I Am Just a Support Teacher

Chapter 335: Circle of friends

After the two had another conversation, they both hung up the phone.

"You two go back first, talk to your teacher, and report to Teacher Yang's class tomorrow."

The two sisters Yang Xinchao said: "I have entered the Yang teacher's class, I will be very strict with you, I hope you can hold on."

"Teacher Yang, don't worry, we will definitely not let you down." Sister Chen Feifei said to Yang Xin.

"Go back!" Yang Xin waved his hand.

After the sisters left, Yang Xin said to Xiaowei: "Help check the talents of Concubine Chen and Xiaoxiao Chen."


Soon, the talents of Concubine Chen and Chen Xiaoxiao were queried.

Concubine Chen's most suitable talent for development turned out to be archeology, or the study of ancient history, cultural relics and antiques.

"What kind of talent is this?"

Yang Xin was a little dissatisfied.

But in fact, he couldn't help it.

As for Chen Xiaoxiao, her talent is fashion talent. If she enters the fashion industry, she should be able to become famous, such as designing clothes, designing jewelry and so on.

The talents of the two make Yang Xin a little embarrassed. He is ready to train the two, but this is the current situation. Is he going to train them according to his own talents?

Or follow the traditional education model, let them take a college entrance examination, and then choose their favorite major?

"Xiaowei, help me generate what you think is the best study plan for Concubine Chen and Sister Chen Xiaoxiao." Yang Xin said to Xiaowei.

He decided to hand this issue to the system, and he believed that the system would definitely not let him down.

After the system deducted a few points from him, two more study plans soon appeared in his mind.

Seeing the information, Yang Xin knew that the system had chosen the talent item for cultivating two people.

However, to cultivate the talents of the two, Yang Xin still needs to exchange more than two hundred points for the knowledge that the two need to learn.

However, more than two hundred points is not a big money, and Yang Xin is not heartbroken after redeeming it.

On the other side, after Concubine Chen and Chen Xiaoxiao left Yang Xin's yard, they looked at each other, their eyes full of surprises.

The two quickly returned to the classroom. After class, they found the teacher Shen, the teacher in charge.

"Teacher Shen, we met Teacher Yang, he..."

The two told their teacher Shen about what they had just met Teacher Yang.

"You mean, you have been recruited by Teacher Yang to Teacher Yang?" Teacher Shen was very surprised when he heard the words for two months.

"Yes, we will report to Yangshiban tomorrow, so I will talk to you today." Chen Fei said to Teacher Shen.

"Haha, this means that good people are rewarded. Congratulations." Teacher Shen was also happy for the two from the bottom of my heart.

"Well, we will say goodbye to the classmates later, and then we will go home." Chen Fei Fei said to Teacher Shen.

"Okay, go ahead."

After leaving Teacher Shen's office, the sisters Chen Feifei returned to the classroom, and they said what they were going to report to the Yang teacher class tomorrow, and then said goodbye to the classmates.

When the news that the Chen Fei and Concubine Sisters were to be recruited by Yang Shi's class was known to the whole class, the whole class was boiling.

Teacher Yang's class means that Teacher Yang will personally design a study plan for them. As long as they study according to the learning plan designed by Teacher Yang, a score of more than 700 points in the college entrance examination is not a problem at all.

With a score of more than 700 points, most schools and majors across the country can be chosen at will.

"Concubine Chen, are you really selected by Teacher Yang into Teacher Yang's class?" Some students still couldn't believe it.

The students who were the same as them before, became soaring in the blink of an eye, which makes people feel irrational.

"Chen Xiaoxiao, why are you attracted to Teacher Yang?" a student asked.

"A few years ago, we helped an elder of Teacher Yang." Chen Xiaoxiao said.

"How did it help?" someone asked.

"It was one of Teacher Yang's elders who fainted on the road. My sister and I helped call the emergency call after seeing this. After Teacher Yang learned about this, my sister and me were recruited into Teacher Yang's class." Chen Xiao Xiao explained.

"It turns out that you saved Teacher Yang's elders, no wonder."

"You are very lucky, why didn't I meet Teacher Yang's elders and fainted." A boy said with envy.

"Hey, listening to you will know that your purpose is impure. When people Chen Fei and Chen Xiaoxiao helped others, they never thought that he was Teacher Yang's elder." A girl despised the boy and said.

After Chen Fei and Chen Xiaoxiao said goodbye to their classmates, they left the school.

After returning home, the sisters discovered that their parents had been waiting at home for a long time.

The father of the sisters Chen Feifei is the head of the Finance Bureau of a district under the city bureau.

Her mother, Hu Mengyue, runs several chain supermarkets, earning millions every year, and her family has a pretty good life.

Therefore, when the two daughters were asked for money or a place in the Yang teacher's class, Hu Mengyue immediately chose to let the two daughters enter the Yang teacher's class.

The news of the two daughters today made Hu Mengyue and her husband, the head of the Finance Bureau, completely unable to sit still, so they returned home early in the morning and waited for their daughter to come back.

Back at home, the sisters Chen Fei and Concubine told their parents what happened today~www.ltnovel.com~Haha, okay, okay, I didn’t expect you two to be able to enter the Yang Master Class. I’m so happy. . "Father Chen Feifei laughed happily after hearing what his daughter said.

But because Hu Mengyue knew about this a long time ago, although he was happy, it was not time to lose his temper.

"No, I want to tell my parents about this and make them both happy." Father Chen said happily.

"Let's talk about it tomorrow. When the concubine and the concubines enter the teacher's class of Yang, and they are completely settled, tell them to their parents." Hu Mengyue said.

Although Teacher Yang has promised to let her two daughters enter Teacher Yang's class, when things are not implemented, she is always afraid that something will happen. If Teacher Yang regrets it tomorrow, wouldn't it be in vain to be happy.

"okay then."

The next day, Dad Chen took another day off and sent his two daughters to school with his wife.

When their two daughters actually entered Teacher Yang's registration, their smiles remained on their lips and couldn't be eliminated.

"I want to post a circle of friends." Dad Chen said.

Immediately, he found out the photos of his two daughters entering Yang Shiban and posted them on WeChat Moments.

As a middle-aged man, plus the district finance director, he has never posted a circle of friends on his WeChat.

He was so happy today, he wished everyone would know that his two daughters were in Master Yang's class.

"Old Chen, congratulations, when will our brothers get together?" Someone sent a message to Dad Chen with the name-Mayor Liu.

"Yes, old Chen, you Nengjia girl is going to become a golden phoenix,"-Director Zhu of the Municipal Bureau.

Of course, his subordinates left a message flattering: "Congratulations to Chen Ju..."

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