The doctor was born in a young age, and the doctor was born in a young age.

The first time he saw Lin Qiunan, Li Mu had already decided to take the doctor away.

Although Lin Qiunan's appearance was not too outstanding, and was a little worse than the women around Li Mu, her temperament was very good, and the most important thing was that she was a doctor.

After knowing the doctor's gender, Li Mu's last problem was solved, and the rest was relatively simple.

At this time, Lin Qiunan took the backpack and said while unzipping it.

"Let me introduce myself first to prove that I didn't lie to you."

Then she took out a bunch of certificates and so on from the backpack.

"This is my work permit at the Magic City Hospital!"

"This is the letter of employment that the Magic City Hospital gave me!"

"These are the certificates I obtained when I was studying abroad."

"This is my medical qualification certificate!"

"And my doctoral diploma."

In fact, the three people's minds are no longer here. They all believe that the female doctor in front of them dare not lie. After all, if she dares to lie to them, Lin Qiunan will die.

After introducing herself, Lin Qiunan looked at the three people.

"Now that I have finished the introduction, please introduce your strengths to the three of you."

"After all, in order for me to live better, I must choose a team with stronger strength to join."

The atmosphere was awkward at this time. Fatty and Tang looked at Li Mu, who had a gun in his hand.

At this time, Li Mu smiled slightly.

"I am in a good mood today. You choose first, whether to withdraw from the competition or stay and compete with me."

Is there any need to choose? This is a deadly question.

Fatty and A Tang believed that if they dared to talk about competition, Li Mu would shoot them the next moment and then physically withdraw them from the competition.

Between their own lives and a doctor, they would of course choose to live without hesitation.

So A Tang expressed his position first.

"I withdraw from the competition."

The arrogant Fatty on the side also said immediately.

"I also withdraw from the competition."

Hearing the two of them say this, Li Mu smiled at Lin Qiunan.

"Doctor Lin, it seems that I am the only one left now, so you can only choose me."

Lin Qiunan was certainly not stupid. When she saw Li Mu shooting without hesitation through the crack in the door, she almost knew the result of today.

But it doesn't matter, because this also shows how powerful Li Mu is, otherwise he would not let the other two competitors directly withdraw from the competition.

So now Lin Qiunan has no choice.

But now Lin Qiunan still doesn't know which one Li Mu was last night.

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"Li Mu, the one who promised you three meals a day. It seems that you made the right choice to meet me."

Lin Qiunan nodded slightly.

"It does look like that now."

At this time, Atang on the side said cautiously.

"Um, can I ask a question?"

Li Mu had a good impression of Atang, so he nodded slightly.

"Of course."

Atang continued.

"Did you kill Yang Haidong, Zhu Feng and their men?"

Atang knew some of the situation. He had seen the photos of the bodies of Yang Haidong and others. Almost all of them died of gunshot wounds, all of them were shot in the head.

Now that Li Mu took out a gun, he was so curious.

"Is it the guy with the samurai sword? If it was him, then I should have killed him."

Atang and Fatty took a breath of cold air after hearing this. They all knew that a ruthless person appeared in the villa area, but they didn't expect that they would meet this person so soon.

At this time, Atang smiled bitterly.

"In that case, it looks like we won't be able to leave today."

Li Mu slowly stood up and came to Lin Qiunan's side and said.

"Doctor Lin, pack up your things, we'll leave here soon."

Lin Qiunan nodded slightly.

"Okay, call me when you're done here."

After Lin Qiunan left, Li Mu looked at the two people sitting on the sofa again. He thought for a while and said to A Tang.

"What's your name?"

A Tang said.

"Tang Sheng, people who know me call me A Tang!"

Li Mu continued.

"Tang Sheng, right? If I kill this fat man now, are you sure you can subdue the group of people under him?"


At this sentence, both of them were stunned, and they didn't react for a while.

But after thinking for a while, the fat man who reacted immediately spoke.

"Brother, don't kill me. My overall strength is stronger than that of Tang Sheng. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will be your dog in the future, and I will listen to you in the future."

Li Mu looked at the fat man on the side and smiled slightly.

"It doesn't matter. After killing you, Tang Sheng's strength will be stronger, and I don't like your face."

Then Li Mu said to Tang Sheng again.

"You should be glad that you didn't provoke me, and I'm in a good mood today. Now you can answer my question. Are you sure you can subdue this fat man's men?"

This time Tang Sheng didn't hesitate and spoke directly.

"Yes, the survivors now have milk and mothers. As long as he dies, those under his command can only submit to me, and those who don't want to submit can only die."

Li Mu snapped his fingers, and the next moment he took out a gun and shot the fat man in the head.


After a gunshot, the fat man's head exploded directly, and he was dead as hell.

Then Li Mu took out his mobile phone and handed it to Tang Sheng beside him.

"Save your mobile phone number. I will contact you if there is anything. I hope you are a smart man."

Tang Sheng took the mobile phone tremblingly, and his hands were shaking constantly.

"I understand. I will do whatever you ask me to do in the future."

Tang Sheng knew that Li Mu did not kill him not because of kindness, but just wanted to train him into a puppet. In order to survive, Tang Sheng was willing to be this puppet.

After saving his mobile phone number on the phone, Tang Sheng handed the phone back with both hands.

"I will call you if I need you in the future. Now you should deal with the group of people outside as soon as possible!"

Tang Sheng nodded.

Then he came to the fat man's body, took a few deep breaths to stop his body from shaking, and then he dragged the fat man's heavy body to the door.

The fat man's younger brother wanted to rush up immediately after seeing the fat man's body.

"Brother, you actually killed me."

But Tang Sheng's younger brother was not a pushover and immediately stopped them.

"Don't move, what do you want to do!"

"Back off, everyone back off."

Just when the two groups were in a stalemate, Tang Sheng, who was standing on the steps, spoke up.

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