I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 316: Big plan

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But it’s not surprising to think about it. It’s an AIDS drug, and there is only one company in the world that can produce it.

Such a company is not afraid that you will engage in anti-monopoly sanctions, because you can't do without it.

If you are anti-monopoly, then I will not do business with your country. When the time comes, your domestic AIDS patients will naturally make you uneasy.

And no matter what, as long as they are wealthy AIDS patients, they will always find a way to buy AIDS specific drugs, whether they are smuggled or treated abroad.

Anyway, Sankou Pharmaceutical’s AIDS drug is not afraid that there will be no market. The big deal is that the drug delivery speed is slower.

Just when Sankou Pharmaceutical Company made huge profits, Mo City Mansion was also very excited.

The headquarters of Sankou Pharmaceutical Company is located in Modu, next to the headquarters of Hexin Pharmaceutical Company.

According to the order contracts signed by Sankou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and dozens of foreign pharmaceutical companies, if the contract is completed, the Magic City Mansion can receive billions of dollars in taxes. Although many of these taxes are national taxes, there are also a lot of local taxes.

The high profits of Sankou Pharmaceutical Company made many people jealous, but no powerful man dared to use means to seek it.

First of all, the two major shareholders of Sankou Pharmaceutical Company, Tian Jiajia and Yang Xin, are well-known people in China. If any dude uses means to forcefully buy shares or something, it will definitely cause extremely bad effects in society. Even if he is the son of the prime minister, the state will not spare him.

Tian Jiajia is known as one of the most talented young scientists in China. He has solved the world's two terminal illnesses alone. He is a well-known alumnus of Peking University. If anyone touches her, Peking University will definitely speak up.

Yang Xin is also considered the best educator in the country. He has taught countless outstanding students and has hundreds of millions of online fans.

In addition to his character, even the senior officials of the provincial government only want a junior to join the Yang Shiban. Yang Xin does not give this face. It shows that his character is strong. It is almost impossible to use him to let him give up his benefits in vain. of.

The reason why the previous Hexin Pharmaceuticals let several investment companies take advantage of the shares was also because the previous Yang Xin and He Qingqing were both too weak.

If you change to the present, He Qingqing will not agree at all.

"Husband, your income will surpass me this year. Guess how much money you can make this year?" He Qingqing called Yang Xinchao and said to Yang Xin that day.

"How much?" Yang Xin didn't know the company's operations, so he really didn't know how much the company made.

"In the second half of this year, Sankou pharmaceutical companies will probably make more than 20 billion profits." He Qingqing said.

"More than 20 billion, that's pretty good." Yang Xin nodded.

He Xin Pharmaceutical Company can make almost 20 billion profits a year, and he can divide the annual dividends of shareholders of about 4 billion, and then he will still have two or three billion in personal income tax.

"It's U.S. dollars." He Qingqing smiled and said to Yang Xin: "Sankou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. can make nearly 28 billion U.S. dollars in net profits this year. You have 40% of the company's shares, after deducting the company. Income tax, dividends at the end of the year, you can almost get to about 8 billion US dollars.

After the personal income tax is deducted, you can also get about 5 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to more than 30 billion yuan. "

"More than 30 billion?" Yang Xin was stunned when he heard this number.

"Doesn't that mean that Tian Jiajia earns more?" Yang Xin asked in surprise.

Tian Jiajia owns 55 percent of the company's shares, and He Qingqing owns the remaining 5 percent. He Qingqing helps her manage the company's share incentives.

Since 40% of his shares have an income of more than 30 billion yuan, isn't Tian Jiajia more?

"Tian Jiajia can get more than 12 billion U.S. dollars. After paying taxes, it is almost 8 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to about 50 billion yuan." He Qingqing said lightly.

"More than 50 billion, it's amazing." Hearing that Tian Jiajia could make more than 50 billion, Yang Xin couldn't help but admire.

Classmate Tian Jiajia is now taller than his net worth!

This is 50 billion in cash flow. The richest man in the country can't easily come up with tens of billions in cash flow.

For a wealthy man like Ma Yun with a net worth of 300 to 400 billion, you may ask him to raise a billion in cash flow. It may take several days. If you want to raise it right away, unless you ask someone to borrow it.

That is to say, Sankou pharmaceutical company has not been listed. If it is listed, relying on the monopoly of HIV-specific drugs, the market value will definitely surpass most domestic companies.

"Can the money arrive this year?" Yang Xinchao asked He Qingqing.

"Almost, the deposit has already been placed. If nothing happens, dividends should be paid to the account." He Qingqing nodded.

As for the AIDS special medicine, it is basically only after the foreign businessmen pay the money that they will be shipped here.

If all the estimated 10 million boxes of medicines can be exported, the money will certainly be a lot of money.

"30 billion renminbi, how did I finish spending it?"

Suddenly there was such a large amount of wealth, but Yang Xin was a little tangled.

"A lot of money is not good? Don't you want to engage in charity education, the more money you can achieve, the better is not it." He Qingqing smiled and said to Yang Xin.

"That's right, I think I should be able to spend the 30 billion." Yang Xin nodded when he heard He Qingqing's words.

It's only 30 billion. A CCTV building costs 20 billion. His money is not enough to build two CCTV buildings.

Yang Xin decided to increase investment in charity education starting next year.

For example, the Dream Scholarship APP, he only subsidizes hundreds of thousands of outstanding students each year.

Next year, he decided to expand this number to 500,000.

Half a million outstanding students, based on the average scholarship of 10,000 yuan a year for high school students, only need 5 billion.

Although the number of students has expanded several times, he is not afraid of cheating by students applying for scholarships.

Because the super scanning props of the current system have covered most areas of the country.

As long as a student cheats ~www.ltnovel.com~ the system can scan it immediately and tell him that it is like a radar, which is very easy to use.

Of course, this requires some points to be consumed.

What Yang Xin is most afraid of is cheating by students, or embezzlement of his money by his subordinates, because the system can detect it at any time. As long as someone takes his money for personal gain, he will know it instantly.

In addition to increasing the number of scholarship students funded by the Dream Scholarship APP next year, Yang Xin is also preparing to launch a big plan.

The name of this plan, he decided to call the "Country Support Teachers Subsidy Program."

He decided to give subsidies of 2,000 to 3,000 yuan per month to all teachers in the country who go to teach in remote mountainous areas. In this way, they can receive 30,000 to 40,000 yuan a year in subsidies.

If it is a particularly remote and backward area, the subsidy will be increased to four to five thousand yuan a month.

In this way, plus their salary of more than 1,000 yuan per month, they can earn 5,000 to 6,000 yuan per month, which is much more cost-effective than going to work in the factory.

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