After a while, Tang Sheng's body was still burning.

About half a minute later, the burning sensation in Tang Sheng's body slowly disappeared.

After standing up again, Tang Sheng looked at his body in confusion.

"What happened just now? My body suddenly felt like it was on fire."

"And I can feel that I'm stronger, brother, what's going on?"

Li Mu ignored his words, but activated his own ability to check Tang Sheng's changes.

Sure enough, Tang Sheng's panel changed.

[Name: Tang Sheng]

[Level: Second Level]

[Qualification Rating: B]

Li Mu didn't expect the improvement to be so obvious that Tang Sheng, who was originally at the first level, actually broke through to the second level!

The most important thing is to improve your qualifications. Your level may be improved through your own efforts, but if you don't have any opportunities, you may never be able to improve your qualifications in your lifetime.

So improving your qualifications is definitely a very heaven-defying thing.

"Don't be confused. This is my ability. As long as you drink my blood, you can become stronger. You should have felt your changes."

Tang Sheng felt it very clearly. Now he has reached the second level of strength, which is much stronger than before.

"I really feel it. Thank you, big brother!"

Li Mu smiled slightly.

"You're welcome. Although your strength and qualifications have improved, you can't betray me after drinking my blood. I disobeyed my orders."

But Tang Sheng didn't think it was a big deal. After all, he had planned to follow Li Mu well. After all, Li Mu was strong, and he could make a living by following Li Mu.

And now Li Mu has made himself stronger, which is definitely a good thing rather than a bad thing. Tang Sheng quickly accepted it.

"Anyway, thank you for making me stronger."

Li Mu stepped forward and patted Tang Sheng on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, follow me and do things well, I won't treat you unfairly."

"Not only have you become stronger now, but your qualifications are also better than before, so kill more zombies during this period. The more zombies you kill, the stronger you will be."

Tang Sheng nodded seriously.

"Okay, brother, I understand, I will definitely work hard to become stronger."

Then Li Mu stretched out his hand, and the samurai sword he had taken from Yang Haidong appeared in Li Mu's hand.

Li Mu put the samurai sword in Tang Sheng's arms.

"This weapon is pretty good, I give it to you."

"I may have to leave the villa area for a few days, you help me keep an eye on the villa area."

Tang Sheng pressed the samurai sword with both hands and said seriously.

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely keep an eye on the villa area for you."

Li Mu nodded.

"Okay, move all these foods to your car, I'm leaving."

A few minutes later, Li Mu drove towards the Tianhu survivor base.

"I didn't expect the bloodline's improvement to be so huge. It seems that this is a very suitable ability to cultivate subordinates. I really don't dare to think about my future development."

"System, is the bloodline's improvement fixed or different?"

[The bloodline's improvement in qualifications is fixed. It will be improved once after drinking the host's blood, and the improvement in strength depends on the qualifications. 】

"Great, if the qualifications are improved by one level, then the original A-level qualifications will directly become S-level qualifications. It's against the sky, it's really against the sky."

"It seems that I can cultivate a strong team."

"By the way, system, are there levels for the awakened abilities of survivors? If there are levels, then what level of ability does my bloodline have?"

[Of course there are levels for abilities, just like the levels for qualifications. As for the host's bloodline, there is no level, because the bloodline's strength has exceeded the double SS-level ability. 】

[Perhaps it is because the host is the first person in the entire apocalypse to awaken superpowers, so he can awaken superpowers like the Bloodline. 】

Hearing these answers, Li Mu laughed out loud. How could he not be happy?


"I didn't expect that I was the first survivor in the apocalypse to awaken superpowers. It seems that my pace of becoming stronger has surpassed most people."

"I didn't expect the Bloodline to be so powerful. It seems that I must make good use of the Bloodline in the future."

It didn't take long for Li Mu to arrive at the gate of the Tianhu base.

The gate of the Tianhu survivor base is the gate of the original community.

The only difference is the very heavy steel plate door in front of him.

It can be seen that this door has been specially thickened. Not only that, the original fence of the community has also been blocked by various iron sheets.

The high-end community has now completely become a well-protected doomsday base.

"It seems that Zhang Yahu has developed very well, but I don't know what the situation is inside."

Then Li Mu called Zhang Yahu.

"I'm here, open the door!"


Then, the heavy door was slowly pushed open by several strong men, and Li Mu drove in.

There were several strong men holding weapons standing next to the gate. After Li Mu entered the door, a strong man in camouflage uniform walked towards the off-road vehicle.

After seeing the strong man, Li Mu knew his level.

"Second level, there are so many strong men under Zhang Yahu now, even the gatekeeper is of second level strength."

The strong man said after Li Mu lowered the passenger window.

"Brother Li Mu, right? Our eldest brother is in the single-family villa in the community now. You should know the way!"

Li Mu nodded. It seems that Zhang Yahu has already arranged it.

There are also several villas in the high-end community, but they are far less luxurious than the villa, let alone Li Mu's mountaintop villa.

"I know."

The strong man said.

"Then drive directly there!"

On the way, Li Mu observed the changes in the villa area and found that the changes here were not small.

First of all, there was no zombie inside, and Li Mu also saw a residential building that was obviously burned down.

When approaching the villa, Li Mu also saw a group of people practicing chopping with weapons, and there were quite a few people, at least two or three hundred people gathered together.

Zhang Yahu waved at Li Mu at the door of the villa.

After stopping the car, Li Mu walked towards Zhang Yahu.

"Brother Yahu, you can be said to be strong and powerful now. I didn't expect that your Tianhu base has already reached such a scale in such a short time."

Zhang Yahu smiled and waved his hand.

"I was forced to do this. There's nothing I can do about it. If I don't try to become stronger, how can I support these thousands of people under me?"

"Let's go. Let's talk inside!"

Li Mu turned around and looked at the people who were training. He actually found several guys with the strength of the second level.

Now he is more convinced that he has not made a mistake. Zhang Yahu is indeed a talent, and a rare talent.

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