I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 284: Limit test

In fact, Yang Long was able to reach the overload limit of 11G because he was a super genius with a score of 96 points. It was mainly because Yang Xin gave them adjustment halo relay props where they trained.

This allows them to always be blessed by the adjustment halo during training.

Regulating the role of the aura is mainly to regulate various functions of the body so that the body functions reach the most stable state.

Training under the blessing of adjusting the halo, students in the flying class can achieve training effects that are several times higher than that of ordinary people.

Yang Long himself is a super genius in this respect, coupled with the blessing of adjusting the halo, so he can achieve his current results in just three years.

And this result is not the upper limit of his talent, as long as he trains hard, he will definitely be able to reach new heights beyond reach.

As for other students. 9.6G overload persistence for five seconds is not their limit, because although their talent is not as good as Yang Long, but it will not be much worse, I believe that reaching Yang Long's current height in the future will not be a problem.

At this time in the main control room, everyone was looking at Yang Long in the centrifuge.

"Are you ready?" Qu Weiguo's voice resounded in the training cabin.

"Ready." Although Yang Long didn't know who was talking to him, he still made an OK gesture to the screen.

"start up."

As the staff operating the centrifuge pressed the start button, the centrifuge soon began to spin.

"How do you feel?" Qu Weiguo asked Yang Long in the training warehouse.

"feels good."

"First accelerate to 6G, and then hold." Qu Weiguo instructed the person operating the centrifuge.

Following Qu Weiguo's order, soon the workers added the centrifuge overload to the 6G overload.

"How do you feel?" Qu Weiguo asked Yang Long in the training warehouse.

"Very good, there is not much pressure." Yang Long replied.

"Continue to increase the overload and go directly to 9G." Qu Weiguo ordered the staff.

With the operation of the staff, soon the overload display number began to rise rapidly.


Soon, the load stopped at 9.0. At this time, Yang Long in the training cabin finally changed his face.

Although Yang Long's limit can reach a level close to 11G, Qu Weiguo dare not directly let the staff directly increase the overload to the limit.

Because the load is too high if the trainer can't bear it, it will cause physical injury to the trainer.

It is undoubtedly a safer way to start testing with 9G overload.

When the load stayed at 9G, everyone started to time Yang Long. Everyone wanted to see how long he could last with 9G overload.

1, 2, 3,............

"Stop it!" Qu Weiguo ordered the staff.

For more than forty seconds, Yang Long's limit was still not reached, but Qu Weiguo still asked the staff to stop the centrifuge.

"Are you okay?" Qu Weiguo asked Yang Long in the training warehouse.

"I'm okay, I haven't reached the limit yet." Yang Long panted and replied.

"You prepare, then we will directly add the overload to your limit peak." Qu Weiguo said to Yang Long.

"Give me a minute to adjust." Yang Long said with an OK gesture.

Soon, one minute passed.

"I'm ready." Yang Long made an OK gesture again.

"Let's start, directly add to his limit." Qu Weiguo ordered the staff.

Soon the staff began to operate the centrifuge to accelerate.

The value on the screen also rose rapidly from a few points.

In just a few seconds, in the training cabin of the centrifuge, the number displayed on the overload display reached an astonishing 11G.

Everyone was staring at the screen, and the staff operating the centrifuge put their hands on the deceleration lever. As long as Yang Long in the training cabin fainted, he would quickly reduce the speed.

", 1003 seconds, stop..."

When Qu Weiguo counted to three seconds, Yang Long in the training cabin finally couldn't help but fainted.

At this time, the staff also hurriedly pulled the lever to slow down the centrifuge.

Just after the speed of the centrifuge slowed down, soon Yang Long in the training cabin woke up again.

"How do you feel?" Qu Weiguo asked Yang Long in the training warehouse.

"It feels okay." Yang Long replied.

"Want to try the peak overload of this centrifuge?" Qu Weiguo asked Yang Long.

"Yes." Yang Long nodded and replied.

The peak overload of this centrifuge can reach 15G. As long as the technicians allow the centrifuge to reach this value quickly and then quickly fall back, there will be no harm to the trained Yang Long.

After all, it is only a momentary peak, and many pilots have experienced it.

Just like when a fighter jet is doing a big overload movement, the huge overload is just that moment.

In the training cabin, Yang Long adjusted the time for one minute, and then the test continued.

This time, the staff directly reached the maximum speed of the centrifuge.

In other words, within a few seconds, the overload pressure in the centrifuge can reach the highest peak of 15G.

In the training cabin, Yang Long is ready to meet the huge overload. He collapses the muscles of his body very tightly, which can pressure the blood to flow back to the brain and keep the brain awake~www.ltnovel.com~ After preparation, the centrifuge quickly accelerates.

In just a few seconds, the number of the centrifuge reached 15G, and then fell rapidly under the operation of the staff.

As for Yang Long on the screen, everyone watching him, even seeing him change his face quickly, his eyes almost protruded under the pressure of the huge load, which was very scary.

At the peak of 15G, he only persisted for less than a second before fainting.

Fortunately, the number of overloads dropped quickly, and he quickly came to his senses again.

"Yes, yes, very good, a natural test pilot seedling."

Looking at Yang Long on the screen, Qu Weiguo said three of them were good, and the excitement on his face was even harder to conceal.

At the same time, after several fighter pilots glanced at each other, their eyes were full of admiration.

Such people can't do without admiration. Such anti-G capacity is beyond their reach in their entire lives.

"Go, let's go see him."

Soon, a large group of people moved towards the training warehouse.

Soon, Yang Long was helped by two enthusiastic pilots.

"Good boy, not bad." Qu Weiguo stepped forward and looked at Yang Long, unable to hide the smile on his face.

"Yang Long, this is Director Qu from the Admissions Office."

"Hello, Director Qu!" Yang Long hurriedly saluted.

"Well, your kid gave me a big surprise."

"Director, do others still need to be tested?" The young man in uniform asked Qu Weiguo.

"Let's take a test." Qu Weiguo nodded, and then said: "They are excellent in all tests. If there is no problem with the college entrance examination, they will be students of the Air Force Aviation University in the future.

I will write a report of their data and submit it, and then I can make them a key national training target. "

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