I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 313: First come first served, is it late?

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For the visit of leaders of various countries, the country also warmly entertained them.

It was just that when they finally discussed the AIDS drug, the relevant department kicked these people to Sankou Pharmaceutical Company.

After all, medicines belong to three pharmaceutical companies, and the state can no longer make decisions for private companies.

On this day, Tian Jiajia sent a photo to Yang Xin and He Qingqing. The photo was a group photo of her with the leaders of several countries.

"Teacher, Mr. He, many countries want to purchase our medicines. The leaders above mean that it depends on our company's decision." Tian Jiajia said to Yang Xin and He Qingqing.

HIV-specific drugs are, after all, developed by a private company. If you want to support foreign patients, you still need to negotiate with Sankou pharmaceutical companies.

Hearing Tian Jiajia's words, He Qingqing said to her: "I have been notified of this matter. I will fly to the capital tomorrow. I will talk to them in person at that time."

After Hetian Jiajia hung up the phone, He Qingqing said to Yang Xin: "Husband, you said AIDS is a special medicine. How much should we set the export price for?"

"I don't know this, but I think it's very expensive for foreigners to sell medicines to our country, and we can't make them too cheap." Yang Xinchao and He Qingqing said.

Nothing imported from abroad is inexpensive to sell to China. As long as the drugs are not available in China, they can be sold abroad at dozens or even hundreds of times the cost.

Therefore, Yang Xin naturally hopes to sell the AIDS drug more expensive.

You can’t sell it to you at a high price. If you sell it to others, you can make a little money at the cost price, right?

However, according to the chairman of the African Union, it is hoped that China will provide low-cost medicines to African countries.

"What is the production cost of our AIDS drug?" Yang Xinchao asked He Qingqing.

"The cost is not very expensive, it's about 300 yuan per box. The main reason is that the supply of raw materials is still a bit tight. If you wait a few more years, it will not be impossible for the cost price to drop to tens of dollars a box." He Qingqingchao Yang The letter said.

"How much do we sell to the country for a box of medicine?" Yang Xin continued to ask.

"The price we sell to the Medical Insurance Bureau is 500 yuan per box. AIDS patients take about 20 boxes on average to be cured," said He Qingqing and Yang Xin.

"Well, let's sell it abroad for a thousand yuan," Yang Xinchao said to He Qingqing.

"One thousand yuan? What do you think? I think it will cost at least five thousand yuan a box." He Qingqing slapped Yang Xin.

"Five thousand yuan?"

Hearing He Qingqing's words, Yang Xin took a deep breath.

Five thousand yuan, based on the treatment of a patient requires about 20 boxes, wouldn't it take hundreds of thousands to cure a patient?

Moreover, this is only the wholesale price for exports to foreign countries. If foreign hospitals use this medicine to treat patients, such as the United States, the price will at least be doubled.

Good guy, it will cost at least tens of thousands of dollars to cure this disease.

Tens of thousands of dollars?

Thinking of tens of thousands of dollars, Yang Xin frowned again.

Is tens of thousands of dollars expensive for Americans? It's not expensive at all.

On the Internet, an international student posted a list of the cost of his appendicitis surgery in the United States. The total cost was more than 35,000 US dollars, which is equivalent to more than 200,000 yuan.

In the United States, an appendicitis operation costs tens of thousands of dollars.

And is the drug that can completely cure AIDS only cost tens of thousands of dollars?

In this way, the AIDS drug is not expensive at all for five thousand yuan.

"Why don't we sell a box of medicine for two thousand dollars?" Yang Xinchao said to He Qingqing.

Even if it is two thousand dollars a box, it only needs more than 40,000 dollars to completely cure an AIDS patient.

Even if this medicine is sold at high prices in the United States, even if the price is doubled, but it can cure AIDS, I believe this medicine is also worthwhile.

A box of two thousand dollars, compared with some sky-high prices, is already very conscientious. For example, there is a hepatitis C medicine that is wholesale at a price of $1,125 per tablet.

At least the AIDS drug is sold in a box by box, and there are 20 pills in a box.

In this way, a medicine costs one hundred dollars.

Hearing Yang Xin said two thousand dollars, He Qingqing thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up and said: "In fact, we can sell more expensive. This medicine has just been on the market. Because of the limited production, it is understandable that the price is higher. My The idea is that we first make a sum of money for patients in developed countries in Europe and America."

"After we earn money from the wealthy people in Europe and the United States, and when the cost of our medicines is reduced and the output comes up, we will gradually reduce the price, and finally reduce the price to the extent that it can be used by African patients." He Qing Qingchao Yang Xin said.

Hearing He Qingqing’s words, Yang Xin’s eyes lit up, and he said to He Qingqing: “This is a good way. Our medicines are exported to Europe and the United States. It will also make the price of the high-priced anti-AIDS drugs plummet. The patients can afford it, which can be regarded as a benefit to AIDS patients all over the world. You must know that the vast majority of AIDS patients in Africa cannot afford anti-AIDS drugs."

There are 40 million AIDS patients in the world, and the three pharmaceutical companies may not be able to provide treatment drugs to 40 million AIDS patients within ten years. Instead of this, it is better to lower the price slowly.

As a special medicine, Sankou Pharmaceutical Company cannot expand the scale of planting and production of medicinal materials indefinitely.

After all, having a special medicine means that this disease will be suppressed to an extremely small order of magnitude.

Imagine that after more than ten years, there are no more AIDS patients in the world. Wouldn't it be that the greater the investment now, the more discarded by then.

In fact, if the drug is operated in a way that maximizes the profit of the capitalist, the best thing is that the price of the drug will never be reduced.

As a result, many patients will not be able to afford medicines, which will result in most AIDS patients unable to get treatment.

As long as many people with AIDS cannot be cured, they will continue to infect more new AIDS patients.

And these new AIDS patients are the endless potential customers of this AIDS specific medicine.

Of course, this is too bad for the yin, Yang Xin must be disdainful of it.

The next day, He Qingqing flew to the capital to meet with leaders of some countries and discuss the export of AIDS drugs.

After a few days, He Qingqing rushed back a little tired.

"How's it going?" Yang Xin asked He Qingqing.

"It was not settled~www.ltnovel.com~ I quoted a box of two thousand five hundred dollars. Those small countries simply can't afford it." He Qingqing said to Yang Xin.

"Two thousand five hundred dollars?" Yang Xin was taken aback when he heard He Qingqing's offer.

He thought that the two thousand dollars a box he said last time was crazy, but he didn't expect He Qingqing to raise it to two thousand five hundred dollars a box.

"The output of our medicines is currently very limited. In addition to supplying domestic patients, the volume of medicines that can be exported this year is less than 20 million boxes. The 20 million boxes of medicines, rather than selling them to African countries at low prices, might as well get them. Go to the European and American markets to make a lot of money." He Qingqing said to Yang Xin.

On the second day, He Qingqing made an announcement to all countries in the world in the name of Sankou Pharmaceutical Company.

In the announcement, He Qingqing said: Because of the limited production, Sankou Pharmaceutical Company can export only 20 million boxes of AIDS specific drugs this year, that is to say, it can only provide medicines for the treatment of one million AIDS patients.

Therefore, all countries, companies, or individuals who want to buy medicines all over the world should hurry up and buy them. First come first serve, there will be no late.

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