The second arrow came quickly, and just when the bearded man thought that this arrow would hit him, Li Mu slightly tilted his body again, and the second arrow hit the grass without any surprise.

Seeing that Li Mu could easily dodge his arrows every time, the bearded man was very surprised.

"Wardfa, what the hell is this."

Li Mu, who was under the scorching sun, was not in the mood to joke with the bearded man, and began to stride towards the villa.

After a few steps, he arrived at the door of the villa. The luxurious door of the villa was locked. Li Mu did not want to destroy his future home, so he came to a window next to it.

The window was half open, which could block zombies but not people. Li Mu pushed the window open and stepped in.

Entering the first floor of the villa, Li Mu was also shocked by the luxury inside. The decoration of the first floor alone was extremely luxurious, and the entire first floor was a living room.

Li Mu did not look at the situation on the first floor too much, because there were still enemies to deal with and he could not be distracted.

Li Mu thought about it, and the bronze sword in his hand was replaced with a pistol. Li Mu pulled the bolt to load the gun, and then slowly walked upstairs.

At this time, the big bearded man on the balcony on the third floor had put down the compound bow in his hand, turned around and came to the room on the third floor. There were two large backpacks in the room.

"Fuck, why is there such a difficult guy here? I must kill him."

The big bearded man inserted the two daggers on the table into the scabbard tied to his thigh, and put an axe on his waist, and then took out a machete from the backpack.

After packing up his equipment, the big bearded man also started to go downstairs.

"I don't believe you are harder to deal with than the beasts in the forest. I must cut off your head as my trophy."

Li Mu walked to the second floor and saw the bearded man standing on the second floor as soon as he came up.

The bearded man questioned.

"This is my territory. Why did you break in?"

"Since you have already broken in, I will kill you. I believe you should not be harder to deal with than a black bear. I have fought with bears before."

After saying that, the bearded man rushed directly towards Li Mu.

The bearded man was indeed very strong, and there was a fierce aura all over his body. Li Mu believed that he had fought with a black bear.

The next moment Li Mu took out a pistol from his waist and pointed it at the bearded man.

The bearded man stopped immediately when he saw the pistol and raised his hands habitually.

The bearded man looked at the pistol and cursed in an unbelievable tone.

"Wardefa, why do you have a gun? Isn't it forbidden here?"

"Wow, wow, my friend, don't shoot, let's talk it over, don't shoot."

Li Mu waved the pistol in his hand slightly.

"Drop your weapon, kneel on the ground with your hands on your head."

The pistol was out, what else could the bearded man do? Would he rush over to die? So he could only accept his fate.

He threw the machete in his hand and slowly knelt on the ground.

Li Mu was now more than 20 meters away from the bearded man. Even if the bearded man rushed over, Li Mu would have a chance to react. Moreover, even if it was a close combat, Li Mu was absolutely sure to kill the bearded man.

Li Mu came to a sofa on the second floor and sat on it, but the pistol in his hand was always pointed at the bearded man.

"I hear you keep calling me Wardefa and saying you don't want to eat sour radish, foreigner?"

The bearded man had a heavy foreign accent, and he could speak a few foreign words at any time, and he was very skilled in raising his hands to surrender.

"I am also from Long Country, but I have lived abroad since I was a child, and I have not been in China for a long time."

Li Mu nodded and continued to ask.

"What's your name? Is this villa yours?"

The bearded man answered.

"My name is William. This villa was not mine before, but it is mine now."

Li Mu laughed.

"What kind of crooked logic is this?"

William said seriously.

"It's the end of the world now. Don't these houses belong to whoever grabs them? I was chased by zombies two days ago. After running here, I found that this villa has a good terrain and is very suitable for long-term living, so I moved in."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"What you said does make sense, so I think so, and I do so. It's reasonable, right!"

"What about the owner of this house before?"

William shrugged.

"There were indeed people living here before,

After I came, they were unwilling to give up the villa. I had no choice but to kill the man and bury him in the backyard. "

"I also killed a woman in the villa, but because there was no food in the villa, I could only use the woman's meat as food to survive."

The most inhumane words were said in the most indifferent tone, but in order to survive, this is indeed the best choice. In the face of life and death, everything is no longer important.

Li Mu looked at the man's clothes and a set of equipment again.

"Your equipment is quite complete. What did you do before? Special Forces!"

William nodded.

"I used to be, but I retired later. I like wilderness survival and yearn for freedom. After retiring, I often go into the wilderness of the primeval forest alone to survive. I like this kind of life."

"Because I have rich experience in living in the wild, it is easier for me to survive in the end of the world. As long as you don't kill me, I can team up with you. With me, you can definitely survive in the end of the world. "

Li Mu smiled slightly. It was just boring to chat with William for such a long time, but Li Mu had no intention of letting William go from beginning to end.

"Will you let go of someone who wants to kill you and then be teammates with this person?"

"Besides, I can still survive even without you."

William said helplessly.

"Well, I won't let go of my enemies, let alone let them become my friends."

After accepting his fate, William cursed and prepared to accept death.

"Fuck, if it weren't for your bastard with a gun, I would definitely not be the one who died."

"So fuck oil."

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"No ifs, goodbye. "

Li Mu pulled the trigger and shot William in the chest, and then shot William in the head twice, because William's heart grew on the right side.

After confirming that William was dead, Li Mu took the two daggers from the thighs of the corpse, and then dragged William's body to the balcony and threw it down.

Then Li Mu came to the third floor and found William's two backpacks.

He dumped the contents of the backpacks out all at once. One backpack was full of clothes, which was useless.

The second backpack was full of tools for surviving in the wilderness, including various maps, some of William's documents, several compasses and various tools.

What attracted Li Mu the most was a telescope. Li Mu took the telescope to the balcony and looked into the distance with the telescope.

"It's a high-end product. Not only can you see very clearly, but you can also adjust the distance. "

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