I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 331: Small unmanned combat aircraft

"Look at my study plan. In addition to learning all kinds of knowledge, I have to learn a few talents." A roommate said bitterly to everyone.

"There is mine, too. You must choose two or more talents for learning. As mentioned above, teachers must be versatile to win the love of students."

"What talent are you going to choose?"

"Let me choose a musical instrument!"

"I chose vocal music and art, and I failed in these two subjects when I was in school."

"Chen Kewen, your education is the highest, what is your learning content?" Someone asked Chen Kewen curiously.

Chen Kewen is the highest educated student in the dormitory and graduated from postgraduate.

"The main content of my study is how to get along with students, teach students the principles of being human, and establish correct three views for students." Chen Kewen said.

"Awesome, really different from what we learned."

In Dazhou Experimental Middle School, Yang Xin has used halo relay props to cover the entire campus of learning halo.

So with the blessing of learning halo, soon all the teachers who came to participate in the training began to study hard.

Regarding this situation, many people sighed: "I didn't study so hard when I was in the third year of high school. I didn't expect that I could study so hard when I came here."

In addition to studying, Yang Xin will also arrange for them to give lectures to students in elementary and middle schools.

He will arrange for them to make teaching plans according to a certain lesson content in the textbook, and then go to teach the students.

His requirement is that the content of the lectures must be concise, humorous, and humorous, so that students can listen to them and don't feel bored throughout the process.

Yang Xin's goal is to train all people to become excellent teachers.

The professional knowledge and teaching abilities of these students who come to participate in the training are very uneven.

Yang Xin predicts that if the fastest student wants to graduate from here, it will take at least one year.

If the degree of knowledge is not enough and the learning is slow, it may not be impossible to graduate in two or three years.

Fortunately, studying here is free, and there is a salary during the study period.

Although the salary is small, it is not low compared to the salary of ordinary school teachers, but it is not as good as the salary of the formal teachers of the Yang Normal School.

"Teacher, I have good news for you."

On this day, Yang Xin's eldest disciple Tian Jiajia called him a video call. From her expression and tone of voice, she should be very happy at this time.

"What good news, did you find your boyfriend?" Yang Xin laughed and teased.

"No, oh my teacher, what are you talking about? I don't have the heart to find a boyfriend now." Tian Jiajia became a little angry.

"You are not young anymore, you are 21, you can find it." Yang Xin said with a smile.

"I don't. I'm going to look for it after 30." Tian Jiajia interrupted the topic and said to Yang Xin: "Teacher, I was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine last year, and I have formally participated in the selection this year."

Hearing what Tian Jiajia said, Yang Xin was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Congratulations, if you win, you will be the second Nobel Prize winner in medicine in our country. The teacher is proud of you."

"Haha! Teacher, you will be the teacher of Nobel Prize winners in the future. When my sister wins the Nobel Prize, you will be the teacher of two Nobel Prize winners." Tian Jiajia said with a smile.

"Haha! Then you have won a few more Nobel Prizes, and I am also honored as a teacher." Yang Xin also laughed loudly.

However, just after Tian Jiajia called Yang Xin to report that she was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, Tian Wenwen soon called Yang Xin.

"Teacher, I was nominated for the Nobel Prize." Tian Wenwen said directly to Yang Xin.

"Huh? You were also nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physics?" Yang Xin asked in surprise.

"Yes? Is anyone still nominated?" Tian Wenwen asked back.

"Your sister has also been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Didn't she tell you?" Yang Xin asked.

"No, I just received this news, and then I called you right away." Tian Wenwen thought for a while and said, "Maybe my sister just received the news."

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Hearing Tian Wenwen's words, Yang Xin was suddenly moved. He didn't expect the two students to call his teacher the first time they were nominated for the Nobel Prize.

"Huh! Something is wrong." Suddenly Yang Xin felt something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" Tian Wenwen asked.

"Let me think about it." Yang Xin thought for a while, and then asked, "Didn't it mean that the Nobel Prize nomination will not be announced until fifty years? How do you know you were nominated?"

Yang Xin finally remembered that it seemed that the Nobel Prize nomination was confidential, and the confidentiality period was fifty years.

Hearing Yang Xin's words, Tian Wenwen blinked, and then said: "It's confidential. Nobel Prize nominations are kept confidential by the host for 50 years, but it doesn't mean that they don't notify the nominees themselves."

"That's it." Yang Xin suddenly understood when he heard Tian Wenwen's Hua, it turned out that secrecy is to keep it secret to the outside world.

"Yes, if I was nominated but didn't win the prize, others would not know it. Even if I say it out, others want to confirm whether I am really nominated or not, they will have to wait fifty years to find out." Tian Wenwen Explained.

"Understood." Yang Xin nodded, then said: "I didn't expect that both of your sisters were nominated for the Nobel Prize. Are you sure you will get the prize?"

"I should be able to win the prize. My sister has developed a special medicine for leukemia and AIDS. If this can't be awarded, then this Nobel Prize is too bad." Tian Wenwen said ~www.ltnovel.com~That How about you, are you sure? "Yang Xin asked.

"Of course I am sure. You have to know that the scientists who studied superconducting materials in the past have won the Nobel Prize. If I, who really researched superconducting materials, can't win the prize, then this Nobel Prize is It's worse."

"I hope both of your sisters can win the prize, and the teacher is proud of you!" Yang Xin said with a smile.

"Hey~~Teacher, you always say that you are proud of us, I am tired of listening!!!" Tian Wenwen laughed and teased.

"Little girl film!" Yang Xin was amused.

"Teacher, some of your students have been incredible recently." Tian Wenwen said to Yang Xin suddenly.

"What's the big deal? Which students?" Yang Xin asked in surprise.

"It's Zhao Zihan, Zhou Qian, Zhang Yuechi, Zhang Yuheng, they are incredible, they are actually designing and manufacturing the sixth generation machine." Tian Wenwen said to Yang Xin.

Hearing Tian Wenwen's words, Yang Xin smiled and said, "I know about it. They only made a sixth-generation model."

"It's not a model. My sister said that she has invested 500 million yuan. What model needs 500 million yuan?" Tian Wenwen said.

"Five hundred million?" Yang Xin was also taken aback when he heard this number.

However, he changed his mind and said, "No, it's impossible to study the sixth-generation machine with 500 million. You must know that the cost of the fifth-generation machine is 5.6 billion. The sixth-generation machine can't be cheaper than the fifth-generation machine, right? Let alone R&D expenses."

"My sister said that five hundred million is just the beginning, and more money will be invested later."

"Is that so?" Yang Xin was a little surprised.

On the mobile phone, Tian Wenwen thought for a while, and then said: "In fact, it can't be said that they are developing a sixth-generation aircraft. It should be said that they are developing a small unmanned fighter with some functions of the sixth-generation aircraft."

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