I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 961: Dragon Rider!


"This guy is actually from the King of Hell?

"Is he the subordinate of Huang Quan who has mastered the attributes of time and space?"

Xiao Ren's eyes suddenly widened. As the killer of one of the dark forces, "Three Sticks of Incense", no matter how broad his intelligence ability is, he has never heard of the name "Water Ghost" before.

But why did you never know the name of "Yewang Huangquan"?

This is a guy who is almost as famous as the "Sacred Slave First Seat"!

"Three sticks of incense" because there is a relationship between the Holy Spirit Temple on it, even if there is an assassination mission on weekdays, it will not break the order of Baidao.

But "True Dark Organizations" such as "Saint Slaves" and "Hammer" are either against the order of the world or against the rules of the mainland, and they are completely incomparable.

The former had already declared war with the Holy Spirit Hall on the bright side, and this time, with the help of the saints on the Yunlun Mountains, they fought openly and secretly.

Although the latter is not obvious, but according to Xiao Ren's knowledge, "Yan Wang" has been craving for "Tears' Eyes" all these years.

These things are related to the "Tears Massacre".

According to the grapevine, there are even traces of the Imperial Control Bureau in the "Tears Massacre".

A guy who came out of such a terrifying dark force...

"No wonder, he is so strong, and he has mastered the Profound Truth of the Water Element!" Xiao Ren's heart fell to the bottom of the valley. He was also too empty, and he was so desperate that he could not resist.

The thoughts quickly returned to the main topic from the identity of the other party.

Xiao Ren didn't forget that the water ghost's willingness to reveal his identity was entirely due to his quirks.

The second option given by this guy obviously has the taste of teasing ants, but Xiao Ren has no way to resist at this moment, he can only lament:

"Senior, don't play with me, don't try.

"You know, in this forbidden enchantment, I can't even use my spirit energy, let alone send a message to the outside world and find someone to be a dead ghost?"

Just now, he was still a "friend", in terms of peers, but now he is called "senior"?

Xu Xiaoshou laughed in his heart, shook his head and said, "You will be wrong, the meaning of this seat is not to ask you to find a 'death ghost', but to ask you to call someone to die together... So, on Huangquan Road, It's good to have a company."

Small hold back.

How could this guy say such cruel words with a calm face?

And, even the meaning of the words cannot be tampered with?

He took a deep breath: "Senior, I want to hear about the third option."

"So, are you planning to give up and choose second?" Xu Xiaoshou smiled.

"No, I just want to hear it first..." Before Xiao Ren finished his words, seeing that the water ghost's expression changed from relaxed to serious before meeting, he hurriedly stopped his mouth.

My day!

Where are you going to choose?

You clearly want to remove the restrictions one by one, and then push me step by step towards the abyss!

Xiao Ren cursed inwardly, but he could only change his voice: "Yes, senior, I reject the second option, I want to hear about the third..."

"If you rejected the first and second, then you can only accept the third." Xu Xiaoshou said without doubt, and gently twirled the false "Sea Master Halberd" in his hand.

The current pushed away ripples in the deep sea, but the atmosphere froze with his words.

Xiao Ren's face turned pale, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he held back his anger and said in a good voice: "Senior, do I have the qualification to know the content of the third option?"

"You have."

Xu Xiaoshou looked at him with a smile, like a merciful Bodhisattva, and said calmly:

"The third option is that this seat will give you ten breaths to escape.

"During this period, you can use any ability you can use, as long as you run out of the sight of this seat, you are considered to have escaped successfully, and I will not kill you again.

"But if the ten-breath time is up and you fail to escape your sight, then the 'Sea Master Halberd' in this seat's hand won't mind an extra ghost."

Xu Xiaoshou caressed the halberd in his hand, and with the movement, the water ripples again.

Xiao Ren seemed to have grabbed the last straw, stared at the Sea-Controlling Halberd, and asked, "Senior means that within ten breaths, I can use any ability, and the forbidden enchantment will no longer have any effect on me. suppress?"


Xu Xiaoshou raised his eyes in surprise: "You are dreaming."

Shinobi: ? ? ?

If the forbidden enchantment is still there, what can I do to escape?

Even if I run for my life, I can't escape you, the lord of the deep sea!

"Condemned, passive value, +1."

Xu Xiaoshou moved his attention away from the information bar and said with a smile:

"Forgot to mention, you can't seek help from the outside world, but there are indeed good people in the deep sea.

"Within ten breaths, no matter what method you use, as long as you can find someone and let them respond to you, a person's response can increase your escape time... Ten breaths!

"I believe that the group of sanctimonious spirit refiners in the Holy Spirit Temple will help you, this poor person."

"And by analogy, how wide your network is, and how many spiritual masters under the deep sea will respond to you, all determine your lifespan and how long you will be."

Xu Xiaoshou spread his hands and pronounced the sentence with a relaxed expression, like a **** in charge of the fate of all lives.

Xiao Ren was going crazy.

What kind of game rules are these?

How can anyone play like this!

I'm too virtual, not a dog driven by you to run around!

At a certain moment, Xiao Ren even decided to make a move, and with the speed of thunder, he broke out the last resort, holding the water ghost in front of him and perishing together.

But the scene of the water ghost riding the waves in Yunlun, and the halberd destroying the evil and sinful bow and arrows, is vivid in my mind.

In addition, the abyss of the deep sea and the forbidden law enchantment have long since wiped out even the courage to be Taixu.

Xiao resisted the urge to shoot.

He felt that this would undoubtedly hasten his own death.

Suppressing his anger, but he couldn't help gnashing his teeth, Xiao Ren opened an ugly smile without smiling, and asked, "Dare to ask the seniors, you and I have no grudges and no grudges, why won't you let me go? ?"

Xu Xiaoshou laughed.

No grudges?

You want to exchange my head for a bounty, and you still have no grudges?

Seriously speaking, I, Xu Xiaoshou, are the most innocent. Why can everyone take my head for training resources, and I can only sit back and wait?

Xu Xiaoshou smiled silently.

After laughing for a long time, Xiao Ren felt a little scalp tingling, and then he regained all the facial emotions and said indifferently:

"As long as a person is kicked by a dog on the road, he will feel unhappy." He said with a cold look in his eyes, "I am in a dull mood today, and I want to kill someone to add to the fun... Are you satisfied with this explanation?"

The sudden change of killing intent was so cold that it seemed to freeze all the cold currents under the deep sea.

Looking at the indifferent eyes of the water ghost golden beast in front of him, Xiao Ren's heart clenched violently, and his whole body trembled with anger.

That's it?

just for this?

"There must be something that doesn't have long eyes to offend this guy.

"And I'm just an innocent person, I'm just passing by, why should I bear all this for him?"

Xiao Ren's heart was screaming, not only angry at the malicious water ghost in front of him, but also resentful towards the unknown guy who provoked the water ghost.

- What is this pervert doing for no reason? It's just sick!

"I..." He hesitated, unable to decide for a long time.

"I don't need you, me, and me, this seat has chosen for you, and the third option!" Xu Xiaoshou said indifferently, paused, and seemed to remember the most crucial thing, saying:

"Remember, during the escape, you can still use any means you can, including exposing the identity information of this seat, transferring hatred, etc."

"And now, time is running out, I'm going to start counting."

Xiao Ren raised his eyes in shock, he hadn't had time to reflect the meaning of the words, and he hadn't had time to say anything else...


The countdown to Xu Xiaoshou's death began to fall.

With a loud bang, Xiao Ren's heart suffered a heavy blow, and he felt that the water polo's pumping power increased in an instant, and his whole body became weak.


There was no delay in the sound of death's pronouncement, and then it appeared.

At this moment, Xiao Ren only felt that the golden beast-faced man holding a halberd in front of him had become as tall as the sky, like a sea **** possessed.

He was still thinking of fighting to the death and breaking his head.

But after such a long time, inexplicably, the momentum on the opposite side completely suppressed him.

At this time, Xiao Ren didn't even have the intention to make a move in his heart. He seemed to have completely lost the will to "make a move".


The time for three breaths has passed.

Xiao Ren finally realized that he was afraid and dared not...

Totally dare not!

That being the case, it's better to follow the other party's game rules and find someone to respond, so as to prolong the life time.

"Just get out of his sight, just get out of here..."

"I can live, I can live!"

Xiao Ren murmured and repeated silently, for fear of delaying the time, he turned his head directly, shook his body, and golden light burst out from his whole body.


Under the deep sea, a loud dragon roar echoed.

Immediately afterwards, the water polo covered around Shinobi cracked open.

Horns grew on his head, golden dragon scales grew on his skin, and his body grew rapidly...

But in an instant, a small boy with a round head and big eyes turned into a ferocious dragon with four claws on the bottom and golden horns on the top of his head.

"Swallow the Golden Dragon!"

Xu Xiaoshou looked at this mysterious scene under the deep sea, and felt that the surrounding Longwei could almost blow up and overwhelm his momentum of "swallowing mountains and rivers".

He was almost not crushed by this terrifying momentum and retreated.

Fortunately, Xu Xiaoshou did not show the slightest sign even though his calf was softened and trembled by Long Weizhen.

Information read from Golden Foot's soul memory shows:

Xiao Ren's body is a "Golden Swallowing Dragon"!

This is almost a natural saint plus the body of a throne. It has the special ability to devour metal growth, and the physical strength is far beyond the body of an ordinary throne.

Jinzu also understands most of Xiao Ren's other abilities.

But each of them seems to be unable to be used in the forbidden enchantment.

Xu Xiaoshou wondered if Xiao Ren still had an unknown hole card.

But in any case, when forced to the extreme, Xiao Ren can be desperate, even if he breaks the water polo, he will change back to his original body.

The physical strength of "Golden Swallowing Dragon" is enough to support it in the deep sea, resisting heavy pressure and delaying for a long time, and then killing itself in the realm of a mere master.

This is also the reason why Xu Xiaoshou did not take the initiative to kill.

He has mastered many killing methods in the deep sea.

But to say that it can kill Taixu, it may really only be "water polo cracking", using water pressure to kill people.

Obviously, this does not apply to Xiao Ren.

In other words, the explosive power is not enough in an instant, and it can only be crushed to death by water pressure!

Every Tai Xu has a hole card.

Just like Jinzu's "mind sucking heart", Xiaonin's body "swallows the golden dragon".

If Xu Xiaoshou wants to solve the trouble, he must be careful, otherwise, he knows that he is more likely to be solved by the trouble.

"Remember what you said!"

While in amazement, the Golden Swallowing Dragon, whose body was slightly distorted, suddenly looked back, and the two dragon eyes bigger than a human raised their eyelids with difficulty, flickering with a dim golden light. Terrible taste.

The water ghost is really strong... Xu Xiaoshou had to sigh with emotion, if it wasn't for the face of the water ghost, or if it wasn't for the passive skill of "swallowing mountains and rivers with anger".

His "empty city strategy", I am afraid that after Xiao Ren sees it through, he can swallow him on the spot.


Xu Xiaoshou, who was still as calm as a giant dragon and an ant in his eyes, continued to count calmly.

In fact, because of the shock, his count was delayed for a full three breaths.

Xiao Renlong looked back and saw the calm figure of the water ghost standing with a halberd, and his heart was even more desperate.

Even the "Golden Swallowing Dragon" itself can't bear the heavy pressure of the deep sea, and the water ghost can be so calm, how can people resist?

Xiao Ren didn't even bother to take a second glance, he didn't mind his body at all, but was scared by an ant human figure and didn't dare to shoot.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and ran.


When the sound of the dragon's roar resounded, the Golden Swallowing Dragon broke through the water.

Even in the deep sea, the water pressure is extremely strong, and its speed is faster than that of a normal water polo.

This is almost comparable to the speed of the powerful Throne Realm rushing on the road, but in Xu Xiaoshou's eyes, it is nothing at all.

The basic ability brought by the imitator is that after he turns into a water ghost, he can move underwater more freely than on land.

"bring it on!

"Unlocking new achievements successfully... Dragon Rider!"

With an inexplicable smile, it was like a game, Xu Xiaoshou swiped the false halberd in his hand and stepped on his foot, and he traveled like a sea god, easily keeping up with the speed of the Golden Swallowing Dragon.

Can't get rid of...

In the gap between breaking the water and moving forward, because the spiritual sense cannot be used, the Jin-Tunjinlong, who has transformed into a small ninja, will take out the gap and look back a few times.

But every time he looked back, there was a ghostly figure behind him, following him closely.

Shinobu was desperate.

He finally understood why this member of Hades was code-named "Water Ghost".

This is really the Underwater King of Hell, with a ghost-like temperament, and an unhuman "perversion" is revealed between his words and deeds.

"Damn dog thing..."

Xiao Ren cursed in his heart, but couldn't stop listening to the counts from behind, from "seven" to "five", and soon to "three"...

"Three breaths!

"There is no time!

"My life, there is only three breaths left to survive!"

Xiao Ren suddenly burst into tears.

He felt so humiliated!

It is obvious that he is a Taixu, and he clearly has mastered the incomparably powerful and indestructible metal.

Just because of this ghost-like dog thing, because of the forbidden law enchantment under the deep sea...

Everything has become a lie!

Apart from transforming into a dragon body and escaping under the pressure, there is nothing I can do!

Even cursing must be hidden in the dragon chants that those chasing behind should not understand... Damn, damn, **** it!

"I have to find someone, I have to find someone, I haven't lived enough, I'm still so young, I haven't killed Xu Xiaoshou..."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die wow..."

Xiao Ren suddenly wanted to cry.

For the long lifespan of the Golden Swallowing Dragon, he is still a child and should not bear all this.


In the wild thoughts, the counting sound behind him actually reached "one"!

The Jin-Tunjin Dragon, which was transformed into a small ninja, suddenly lost all power and did not resist, and let the water pressure push the dragon's body downward. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

At this moment, he even felt that he didn't even have time to fight back.

Because the count reaches the end, the dragon is about to die...

At the critical moment, in the eyes of the falling gold swallowing dragon, a vague outline of a water polo suddenly appeared in the distance.

Xiaoren's long eyes lit up, as if he saw a life-saving straw. At this moment, he completely let go of his dignity as Taixu, and began to cry like a dragon while holding the dragon's body:

"Help me, save me!

"The water ghost of the King of Hell is chasing me, please save me!"


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