The attack on another food storage point made the boss, who was already angry because of the heavy losses of his subordinates, even more furious. In a rage, he smashed everything in the office. He almost smashed his phone, but as a leader, his reason finally overcame his anger. He held his forehead and sat on the chair, panting. "What do these Dragon people want to do? Who is the one who attacked us? Why can he always find our food storage point accurately?" The scorpion said at this time. "Maybe there is a traitor among us, otherwise the enemy would not be able to strike us accurately every time. Now there is only this explanation." There was silence on the other end of the phone for a very long time, and the boss who regained his reason began to investigate the matter. "You protect the scene. I'll have someone check the situation to see if there are any clues. You can also see if you can find anything."

The boss has a lot of talented people under him, and he has a person who can find useful clues from the clues.

Not long after, this person came by helicopter.

After a careful inspection, he began to report to the boss.

"The other side should have at least three people, and there should be a cat, a large cat, because I found the footprints of a large cat at the battle scene."

"But the strange thing is that no one was bitten to death at the scene, which probably means that this cat should have superpowers."

The boss has been listening on the other end of the phone.

"Only three people and one beast? Only three people and one beast broke through my tightly guarded food storage point, and killed so many superpowers under my command."

The man nodded.

"From the scene, it is indeed the case."

The boss continued to ask.

"What about superpowers? What superpowers do they use? What level of strength do they have?" The man continued to report. "Two of them used weapons. One used a short knife and the other used a long machete. Moreover, this person's superpower is very similar to that of the hyena, and he can change the length and size of the machete at will." "The other two superpowers are lightning and fire. The lightning superpower is the most powerful. Most of our people were killed instantly by this lightning superpower." "This is the result of this inspection." After the report, the man took the helicopter and left here again. The scorpion and the boss continued to talk. "Three people and one beast killed so many of my elites, and also robbed our food. Who are they?" The scorpion paused and said. "Could it be the young man who fought with our people at the Tianhu base last time? That young man is very powerful." After hearing this, the boss suddenly thought of something. "I understand. Vulture is not dead, and he has already defected to the enemy." The scorpion was a little unbelievable. "Isn't Vulture dead? And even if he's not dead, he shouldn't have betrayed!"

Vulture's loyalty is deeply rooted in people's hearts, especially for those people in Xifa Company. How could a man who can withstand months of torture by terrorists easily betray?

"It is likely that this is the case, because only Vulture knows the locations of the three food storage points, and the others almost don't know the locations of the other two storage points."

"Otherwise, our food storage points would not be attacked continuously. The person with a very similar ability to the hyena should be the hyena. The relationship between Vulture and hyena is very close."

"This is the only conclusion I can think of now."

Hearing this conclusion, the scorpion was shocked, and when he thought that their current enemy was the vulture, he was also a little scared.

"If this is the case, then it will be troublesome. Vulture is not easy to deal with."

The boss sighed.

"Although we don't know why Vulture rebelled, we must face Vulture."

"The only way to find them now is the last food storage point. I will set up a net at the last food storage point and wait for them to come in."

"No matter what, Vulture must die. If he doesn't die, it will be a shame for our Xifa Company, so Vulture must be killed."

Scorpion said calmly.

"This is difficult, from

Judging from the battle situation here, their strength far exceeds ours, and we have absolutely no advantage even if we have more people.

"After the end of the world, the advantage in numbers is no longer an advantage."

The doctoral student thought for a while.

"I will give you the latest drug developed by the company. There is only one copy of this drug now, and the experiment has been successful, and the side effects are very small."

"I will give you the drug. As long as you can kill them, you can take over the position of the vulture."

The scorpion is a smart man. He knows that he is definitely not the opponent of the vulture. Even if he ambush the vulture now, he has no chance of winning.

But after hearing about the latest drug, the scorpion has confidence.

"Okay, boss, I'll rush over now."

The boss said.

"Go over by helicopter!"

"Remember, no matter what, the vulture must die. "

There is only one reason why the vulture must die, not because he knows too much, on the contrary, the boss did not let anyone in the weeds know too much about the company.

They don't even know the address of the company's headquarters. They usually just contact each other by phone, so the boss is not afraid that the vulture will leak the secret.

But if the vulture doesn't die, then for the boss, this is a stain on his life, and one of his most trusted subordinates directly betrayed him.

This will make the boss completely unable to raise his head in the headquarters, and in the headquarters of the Lighthouse Country, once they find out that such a thing happened in the hands of the boss.

Then the boss will most likely be replaced, because this is something that the headquarters of the West Law Company cannot tolerate.

So the boss is so eager to kill the vulture.

In the middle of the night, Li Mu and others finally arrived at the last food storage point.

"The last food storage point, we will go home after we get this. "

Looking in the direction where the vulture pointed, Li Mu saw the entrance of an abandoned air-raid shelter at the foot of the mountain. There was a huge steel door at the entrance, and there were people patrolling outside.

At this time, the vulture had a serious look on his face, and he no longer looked relaxed as before.

"This food storage point is the most difficult to deal with. Not only is the defense here strong, but we don't know what the situation is inside."

"We have already attacked two food storage points. This food storage point is definitely very tightly defended, so we have to be careful this time."

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