After the two of them took off the scarves covering their faces, they took out something from their bags and started eating. They were all compressed biscuits and the like.

Seeing how well they were equipped and how there were basically no signs of fighting on their bodies, Li Mu was sure that they definitely did not come here to avoid zombies.

On the contrary, these people definitely came here for some purpose.

Soon they finished eating, and at this time the black man took out a map from his backpack and spread it on the front of the infantry fighting vehicle, and the people around him also gathered around.

"Everyone, we are now in the teaching building complex. There are basically no survivors here, and our target should not be in the teaching building."

"According to our intelligence, our target is likely to live in the dormitory building, so we must now go from here to the dormitory building to find the target."

A white man next to him looked at the densely packed dormitory buildings on the map.

"Captain, there are too many dormitory buildings here. If we keep looking like this, I don't know when we will find them."

"And there are definitely a lot of zombies in the dormitory building. Are there too few of us?"

The black man immediately looked at the white man who was talking next to him, his eyes were very sharp.

"Since you have obtained the company's supplies, you should follow the company's orders, otherwise, you should know your fate."

When he heard about the company, the white man immediately became honest, and he immediately stopped complaining, even though he was reluctant at first.

The black man continued.

"We will start dividing the area now. There are three infantry fighting vehicles in total, so we will be divided into three groups and then start to act separately."

"Will, you lead your team to search this area."

"Evan, you lead your team to search these areas."

"I will lead people to search the rest of the area."

Then the black man took out two more photos and handed them to the two white people, and said with instructions.

"When you act, you must ensure the safety of the target. Our mission is to capture the target person and obtain the data intelligence in the hands of the target person. Do you understand?"

Everyone responded immediately.


The black man said with a scarf covering his face.

"Everyone keep in touch. Once the target person is found, the rest of the group will immediately support him."

"Let's go now!"

At the command, everyone immediately divided into three teams, and then boarded three infantry fighting vehicles and headed towards the dormitory building.

After they left, Li Mu also walked out of the teaching building.

"They are here to arrest people. What kind of company is this?"

"No matter what, let's follow them and see. Anyway, this group of people are definitely not good people."

Then Li Mu also started the off-road vehicle and went to the dormitory building from another road. The school is well connected. As a student of Magic City University, Li Mu is too familiar with the school's routes.

Li Mu even arrived at the dormitory area faster than the three infantry fighting vehicles. He parked the car behind a forest and watched the three infantry fighting vehicles come to the dormitory area, and then went to different areas.

"Who are they going to arrest?"

"No matter what, choose a team to follow and see, and then catch another person alive and ask them, and you will know."

An infantry fighting vehicle stopped in front of a dormitory building not far away, and a group of zombies around it immediately surrounded it and kept chasing the infantry fighting vehicle.

Almost at the moment of parking, several grenades were thrown from the infantry fighting vehicle, and all rolled into the zombie group.


An explosion sounded, and the group of zombies that chased after them were instantly blown into a bloody mess, with zombies' flesh and blood everywhere.

Then the six people in the car got out immediately, picked up their rifles and started shooting at the zombies.

Under their dense firepower and the explosion of grenades, hundreds of zombies were quickly killed by them.

After killing all the zombies in front of the dormitory building, they did not stop for a moment and immediately ran towards the nearest dormitory building.

Li Mu also got out of the car and ran towards the dormitory building.

A distance of about 100 meters was nothing to Li Mu at the moment.

But in order not to alert the enemy, Li Mu still walked over slowly.

He looked at the place where they had just fought.

"Well-trained, what kind of company can have such an elite force."

Arriving at the door of the dormitory building, Li Mu could already hear the constant roar of zombies

There were shouts.

It was obvious that there were a lot of zombies in here. Li Mu was afraid that there were no more living people in this building.

Entering the dormitory building, Li Mu smiled.

"Okay, the hunt begins."

The team that entered the small building quickly began to search inside the building.

Their team leader was a white man named Ivan.

He stood in the middle of the team. The whole team kept moving in the corridor. They stopped at the door of a dormitory building and checked the situation inside, so the walking speed was very slow.

Ivan came out after clearing out the zombies in a dormitory, and kept cursing.

"Fuck, there are at least thousands of dormitories in these three dormitory buildings. How long will it take to find the target if this goes on?"

"We are mercenaries, but now we have to come here to find a Dragon countryman, and we have to search one dormitory after another."

"If it weren't for the food as a reward, I would never take on this kind of task."

Another white man spoke up.

"Shut up, the reward from Kyle Company is too generous. As long as we succeed this time, we can get a large amount of supplies, and then we won't have to rely on Kyle Company."

While they were talking, they cleared several dormitories again. After coming to the corridor, Ivan checked the magazine on his rifle and said.

"No, if we continue like this, our bullets will be used up sooner or later, and we won't be able to break through."

Then Ivan turned off the safety and pulled out a long machete from his backpack.

"Everyone, switch to cold weapons, and use guns when you encounter third-level zombies!"

The six people took out their cold weapons silently. The other white man was very strong. He held a trident that could be spliced.

When facing zombies, this kind of long cold weapon is still more useful, and it can control or block zombies well.

Then the strong man holding the trident stood at the front of the team.

"I'll clear the way."

Then he kicked open a dormitory door, and a zombie rushed over instantly. The strong man immediately stabbed up with the trident in his hand, perfectly blocking the zombie that wanted to rush over.

An islander following behind him immediately rushed up with a machete, and soon the zombies in the dormitory were eliminated.

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