The weather was getting colder in the evening, and Li Mu's family was playing in the backyard of the villa.

A group of women were practicing golf, while Chen Yurong and Zhang Yao were grilling steaks on the grill. This was their dinner for today.

Li Mu was testing Xiao Heizi's lightning ability.

Putting a wooden board in the corner, Li Mu pointed at the board.

"Xiao Heizi, show me your ability!"

Xiao Heizi didn't say anything nonsense, and slowly opened his mouth to reveal his fangs. Then a lightning bolt shot out of Xiao Heizi's mouth and flew towards the board.

The sound of the electric current squeaked, and a five-centimeter-thick wooden board was instantly shot through by lightning, leaving a charred hole on the board.

"Damn, this power is quite strong. I didn't expect this lightning ability to be so strong."

Li Mu touched Xiao Heizi's head.

"It seems that I still underestimated you. You are worthy of being a divine pet. You are really powerful enough."

At night!

Li Mu came to the second floor, and the women were also beside him.

"I brought you gifts this time, and you will definitely like them."

The women immediately surrounded him and began to massage Li Mu's legs.

"My husband is the best!"

"I love you so much, my husband!"

Li Mu smiled and waved his hand.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, everyone has a share."

Then he waved his hand, and thousands of sets of clothes in the storage space appeared neatly in the living room.

"Clothes, so many clothes!"

"So many styles, all clothes!"

"Hahaha, my husband loves us the most, and it just so happens that we have no clothes to wear during this period."

"So many clothes, and they are all branded, so beautiful!"

Li Mu stood up and said.

"Everyone has a share. These clothes are selected by Bai Shuang according to your size, so there is no need to fight for them. Anyway, there are enough clothes."

The women who saw the clothes immediately began to choose their favorite clothes, and also began to praise Bai Shuang's vision.

"Sister Shuang, you have a good vision, these clothes are all beautiful."

"That's right, these clothes are simply designed to my heart."

After letting them look for a while, Li Mu said again.

"Okay, remember to put all the clothes in the closet later. The closet is big enough. I don't want the clean and tidy villa to be piled with clothes."

"Now there are cosmetics. These will be yours in the future. Anyway, I don't need them."

Then there was another pile of cosmetics on the ground, and the women cheered again.

Li Mu sat aside and watched these revelry women.

And at this time!

In Zhu Feng's territory, a younger brother hurriedly ran into Zhu Feng's villa.

At this time, Zhu Feng was still gnawing on a roast chicken. Seeing the younger brother coming in, Zhu Feng said unhappily.

"What are you so flustered about? Can't you see that I'm eating?"

The younger brother panted.

"Brother Feng, there is news about the guy who took the female star away."

Hearing this, the roast chicken in Zhu Feng's hand immediately lost its fragrance. Now his mind is full of female stars.

He immediately threw a bottle of mineral water to the younger brother.

"Drink two sips of water and talk slowly."

Zhu Feng is a relatively generous guy. As long as his younger brothers do their job well, he will never be stingy with these younger brothers.

It is also relying on this point, and a truck of food, that he has many younger brothers in the villa area.

And he has several very reliable brothers around him. These people are brothers who started from scratch with him, and they were tough guys who mixed with him when they were young.

The younger brother drank two sips of water and finally recovered his breath. This time he continued.

"Brother Feng, today our brothers found out about that kid from other places. That kid came to the villa area two days ago and now lives in the villa on the top of the mountain."

Zhu Feng stood up and walked over.

"Are you sure?"

The younger brother nodded vigorously.

"Very sure, someone saw the black SUV driving to the villa on the top of the mountain today, and there happened to be a man and a woman in the car. If nothing goes wrong, it should be that kid."

"And except for that kid, no one in the villa area is so bold."

Zhu Feng laughed, then walked to the dining table and took the roast chicken that he had gnawed for two bites and stuffed it into the younger brother's hand.

"Good that you found it, this roast chicken is a reward for you."

The younger brother held the roast chicken with a smile on his face. After all, it is not easy to see


Zhu Feng smiled and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"Hahaha, it's good to find it. If you dare to steal my female star, I will make you die without a burial place. Now keep an eye on the mountaintop villa, don't let that guy run away."

The younger brother swallowed his saliva.

"Okay, I'll send someone to keep an eye on it immediately."

After the younger brother left, Zhu Feng couldn't wait to take out his phone and called his good brother and capable person.

"Taozi, come back. There is news about the guy who killed our brother and stole the female star. Come back and let's discuss how to kill this guy."

Taozi on the other end of the phone was also very happy and said immediately.

"Okay, Brother Feng, I'll go over right now. He dared to kill our people in our territory. If we don't kill this guy, how can we survive in the villa area in the future!"

"I'll take my brothers over right now, and let's discuss how to kill this guy."

Zhu Feng nodded.

"Okay, let's discuss it."

The next day, in the streets of the villa area.

A man wearing a sports suit and holding a samurai sword was fighting with more than a dozen zombies.

The man holding the samurai sword in both hands was very quick, his body was very agile, and the samurai sword in his hand was not ordinary sharp.

In the battle with the zombies, the zombies would be chopped off their heads by the samurai sword almost before they could touch the man.

The man's movement was very flexible, constantly dodging the zombies beside him, and then looking for opportunities to kill the zombies.

After seven or eight minutes, all the more than a dozen zombies were killed, and the man was already exhausted and panting.

A man wearing sunglasses came over and handed over a bottle of water.

"Brother Dong, I didn't expect that you would become so much stronger after breaking through the second level. You killed more than a dozen zombies in such a short time."

"Too strong, Brother Dong, you are definitely the first person in the villa area to break through the second level. Now no one in the villa area can be your opponent."

"I'm afraid it won't take long before Brother Dong can lead us to dominate the entire villa area."

It was Yang Haidong who was fighting the zombies just now. He took a sip of the mineral water, then leaned against a big tree to rest.

"Fortunately, I have broken through the second level. The zombies have become stronger and stronger in the past two days. It doesn't take so much effort to kill these zombies one by one in normal times."

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