After seeing the message from Zhang Yao, Yu Lan asked.

"Who is she?"

Li Mu explained.

"The neighbor next door, like you, is also a super beauty."

Hearing what Li Mu said, Yu Lan's face also turned red, and she still lay in Li Mu's arms.

Yu Lan was very smart. When she heard Li Mu say this, she roughly guessed what Li Mu was thinking, but she didn't say anything.

She knew very well that now she was relying on Li Mu to survive, so she had no right to interfere with Li Mu's decision, and there was no way to change anything.

The only thing she could do was to make Li Mu fall in love with her as much as possible, and not let Li Mu abandon her after having a new love.

Li Mu looked at Yu Lan.

"You are very smart and should have guessed my thoughts, but you can rest assured that I will not abandon my woman, and I will protect you well."

Yu Lan snuggled in Li Mu's arms.

"Thank you, it's great to have you. Staying here today may be the best choice I have made in my life."

"And you can rest assured that I know my identity, so I won't do stupid things like jealousy. After all, the times have changed and it is no longer the same world as before."

"After the outbreak of the apocalypse, the social order has completely collapsed, and the law has lost its binding force, so people with strength and resources can of course enjoy all the priority resources."

"Of course, this includes beautiful women. Of course, I know that you will not have only me as a woman. I have never thought about it. I just want to live well."

Yu Lan is not stupid. On the contrary, she is very smart.

She has figured out many things in one day today, so she naturally does not have too many psychological barriers and can accept everything calmly.

Li Mu lowered his head and kissed Yu Lan's lips lightly.

"I'm lucky to have a woman as considerate as you. Don't worry, as long as I'm alive, I will definitely protect you."

After saying that, she kissed him again.

After kissing Yu Lan passionately for a while, Li Mu picked up his phone and sent a message to Zhang Yao.

"Of course I'm fine. I'm at home and there's no danger."

After sending it, Zhang Yao quickly replied.

"That's great. I only know you in this community. If you're okay, I can at least feel a little safe."

She started to build a relationship. Obviously, she started to get closer to Li Mu. This woman is very smart. That's right. How can she not be smart if she can become a corporate executive?

In this case, there are only two possibilities for getting closer. One is that she likes Li Mu, but this is obviously impossible, so it can only be the second one.

That is, she has no food and wants to see if Li Mu has any food. If so, that would be great.

Sure enough, Zhang Yao sent another message soon.

"Li Mu, I want to ask if you have any food at home. If so, can you give me some? I haven't bought any food at home, and I've been hungry for almost a day."

Just as Li Mu expected.

Li Mu also replied quickly.

"Of course, but food is so important now, and I don't have much food. It's impossible for you to give it to me as soon as you open your mouth!"

People are realistic, and Zhang Yao, as a corporate executive, certainly knows this truth.

But she was still happy to hear that Li Mu had food. As long as there was food, there was hope.

"I can buy it with money, no matter how much money it is, you name a price."

But this time Li Mu didn't rush to reply, but waited.

Seeing that Li Mu didn't reply for a long time, Zhang Yao also became anxious, and she sent a message again.

"One hundred thousand, I'll give you one hundred thousand no matter what kind of food you have!"

"Two hundred thousand, no, five hundred thousand, I'll give you five hundred thousand, as long as you have a little food."

Yu Lan, who was lying in Li Mu's arms, was also looking at the message on the screen, but she didn't say anything, just watching quietly.

Li Mu's two fingers moved, constantly tapping the keyboard on the screen to type.

"Do you think I need this little money? Food is obviously more important than money now. Why should I give you food for this little money?"

"I know that you are still thinking like a businessman now, and you can definitely buy everything you want with money, but that was before the end of the world. Please understand that it is the end of the world now."

"In the end of the world, money is basically useless.

, anyway, money is no different from waste paper to me, so don't even think about using it to buy food. "

Zhang Yao didn't give up and continued to send messages.

"I have a total of 3 million in savings now. As long as you give me food, I will give you all the money."

Li Mu smiled and shook his head.

"I don't need money. You should understand what I want. To put it bluntly, as long as you are willing to be my woman, I can give you food."

Zhang Yao sent a message quickly.


Li Mu was not in a hurry, just said.

"Don't worry, think about it carefully, and come to me when you figure it out."

After sending the last sentence, Li Mu put the phone on the coffee table.

Yu Lan asked curiously.

"Don't continue to seduce."

Seeing Yu Lan's expectant look, Li Mu smiled and shook his head.

Yu Lan said with a smile.

"I'm just too bored. I think this is also interesting, at least it's more interesting. "

Li Mu explained.

"This Zhang Yao is not an ordinary woman. She is a corporate executive, so she is even more arrogant than some ordinary men. It is useless to continue talking. It will only backfire and make her more annoyed. "

"But it doesn't matter, because hunger can break all arrogance, so when she is really hungry and has no hope, her arrogance will be gone, and then she will come to me. "

"So don't worry, just wait. It doesn't matter if you are hungry for a few days, but living in fear of hunger every day is the most terrifying. "

Yu Lan blinked his big eyes.

"What major are you studying? Why do you understand human nature so well?"

Li Mu smiled.

"It has nothing to do with majors. It's just that I like reading books. I will know it after reading more."

Yu Lan said.

"It seems that this Zhang Yao is already in your hands."

"As of now, everything is under control. "

After saying that, Li Mu picked up Yu Lan and walked towards the bedroom.

"Let's rest early. I have to go out tomorrow, so I must rest well today."

Yu Lan was a little embarrassed to speak, but still said.

"Can we not do it tonight? I still feel a little pain there, and I haven't recovered yet. Can I rest for a night!"

Li Mu said with a wicked smile.

"Of course, the rest I mentioned is just sleeping. What are you thinking about? Don't worry, I won't force it on you."

Yu Lan's face suddenly turned as red as an apple, and she gently hit Li Mu's chest and said.

"You are so mean."

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