I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 320: we do not need

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Yang Xin did not immediately agree to Tian Jiajia's use of 50 billion for charity education. After he hung up the phone with Tian Jiajia, he directly called Tian Jiajia's parents.

"Brother Tian, ​​Tian Jiajia said that he would give me 50 billion yuan for charity education. Do you know about this?" Yang Xin asked Tian Jiajia's father.

"We know about this and Jiajia has already told us. You can rest assured, Teacher Yang, we don't have any opinions."

Tian Jiajia’s father said to Yang Xin, “And the money is Jiajia’s own. We can’t control how she wants to spend it.”

"This is a lot of money! You..." Yang Xin didn't understand why Tian Jiajia's parents were so free and easy.

"Money! You can make more money if you don’t have it. Jiajia makes so much money. We can't spend it all our lives. Instead of putting it in the bank, it’s better to use it for charity. Jiajia and her mother pay it back. Grandparents are all supportive," said Tian Jiajia's father.

When Hetian Jiajia's father hung up the phone, Yang Xin was very moved. He didn't expect them to be so open-minded.

That's 50 billion! We must know that many people can earn money for their family property, and they can't get along with each other.

And the reason why he doesn't care about money so much is mainly because he has a system, and what he wants to make money is too simple.

However, when Yang Xin said this question to Tian Wenwen, a word of Tian Wenwen made Yang Xin speechless.

"My sister is just doing charity with the money she earned in one year. It's not that this year's money can't be earned again next year! Maybe next year, she might earn more." Tian Wenwen said to Yang Xin.


Hearing Tian Wenwen's words, Yang Xin realized that although 50 billion is more, it is only Tian Jiajia earned in a year.

Since Tian Jiajia is willing to use 50 billion for charity, Yang Xin will naturally not be polite.

Immediately, he posted another Weibo directly.

【Hello students! I am your teacher Yang. In view of my student Tian Jiajia, I decided to use 50 billion to give me full power to do charity education.

So I decided, first of all, to increase the number of Dream Scholarships from 500,000 to 1.5 million. Students who want to apply for the scholarship can sign up for the Dream Scholarship APP.

In addition, I will also increase the amount of subsidies for rural teachers and the number of subsidies. The amount of subsidies will be adjusted to between 1,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan. The minimum number of subsidies will not be less than 2 million...

In addition, I will donate two thousand Hope Primary Schools in remote mountainous areas. Hope Primary School will be named after my student Tian Jiajia. 】


Tian Jiajia’s 50 billion fund and the number of scholarships expanded by one million, the budget of 10 billion should be enough.

A budget of 20 billion yuan should be enough to subsidize rural teachers.

The last is to donate to Hope Primary School. The cost of a Hope Primary School ranges from one million to five million.

According to the earthquake resistance standard of more than 1,000 square meters, a hope elementary school will cost about 3 million yuan.

According to the calculation of 3 million for a Hope Primary School, it is only 6 billion for 2,000 schools.

Therefore, Yang Xin may not be able to spend the 50 billion donated by Tian Jiajia in one year.

But it doesn’t matter, you can spend it next year if you spend this year.

Yang Xin's Weibo once again aroused heated discussion among the people on the Internet.

Just when Yang Xin released Weibo, the Dream Scholarship APP, the number of visits in the past few days is even more than that of major entertainment platforms.

"Ms. Yang, the number of students applying for the Dream Scholarship has reached 20 million."

"Ms. Yang, the number of subsidies for supporting teachers is less than 20,000..."

"There are not many rural teachers applying for subsidies, only less than 100,000."

"It's been a week now. The number of supporting teachers and rural teachers is obviously not enough. Isn't our publicity insufficient and many teachers haven't seen it?" asked Xu Kai, the president of Yang Xinchao's Dream Scholarship APP.

"It should not be. After all, the entire network is reporting this matter. Basically, as long as teachers who can access the Internet, they should be able to see it."

Xu Kaichao Yang Xin said: "I think it may be that many teachers are unwilling to apply for subsidies."

"Why?" Yang Xin asked in surprise.

"I saw a lot of teachers speaking on the Internet, saying that they don't need your subsidy, and they hope you can use the money to help more poor students." Xu Kaichao and Yang Xin said.

Hearing Xu Kai's words, Yang Xin was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I want to subsidize poor students, but I want to subsidize teachers in poor mountainous areas even more."

"I will post a Weibo to talk about it later and see if more teachers can choose to apply for subsidies."

Soon, Yang Xin posted another Weibo.

[It’s been a week since the teaching assistantship activities. I found that very few teachers applied for subsidies. Only less than 20,000 teachers applied for subsidies. There were only 100,000 rural teachers in the country who applied for subsidies of 3 million rural teachers, which obviously did not reach me. Requirements.

I have seen many teachers say that they do not need my subsidy, and hope that I can use these subsidies to support more poor students. This makes me very touched.

What I want to tell the teachers is that I have been helping poor students, and the number of poor students funded is expanding every year.

So I hope everyone can actively apply for subsidies. If you don’t want these subsidies, you can also use these subsidies to buy some books and stationery for the students. Let’s work together to let the love pass...]

After Yang Xin's Weibo was posted, he did not give up. He also directly contacted the education department of remote areas with his subordinates, hoping that the education department could provide a copy of the information of local rural teachers and support teachers.

At that time, he will let the system screen the list of teachers who can receive subsidies based on the information provided by the education department.

Your province, Bijie, Xiaozhou Village.

"Ms. Liu, don't you apply for the support teaching subsidy of the Dream Scholarship APP?" a middle-aged teacher asked Liu Tianci.

Liu Tianci, a 23-year-old young man, just graduated, with a dream, came to the mountainous area of ​​Guizhou to teach.

"I won't apply, my family is not short of money." Liu Tianci said to the middle-aged teacher.

The reason why he came here to teach is mainly because of his dream. His father is the owner of a small business in his family, so he is not short of money at all.

"Yesterday Teacher Yang sent another Weibo, did you read it?" The middle-aged teacher asked Liu Tianci ~www.ltnovel.com~, but I really don't need money. I don't need Teacher Yang's subsidy. "

Just then, a phone call came over.

Liu Tianci answered the phone and asked, "Principal, what can you do with me?"

"Ms. Liu, the Education Bureau just called to confirm our school's support teacher. I have already reported your name." said Liu Tianci on the other end of the phone.

"Reported me? Why did you report me?" Liu Tianci puzzled.

"It's the support teacher subsidy program of the dream scholarship. You are not a support teacher, you may be able to get the subsidy at that time." The phone said.

"Has it been reported?" Liu Tianci asked.

"It has been reported." The principal said.

"Then, that's all right."

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