I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 956: Collapsed Faith, Broken Man!

Xu Xiaoshou felt sad, thinking that the vigil in the White Cave was under great pressure and gave him the ownership of the famous sword Yan Python as an olive branch.

I also thought of the inner words of the vigil that I heard during the rainy night in Wangcheng, and the scene where he was leaning against the railings.

I also thought that even if the stance is different, Vigil is not like those crazy law enforcement officers, who only want to kill himself, or take his own head for meritorious service.

From beginning to end, he wanted to get himself back on track.


The so-called "right way" is very different in each other's eyes.

Looking at Vigil, who is now languishing in the water polo, Xu Xiaoshou felt sad.

The Vigil may die, but not this way, can it?

"Have you run out of pills?"

Inexplicably, Xu Xiaoshou didn't know how to start a topic, so he could only use what he had just seen, and said, "I saw Murong Ying above, he has been drained to death..."

The vigil seemed to be returning to the light, and the pale face suddenly had a color - iron blue.

"Cursed, passive value, +1."

"Uh!" Xu Xiaoshou, who realized that the topic was opened in the wrong way, hurriedly stopped his mouth, and now he even slapped himself twice.

He suddenly thought of something again, and took out bottles and jars from the Yuan Mansion.

"I'm a throne-level alchemist. I lack everything, but I don't lack pills, these..."

He looked at the honey pots in his hands, his expression suddenly stiffened, and he said with difficulty, "Uh, these are really just low-quality medicine pills, but the amount is better. Maybe it can help you last a while longer?"

Across the water polo, Xu Xiaoshou wanted to hand it over.

But after all, across the water polo...

Although this thing is not easy to break, but if you really want to send it over, you have to break it, right?

And if the water polo is pierced, the water pressure alone, just looking at the current state of the vigil, can't hold it any longer.

Of course, Xu Xiaoshou felt that he would die on the spot because of the water pressure at the moment he punctured the water polo.

The two water polo continued to drop flat...

Watching the behavior of the young man in the water polo opposite, Vigil smiled bitterly: "Your kindness, the old man, has been accepted, but if this water polo is really broken now, the old man will surely lose his bones."

He looked up and down at himself, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and said with a slight ease: "At least now that the old man died in the water polo, he still has a whole body, and the medicine pill... you will need to use it, keep it for yourself, I wish you good luck."

Xu Xiaoshou stopped with the honey pot, silently watching the water polo on the opposite side fall.

If he didn't use the power of the anti-shock, his own water polo would soon surpass Vigil and continue to fall, so after staying for a while, Xu Xiaoshou continued to kick down, keeping the two water polo parallel.

Did not give up.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't want to see Vigil die in such a confused way, and his mind turned rapidly.

"What if you use the space attribute to teleport the honey jar through the air?

"But I'm not familiar with spatial attributes..."

Thinking like this, Xu Xiaoshou suddenly thought of the space power Ye Xiaotian used to escape on Guyin Cliff.

The latter only exerted his ability a little, and then replaced the space and pulled people in front of him as a shield.

What if the jar of honey was sent in this way?

Do it when you think of it!

It was a pity that Xu Xiaoshou had placed the Space Origin Stone on Xu Xiaoji because it would be located, and he did not carry it with him, otherwise he should have realized Ye Xiaotian's use of space very quickly.

But it doesn't matter if there is no space Originium.

Xu Xiaoshou also has second-hand preparations - imitators.

He did not become Ye Xiaotian, because it was unnecessary, he himself was a space attribute ability.

Holding the imitator in one hand, the spiritual sense also infiltrated the Yuanfu world, and tied the "first stone of Daowen". Xu Xiaoshou replayed the picture of Ye Xiaotian's shot in his mind, and held a box of honey jars between his palms. , start trying.

"The universe moves!"


With a thought, the honey pot in his left hand suddenly disappeared.

Xu Xiaoshou was startled, he could tell from the fluctuations in space that the honey jar was replaced in the space fragmentation stream, and was crushed by the storm at once.

"Uh, if you use this hand, it will kill people. If you accidentally replace the water ball of the night watch into the space fragment..."

Xu Xiaoshou looked up at Vigil with a guilty conscience, and said calmly, "Give me some time."

Vigil could see what Xu Xiaoshou was trying, but he felt a little more heart palpitations. It seemed that as long as Xu Xiaoshou let go of his attempts now, he would be able to live longer.

But if the other party succeeds in his attempt, he is likely to die on the spot.


He opened his mouth slightly, but Vigil couldn't say a word.

Forget it, let him give it a try, a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Xu Xiaoshou on the other side hadn't stopped, he kept feeling the fluctuation of space, and the honey pot in his hand disappeared quickly.

Sometimes it doesn't fall directly, sometimes it appears on the top of the head, sometimes it appears under the feet...

Not long after, the honey jar in his hand finally appeared outside the water polo.

On the other hand, there was a pool of water in his palm.

"It's done?"

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes lit up, but he saw that the honey pot that appeared outside the water polo was instantly crushed into powder by the deep sea water, and his face froze.

"Do you believe me?" Xu Xiaoshou looked at Vigil.

The corners of Vigil's mouth twitched, but he didn't speak. He stepped back slightly, and pushed the bottles and jars in front of him farther away. He pretended not to care and asked, "When did you master the space attribute? I don't seem to have seen you before. used?"

"It's a long story, but if it's a long story, it's better not to say it." Xu Xiaoshou shook his head and skillfully refused to answer.

"Cursed, passive value, +1."

After Vigil took a deep breath, he decided not to say more.

"The universe moves!"

After many attempts, Xu Xiaoshou did not wait.

Feeling confident, he trembled in his palms, facing the vigil in the water polo opposite, showing his familiar space replacement ability.

A small beep.

This time, the honey pot in his palm disappeared, replaced by a finger.

Xu Xiaoshou: ? ? ?


a finger?

How the **** could it be a finger?

Didn't I aim at the abandoned pill bottle in front of Vigil?

Xu Xiaoshou threw his finger away in horror, and suddenly raised his eyes, but saw Vigil staring at him in a dazed and horrified manner in the water polo opposite.

The little old man, who was in a sluggish state, was clutching his right hand at this time, and there was blood spilling out of the gap between his left fingers.

Obviously, the loss of his fingers made him a little worse when he was dying.

But the pain didn't make Vigil scream irrationally. His purple lips were trembling, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, and he looked very Xu Xiaoshou but didn't really want to face reality.

"This is... your space attribute?" Vigil held back for a long time, and stammered out such a sentence.

"Condemned, passive value, +1."

"Disgusted, passive value, +1."

"Questioned, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath: "Sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, don't worry, I will send this finger back to you immediately." He picked up the finger of the night watch.

"Don't!" Vigil's face turned pale, and even his breath was uneven.

"It was just an accident..." Xu Xiaoshou tried his best to reassure the other side, and explained, "I did all the calculations, but I didn't realize that although the water polo was relatively still, it was actually moving, which caused the spatial positioning error. Next time, I will definitely to make!"

He raised his eyes as he spoke, staring at Vigil's head. Fortunately, I just shifted a bit in time, otherwise the replacement might be a human head...

Vigil took a few deep breaths, then coughed violently.

He pressed his body tightly against the water polo wall, not daring to move at all, trying to stop Xu Xiaoshou from continuing to move with his eyes.

Xu Xiaoshou could see that the opposite meant "I'm ready, you go ahead".

This time, he also included the movement of the water polo, positioned the space very calmly, and then used the space replacement method.

"The universe moves!"

With a slight swipe, the discarded pill bottle appeared in his hand, and a finger belonging to him dropped in front of Vigil.

"Success!" Xu Xiaoshou was delighted, which meant that the vigil could receive relief items.

Looking up, he saw that in the water polo opposite, Vigil was holding his severed fingers and splicing them together on the **** fracture, but it was in vain because the spirit energy could not be activated.

His face was pale and pale, as if he was suppressing some emotion.

"Cursed, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou laughed awkwardly and said, "One finger, one life, should be worth it, right?"

Vigil gritted his teeth: "It's worth it!"

Xu Xiaoshou snorted twice, and after a successful attempt, he directly replaced a large number of honey pots.

There are spiritual refining liquid and red gold liquid in the head, which can almost fill the inner space of the night watch water polo.

Thinking about it, no matter how low the grade is, it can help the other party for a little more time.

"I tried my best."

Xu Xiaoshou nodded to Vigil, watching the other party in the cramped water polo space, struggling to open a jar and licking honey, and felt that this scene was really funny.

The vigil, who directly swallowed a jar of honey, did not continue to gobble like a dying hungry ghost.

He ended the eating action with great perseverance and looked at Xu Xiaoshou: "You gave all these medicinal pills to this old man, what should you do yourself?"

The corners of Xu Xiaoshou's lips curled up: "Don't worry, even if you have to arrange the order, at my age, I probably won't die before you die, just live well!"

Watching the night silently, feeling the spiritual essence that he had just swallowed, he was drained by the water polo all of a sudden, he said in a loss: "It's just a dying struggle, old man... destined to die soon."

He pushed the honey pot in front of him forward: "Xu Xiaoshou, take it all back, you need these things more than this old man."

Xu Xiaoshou shook his head slightly: "It's only a short time to live, it's not shameful to live for a while, I can't say that once the turning point arrives, the water polo will no longer drain everyone's spiritual energy. At that time, those who don't insist on living will not even have a chance to feel annoyed. ."

Vigil closed his eyes heavily.

old man, enough is enough...

At this point in his heart, he thought of his life in the wind and snow.

From white to red.

From an ordinary spiritual master, to the realm of slashing Dao, even when slashing Dao, he has the power of Taixu.

The scenery that he should enjoy, he had enjoyed the vigil in the first half of his life.

And the happiness that he had in the first half of his life may require the helplessness and silence at this time to draw a rough end to the second half of his life.

Death spreads...

Xu Xiaoshou saw the suddenly withered muscles on Vigil's face.

Not only the face, but the other person's whole body.

- The pumping power of the water polo has been strengthened again!


After Xu Xiaoshou was silent, he suddenly roared: "I gave you everything, what do you mean by not eating, look down on me?"

Vigil opened his eyes with difficulty, his eyelids seemed to be extremely heavy, and he said weakly:

"Under the deep sea, it will only be more dangerous, the old man eats these, but it is a waste.

"You're right, everyone is waiting for a turning point... Maybe at the end, the pills you gave me at this time will become your last straw."

"but me…"

Vigil smiled bitterly: "Old man, even if you fail to get you back on the right track, it won't be the last straw that crushes you."

"Fuck your motherfucker!" Xu Xiao was so angry that he scolded angrily. He really wanted to teleport in space and grabbed Vigil's head and slapped him wildly to wake him up.

But I know that this old guy is already paranoid at this time.

Your anger is meaningless, you have to find a way.



Xu Xiaoshou suddenly thought of Vigil's biggest obsession, and he sneered: "Old man, do you know why I refuse to accept your kindness and become a red-clothed?"

Sure enough, Wen Sheng Vigil's body trembled, and the turbid eyes flashed with light.

He grabbed a jar of honey, dug a finger and stuffed it into his mouth, widened his eyes and asked, "Why?"

Xu Xiaoshou sneered and said coldly: "I laugh at you being in the game without knowing it, and naturally refuse to follow you. Do you know that the organization in red you believe in is the Holy Spirit Temple that you are willing to sacrifice your whole life for. , the people in it are all a group of virtuous people?"

The vigil froze, and there was anger on his face, but he didn't even have an outlet to refute.

Xu Xiaoshou raised his brows and joked: "It seems that you can already get a glimpse of the clues, but there is a mistake in the belief that you have pursued all your life, you will subjectively choose to avoid it and pretend that you haven't noticed anything, right? "

Vigil was angrily laughed, and said extremely weakly: "Xu Xiaoshou, this old man is going to die, you... are you still provoking me?"

"I never provoked you, everything I said was the truth!" Xu Xiaoshou didn't explain much, and said directly, "In the White Cave, I have seen with my own eyes, your junior, that little red-clothed man. Lu Ke, because he lost control of his emotions, there was a ghostly energy on his body!"


Vigil's eyes were suddenly dull, and he turned his head: "What did you say?"

"I say!"

Xu Xiaoshou said heavily:

"Lu Ke! Red clothes! Ghost and beast parasites!

"Your higher-ups speak justice and act filth at the same time.

"I don't know what the secret is, but I believe what I saw with my own eyes, so even if you invite me in every possible way, I will never choose you, because I'm afraid!"

Xu Xiaoshou gasped, and his voice suddenly softened:

"I'm afraid that, like you, I will become a fool who is blinded by others and only knows how to turn around.

"I said, I want to see the world for myself.

"And the truth of this world, and the "originator" who wrote the "truth", just as a "red member", he will never see through!"

Vigil's mind buzzed blankly.

These words, to him, were like a bolt from the blue.

"Questioned, passive value, +1."


"You are lying to me...

"Lu Ke is the apprentice of Moonless Sword Immortal, he is a red-clothed reservist, he is a famous sword holder, how could he be a ghost?

"The Moonless Sword Immortal knows this?

"Impossible! It's impossible for Sword Immortal Wuyue to know that he is so jealous of evil. If he really knew this, how could he join the Holy Spirit Hall?

"But he is the master of the Tao in white clothes. He is one of the high-level leaders. He is the maker of the rules. Since he chose to join the Holy Spirit Temple, the Holy Spirit Temple cannot be wrong. Therefore, you are lying to me..."

The night watchman murmured like a demon, trying to analyze the authenticity of Xu Xiaoshou's words.

He was terrified!

But before the night watch's idiotic dream was over, Xu Xiaoshou had already interrupted with a sneer:

"Vigil, wake up!

"Your Moonless Sword Immortal is now in the Holy Mountain Prison, in the Dead Sea! I heard that his arm was broken?

"Think with your knees, this is the punishment that the Holy Spirit Temple will make to a person?!"

Vigil's mind "boomed", and all thoughts collapsed.

That lifelong belief seemed to collapse in an instant, causing him to stumble violently in the water polo.

He was swept up with a shrunken, horrified face that was only left with bones and bones. He stared at Xu Xiaoshou in a daze, and asked unconsciously, "What, what did you say?"

Xu Xiaoshou took a deep breath, UU reading www.uukanshu.com said heavily:

"I said, live on!

"Use your eyes to see the answer you want to see.

"Trust me, this will be more exciting than the 'truth' given to you by others!"

That's all.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't wait, he pushed his hand up, and with the help of the anti-shock force, he pushed the water polo down quickly.

He did not take away the large jars of honey that had been sent to the vigil.

Because he believes that broken people will either die or be reborn from ashes, nibble away the darkness little by little, and then rely on themselves to walk towards the dawn!



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