got off the car.

A very fierce-looking Asian man walked to the side of the wolf with a machete. He was Hyena, and he was also a ruthless man.

It's just that he is not from Long Country, but from Bang Country.

Zhang Yahu looked at the people on the opposite side and found that all the hundreds of people on the opposite side were actually third-level strongmen, and there was not even one second-level strongman.

On the other hand, the bombing on their side had already caused Zhang Yahu to suffer heavy losses in manpower, and most of the strength was second-level, and only a small number of people were third-level strongmen.

Now it seems that Zhang Yahu is at a disadvantage.

However, after Zhang Yahu and Li Mu searched around, they didn't even find a fifth-level opponent.

Wild Wolf came out with a saber in his hand and pointed at Zhang Yahu and said.

"You are Zhang Yahu from Tianhu Base, right? I heard that you have made a fortune recently. If you are sensible enough, then hand over all the crystal cores in your hand."

Xifa Company had already investigated Zhang Yahu's background, so Wild Wolf certainly knew what Zhang Yahu looked like.

Zhang Yahu's momentum was not weak at all. Did a fourth-level dare to be arrogant in front of him, a fifth-level strongman?

"Who do you think you are? You dare to come to my territory to steal the crystal core. Stop talking nonsense. Come and steal it if you have the ability."

"Wait a moment, I will twist your head off with my own hands."

The wolf's eyes were full of cold light.

"So arrogant, let's see whose head is twisted off!"

"Kill them all."

The battle was ignited in an instant, and the soldiers under the wolf immediately started shooting at Zhang Yahu and others with their weapons in hand.

But Zhang Yahu was not a vegetarian either. Fang Cheng immediately rushed forward with a group of people holding explosion-proof shields, and then began to stare at the bullets and rushed to the opposite side quickly.

Fang Cheng's current strength is also the third level, so he is also a fierce man in battle.

Seeing his people being suppressed, he immediately jumped high on the spot, and then took out his bow and arrow.

After jumping into the air, Zhang Yahu pulled the bowstring to the full, and an arrow immediately rushed towards the crowd of Xifa Company.

"Let you beasts have a taste of being bombed!"

Two arrows were fired in succession, exploding directly behind the wolf.

Wild Wolf and several fourth-level warriors quickly dodged, but the people behind him were miserable. The explosion of the bow and arrow directly blew many people into ashes.

When the other side was in chaos, Fang Cheng saw the opportunity and threw away his shield and rushed to the other side quickly.

"Brothers, kill!"

Wild Wolf was ready to kill him when he saw this. He said to the white man beside him.

"Remember your mission, bring that Dragon countryman back to me."

The white man nodded immediately, and then rushed to Li Mu in the distance.

He had discovered Li Mu's existence a long time ago. Although he didn't know what Li Mu looked like, he remembered what Li Mu was wearing, a white jacket.

So it was obvious that Li Mu was the only one wearing a white jacket among these people, so he had already locked Li Mu's existence just now.

Wild Wolf roared at the hyena.

"You and I will team up to deal with Zhang Yahu first. I didn't expect that this guy has reached the fourth level and awakened such a powerful superpower."

"It doesn't matter. He can't use such a powerful superpower many times. He probably doesn't have much fighting power at this time. Let's go!"

The two immediately rushed to Zhang Yahu, who had already landed, from the left and right.

After Zhang Yahu put away his bow and arrow, he also took out his machete.

Although the bow and arrow just now did consume a lot of his strength, he was not exhausted yet, so he could still resist the attacks of the two!

"Come on, let me see what you can do."

The first one to rush up was the wild wolf. While running, his arms began to grow thicker rapidly. His two arms instantly became extremely thick and looked very powerful.

The saber in his hand also chopped down instantly, and one knife directly shattered the ordinary machete in Zhang Yahu's hand.

Fortunately, Zhang Yahu was faster than the wolf after he broke through the fifth level. He dodged the wolf's fatal blow just before the wolf's saber chopped him down.

After escaping, he looked at his clothes and found that there was a cut on his clothes. If he hadn't dodged quickly, the knife would have fallen on him.

But the danger was far from over, because the hyena's attack had already arrived.

The knife in the hyena's hand began to grow rapidly, and the next moment a huge machete chopped down at Zhang Yahu.

Seeing that he was no match for him, Zhang Yahu dodged immediately. The huge machete fell instantly, directly smashing a deep gully on the ground.

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