I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 226: Create another glorious future

In addition to Laozhai Village Middle School and Yinchuan No. 36 Middle School, the principals of Shuozhou Experimental Middle School, Longfeng No. 1 Middle School, and Huaping No. 2 Middle School also called to announce the good news.

These schools have only been established in less than a year, so the number of people taking the college entrance examination is very small.

But even so, the average score of each school’s students in the college entrance examination reached about 600 points.

The main reason is that those who do not reach more than 600 points can't take the college entrance examination.

Originally, for several students, Yang Xin set a passing score of about five hundred and fifty points before they could take the college entrance examination.

It was the principals of these schools who insisted on keeping up with Laozhai Village Middle School, which made Yang Xin difficult to say.

However, he also decided that after the summer vacation, he would prepare to redeem some halo relay props and put them in these schools, so that he can use halo to bless more students every day, so that more students become more enthusiastic about learning.

On the day when the college entrance examination was released, the WeChat group was as lively as before.

"@杨老师Thank you!"

"Thank you, Teacher Yang, you have worked hard!"

"Mr. Yang, thank you. Without you, my son would only be an ordinary child. Without you, my son would not have his grades today. Here, on behalf of our family, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"Teacher Yang……"

On this day, countless parents of students in the WeChat group Aite Yang Xin, all are words of gratitude.

Since the beginning of the list, the WeChat group’s red envelope rain has never been heard.

Even if the family is not wealthy, after learning about the outstanding grades of a child, they will collect one or two thousand dollars to give out red envelopes to share the joy with all students and their parents.

After the college entrance examination results were released, many media also reported news about students' college entrance examinations.

Of course, the most noticeable thing is the student performance of the Yang teacher class.

After He Qingqing personally announced Yang Shiban’s college entrance examination results this year on Weibo, soon some media and self-media began to forward or re-edit the news materials and post them.

The next day, when many netizens went online, they found that almost all the news on the Internet was about the results of the students in the Yang Normal School.

When some netizens watched the Xiaoyin Kuaishou video, almost every time they watched a dozen or twenty videos, they would be able to find a video about the results of the students in the Yang Normal School.

[Yang Shiban made another glorious achievement, and the six top scorers in the college entrance examination broke the historical record again...]

[Yang Shiban surpasses all middle schools in the country with an average score of 721...]

In just one night, the news about the college entrance examination scores of Yang Teachers' students ranked first on the Weibo hot search list, overwhelming the news that He Qingqing announced his withdrawal from the U.S. market.

"Awesome, this year's big news on the Internet is all produced by these two guys."

"Have you noticed that the college entrance examination champions in 12 provinces this year are all students from the Yang teacher's class. This is too strong."

"Students from Teacher Yang's class are here specifically to grab the top students in the college entrance examination of the provinces! Can they give others a way to survive?"

"Now the students of the Teacher Yang Class are still confined to the Southwest and North China Plains. You know, Teacher Yang has also accepted some students from the Northwest region. Now the size of the Teacher Yang Class has exceeded 500 students. After two years, Yang It’s possible that the students in the normal class can get the college entrance examination champions in more than 20 provinces."

"If that's the case, how can Qingbei grab the top spot in the college entrance examination? Go straight to Master Yang's class and decide."

"It is strongly recommended that all provinces exclude students from the Yang Teachers class before they are counted as champions in the college entrance examination."

"Look at the difference between Zhang Yuheng and the second place in the provincial college entrance examination this year. It’s more than sixty points. It’s too difficult! Without Zhang Yuheng, this year’s provincial college entrance examination champion is the one who scored 586 points. Classmates."

"Yes, it is strongly recommended to exclude students from the Yang teacher's class before being counted as the champion in the college entrance examination."

"If there were no students from the Yang Teachers' Class, the highest score in some provinces would be only 670, which is comparable to the average of 721 from the Yang Teacher's Class. It's almost..."

After the college entrance examination scores came out this year, the admissions teachers of Tsinghua and Peking University also acted immediately.

Some of them went directly to the students and their parents.

But most of them wanted to contact Yang Xin, because they knew Yang Xin's position in the minds of these students. As long as Yang Xin said a word, his students would listen to him obediently.

For example, Yang Xin said that if a student is allowed to study at Tsinghua University, then that student Tsinghua does not have to fight with Peking University, because this student will definitely become theirs.

However, when the Qingbei admissions teacher wanted to contact Yang Xin, they found that they couldn't contact Yang Xin at all.

Yang Xin's mobile phone, except for the ones saved in his address book, is not accessible to any unfamiliar calls and messages.

Even if a teacher from the Qingbei Admissions Group found Dazhou No. 13 Middle School and wanted to meet Yang Xin in person, they were rejected by Yang Xin.

For his students, he had already arranged which school he would go to to study.

For example, Li Yuanyuan, a music class student who took the college entrance examination this year, said in an interview with the media that ten students in the music class will apply for the Central Conservatory of Music this year.

The same is true for art class students, who will choose the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

There are also ten students in the computer class who chose to apply for the computer major of the National University of Defense Technology.

The fastest computer in the world, Tianhe-2 is the research result of the National University of Defense Technology.

These students of Yang Xin's computer talents are at the super-genius level. This does not mean that they are only talented in computer software, but more talented in hardware.

Some students want to participate in the project to develop the best computer in the world. The National Defense University is undoubtedly the best school.

As for the students in Yang Xin's class, most of them were directly accepted as graduate students by the professors of the National University of Science and Technology.

Except for a student with a talent for pilot who chose the Capital Academy of Aeronautics and Astronautics, all the students in the other classes have entered the National University of Science and Technology.

Therefore, this year, Tsinghua and Peking University are still Yang Xin's students and none of them have been caught.

Because when they rushed to the homes of college entrance examination champions in many provinces, they could find that these college entrance examination champions were actually Yang Xin's students.

And most importantly, no matter how much they tried, the parents of these college entrance examination champions would refuse to let their children go to Tsinghua and Peking University to study.

When I asked why I didn’t want to go to Tsinghua University, for example, Zhang Yuheng’s mother revealed to the Qingbei admissions teacher that their children had been accepted as graduate students by academicians of the National University of Science and Technology.

In terms of cultivating graduate students ~www.ltnovel.com~ National University of Science and Technology can throw away Tsinghua and Peking University several blocks, not to mention that they are still accepted as graduate students directly by academicians, they can only return in anguish.

Many media, when they learned that Tsinghua and Peking University had not recruited those provincial college entrance examination champions this year, they couldn't help reporting.

For a while, Tsinghua and Peking University became a joke among netizens.

On the contrary, it was the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, because this year the students of the Yangshi class chose to join, and once again showed a big face in front of the people of the whole country.

This is even more so in the minds of some students’ parents that the National University of Science and Technology is even better than Tsinghua University and Peking University.

Their idea is simple: if National Science and Technology University is not as good as Tsinghua University and Peking University, then why should the students of the Yangshi class choose to join National Science and Technology University instead of Tsinghua University and Peking University?

Teachers and students at Tsinghua and Peking University saw these remarks on the Internet, they all cried out in the toilet!

PS, the first two chapters have been banned, and there are still two days before the ban is lifted. I vomit.

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