I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 962: When the fake 8 masters meet the fake water ghost...

in the water polo.

The sloppy uncle leaning on the big sack stared at the scene in front of him with lost eyes.

—A golden deep-sea giant dragon with more than 100 feet was ramming in his direction, and it was as fast as lightning.

However, in the mouth of such a terrifying dragon, the words "Save me, save me" came out...

The uncle was lost in thought.

"There are dragons in the trial officer team? Dragons of the Taixu realm?

"Something's wrong, if my information is correct, there should be no dragons?

"It's being hunted down? Hell's water ghost, what do you mean?

"Water ghost...

"Why does it sound familiar?"

After falling into the water, the uncle did not break out of the water ball with the mentality of keeping the same and responding to all changes.

Instead, he just waited quietly.

But right now, it seems that time doesn't give him the chance to wait, because if he doesn't stop the dragon, even he can't bear the force of this collision.


The uncle stood up in the water polo, put the sack on his shoulder, and asked calmly, "Are you He Long?"

Xiaonin's transformed golden swallowing dragon's eyes burst into joy instantly, he didn't answer, he immediately turned his head and shouted: "He responded to me, he responded to me, you have to give me another ten breaths time!"

Uncle: ? ? ?

what's the situation?

Looking along the line of sight of Tun Jinlong, vaguely, you can see a figure hanging at the very rear.

But after all, under the deep sea, the spiritual sense is invalid, and the uncle can't see the figure clearly.

But that didn't stop him from being sullen.

how many years?

Which Taoist powerhouse would ignore the face he was wearing?

This is disrespectful!

"Stop." The uncle spoke again involuntarily.

Where will Xiao Ren stop, and where will he dare to stop?

He finally waited for a water polo to respond, but this only added ten breaths of lingering time to himself.

If you really want to stop and fight with that water polo, isn't it the same as killing yourself?

As a result, Tun Jinlong looked back without hesitation, and was about to gallop away in the other direction.

"ignore me?"

The uncle narrowed his eyes.

In the next second, his body swayed, turned into a state of nothingness and transparency, and walked out of the water polo!

Standing in the deep sea, the water pressure that even the Golden Swallowing Dragon was distorted by the body was completely useless to him!

"I said... stop!" the uncle said coldly.

In the deep water cold current, the terrifying murderous aura that seemed to freeze the soul of a person raged in an instant.

Xiaoren's dragon body was shocked, and realized that the figure that responded to him just now because of the failure of his spiritual sense...

It seems that it is also a tyrannical master?

The water ghost of the King of Hell in the distance stopped long ago, it seems that it stopped because of that person's words? This guy was so shocked that he even forgot to count.

The little ninja dragon body trembled slightly.

"Why am I so unlucky!" At this point, he had to waste some time, turning the dragon head and looking at the man behind him.

It doesn't matter, Xiao Ren saw that the guy with the sack had walked out of the water polo!

He, out of the water polo? ? ?

"how is this possible!

"Isn't it only the water ghosts of the King of Hell who can ignore the water pressure?

Xiao Renlong's eyes stared, and he even had absurd thoughts in his heart: "He is also the controller of the Profound Truth of the Water System?"

The uncle is naturally not the master of the profound meaning of the water system.

Ignoring the water pressure is just the basic use of no swordsmanship.

There are too many things in the spiritual refining world, and the way to crack them can be found in the way of ancient swordsmanship, because the ancient swordsmanship is a way of encapsulating thousands of roads.

It's just too hard to master.

"Come closer."

The underwater vision is too blurry, the uncle has never seen a dragon in his life, he waved and said.

I don't have time to talk nonsense with you... Xiao Ren is scolding mother in his heart, but if that guy can walk out of the water polo, it means that his strength is probably higher than himself.

Xiao Ren couldn't resist, so he could only drive the dragon's body to approach quickly, not daring to delay for a breath.

As it got closer, Xiao Ren finally noticed all the small details that he had just overlooked because he was in a hurry and because of panic.

The man in front of him had a sack on his shoulders, a shaggy beard, eight fingers on his hands, and a sword scar on his neck...

All kinds of signs, it is not difficult to make people imagine.

"The Eighth Sword Immortal?" Xiao Ren exclaimed, unable to believe what he saw.

Why did this man fall into the water?

Oh yes, he was also on Guyin Cliff before...

But not right! How could the water ghost of the King of Hell be stronger than the Eighth Sword Immortal and pull him into the deep sea?

Xiao Ren had all kinds of incomparably contradictory speculations in his heart.

The uncle quietly looked at the dragon in front of him.

To be honest, his impression of dragons still stayed in the shadow of the Demon Emperor Black Dragon that was entrenched in the 108 realms of the Eastern Territory before in the Yunlun Mountains.

In addition, regarding the concept of "dragon", the uncle only knew that one of the "Dragon Caves" existed in the "Dragon Cave", one of the seven prohibitions, and knew nothing about the others.

"Are you He Long? Where did you come from? Why did you come here? Who is the one in the back who was chasing you?" The uncle asked all the questions in his mind in one breath.

What crime have I done! It's okay to meet the King of Hell and the water ghost, but he also directly bumped into the head of the holy slave... Xiao Ren listened to this series of questions, and closed the dragon's eyes heavily.

But no matter how scarce the time is, the water ghosts, members of the King of Hell, and the first eight statues of the saint slaves know the importance of these two people, and Xiao Ren is still a little overwhelmed.

"My name is Xiaoren, this is my dragon body 'Golden Swallowing Dragon', I came here from the body, I came here only for the secret treasure of the Yunlun Mountains and the holy Daoji, and the people who chased me behind were the King of Hell's organization A member of , code-named Water Ghost." Xiao Ren mixed true and false, and said "everything".

Of course he couldn't say that he came because of Xu Xiaoshou's head.

Today in the five regions of the mainland, who knows that the saint slave has a talented young man named Xu Xiaoshou?

In front of the head of the saint slave, saying that he wants to kill the most outstanding young generation of the saint slave, is this not the same as seeking death?

"Xiao Ren..." The uncle pondered.

At this moment, a voice came from far away:

"Xiao Ren, the killer of the three sticks of incense, you didn't tell me just now, are you here for the head of the saint slave Xu Xiaoshou?

"Why, talk to people when you meet people, talk nonsense when you meet ghosts?"

Xiao Ren heard the words, a dragon face was obviously sluggish in the deep sea.

The uncle glanced at the blur in the distance, but could not see the result, so he could only take it back, and his expression also sank.

"Xu Xiaoshou?

"Are you here for Xu Xiaoshou?"

This obviously murderous question really frightened Xiao Ren's legs and feet.

"Senior, I didn't come for Xu Xiaoshou, it was this guy from the Hades organization who wanted to kill me, he was framing the blame!" Xiao Ren suddenly felt that framing the water ghost would bring his own death closer, but he did not Nonsense, there is no other way.

"You said, who is framing the blame?" As expected, the faint voice of the water ghost came.

His figure was like a ghost, and he suddenly appeared on the little ninja dragon's head, directly grabbing one of his dragon horns.

Xiao Ren: "#¥%@…"

The uncle finally raised his eyes and saw the figure above the dragon head.

"It's you…"

The person who rides the waves and holds the halberd in the Yunlun Mountains pulls himself to the culprit in this deep sea, how can the uncle not know?

"Ye Wang, water ghost?" The uncle asked with raised eyebrows.

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes hidden under the golden mask looked towards the familiar figure in front of the dragon's body, and he was amused.

This man, he is too familiar!

However, Xu Xiaoshou really did not expect that Xiao Ren's luck was so "good".

I originally wanted to use him to spread the notoriety of the King of Hell's water ghost. At the same time as the disgusting water ghost, he also poured dirty water on the King of Hell.

I never thought that Xiao Ren's first search directly gave him a great help.

"Are you Ba Zunji?" Xu Xiaoshou asked jokingly without answering.

The uncle narrowed his eyes slightly, saying that in normal times, he would not tolerate someone who did not answer him, but instead questioned himself, but at this time, he was in the deep sea, the home of this person, and he was willing to give some face.


Xu Xiaoshou's self-introduction flashed in his mind immediately, and he couldn't hold back the smile on his lips, and asked, "If you are a master of the eight masters, why don't you know me?"

"Should I know you?" The uncle was stunned, his brows furrowed, and he suddenly felt that the code name "Water Ghost" was somewhat familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Xu Xiaoshou laughed on the spot.

When he was killed by the red dog from Tiansang City, and then rescued by his uncle, he was convinced that this was the Eighth Sword Immortal.

In the follow-up, Zhenba Zungan appeared, and when his real image, behavior, and purpose of action were completely incompatible with the uncle, he suspected that the uncle was just a fanatical imitator of Ba Zunya, not himself.

However, for a long time, he did not know the true identity of this uncle sack.

Now, it seems that I can ask a good question as a water ghost?

"If I remember correctly, the name Ba Zunji is rarely repeated. You are the head of the saint slave, the eighth sword immortal, the Bazunji who is the king of black and white double veins?" Xu Xiaoshou smiled with a smile. confirmed it.

Xiao Ren didn't even dare to move at this time.

He faintly felt that there was a strange reaction between the two in front of him, but he couldn't predict the future at all.

The uncle frowned even more, but nodded and said, "Yes, I am Ba Zunji! Are you from the King of Hell? If I remember correctly, the King of Hell seems to only want to tear his eyes, and he has never been a troublemaker like you? "

What he meant was, of course, the water ghost's act of openly provoking the Holy Spirit Temple on the Yunlun Mountains.

Xu Xiaoshou laughed even louder.

He still didn't answer the question, he shook his head and said, "Eight-wise, eight-wise, if you are really eight-wise, how could you not know me? You are so 'smart', even your own. Forget, do you have amnesia?"

Amnesia or something, uncle doesn't know at all.


own people?

When the uncle heard this, he was obviously stunned.

At Xu Xiaoshou's feet, the Golden Dragon Xiao Ren was even more heartbroken, realizing that things were going in a strange and unfavorable direction.

Xu Xiaoshou finally stopped smiling and said with a serious face: "The first eight statues of the saint slave are familiar with you. Let me introduce myself. My true identity is the fifth saint slave, codenamed 'Water Ghost'."

The voice fell, and under the deep sea, it fell into a dead silence.

As if the deep sea was too cold, it was so cold that it made people freeze, and two ice sculptures were formed, one in the shape of a human and the other in the shape of a dragon.

"The fifth seat of the saint slave, water ghost?"

A question mark appeared on the uncle's face.

At this time, if not in the deep sea, I am afraid that anyone with discernment can see the fine sweat on his forehead.

After Xiao Ren reacted, the dragon body shivered violently, and he even screamed out: "Impossible, didn't you say, you are the water ghost of the King of Hell, how can you become the water ghost of the saint slave?"

"Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, but the people are not allowed to light the lights?" Xu Xiaoshou smiled and looked down, "Did you tell me?"

With a twist of the Sea God Halberd in his hand, the power of the water system was invoked by the imitator.

Xiao Ren swallowed the body of the golden dragon, and suddenly felt more terrifying water squeezed around his body, causing his bones to rattle and the dragon scales to crack.

"Cursed, passive value, +1."

"Remorseful, passive, +1."

Saint Slave Water Ghost... Uncle froze for a long time before his eyes recovered.


Holy slave, there is indeed a water ghost!

There is such a code name on the list he gave, but this person is too mysterious.

The rest of the Nine Saint Slaves have their own movements in the five regions of the mainland, but for decades, the water ghost has shot, only this time in the Yunlun Mountains!

Uncle finally remembered something.

Because the water ghost is too mysterious, and because Xiao Ren named the water ghost with the prefix "Ye Wang" as soon as he came, he couldn't recall these.

But when the opposite party revealed his identity, everything made sense.

Only the water ghosts of the saint slaves would unscrupulously attack the Holy Spirit Temple in the Yunlun Mountains.

Only a water ghost would be given such an important task, in the deep sea, chasing down the Golden Dragon Xiaoren who wanted to kill Xu Xiaoshou, right?


The uncle was speechless for a while.

He can confirm at once that the identity of the other party is beyond doubt.

But the most embarrassing thing is this...

You are the head of the eight saint slaves, but you can't even recognize your own saint slave water ghost. This action falls in the eyes of the other side, isn't it already a very abnormal thing?

"Heh, cough... So it's you... I haven't seen you for a long time, a little face..." The uncle's eyes wandered, and he glanced away, "How are you doing recently?"


Xu Xiaoshou burst into laughter in his heart.


You are still pretending!

Your reaction, if you really meet a real water ghost, I'm afraid the fight has already started!

But on the opposite side are the false eight masters, how could Xu Xiaoshou be the original real water ghost?

The corners of his lips twitched, trying his best to hide his smile, and he said, "I haven't seen you for a long time? Didn't we see each other seven days ago? The flooding Yunlun's plan was what you asked me to do!"


The uncle choked.

How can this be good? I don't know you, why have I offered you a plan?

His eyes were even more dodgy, and he didn't expect that if the opposite was a real water ghost, he shouldn't have such a flirtatious reaction at this moment, and he could only echo:

"Indeed, indeed...

"If I haven't seen you for one day, it's like every three autumns. If I haven't seen it for seven days, it's like more than 20 years have passed. Brother Shuigui... I've been in good shape recently..."

Still water ghost brother?

Still three autumns a day, more than twenty years in a blink of an eye?

Xu Xiaoshou was almost not laughed at by this uncle. He didn't expect the uncle's reaction when his identity was broken by his own people.

It's too rubbing your toes!

No longer teasing, Xu Xiaoshou's expression changed, and he sneered: "Let's recruit from the truth, this seat has already seen that you are not one of the saints and slaves, for the sake of you still having a little respect for the first seat, apply for your name... If not, the deep sea here is your burial place!"

The uncle's subconscious reaction is that it is not certain who will be buried.

But on second thought, this is his friend...

Damn, how did this happen? Washing the Dragon King Temple with flood water is not enough to describe it!

If we really want to fight, neither of the two sides will be injured!

The uncle's lips twitched, he hesitated, and glanced at the Golden Dragon.

I beg you, don't say any more... Xiao Ren has been shaking the dragon's body from the beginning in the deep sea, and now he even wishes he was deaf.

However, after hearing so many secrets, do you still have a chance to fly to the sea alive?

At this moment, he saw the sack man who was familiar with the fake eight but his real cultivation was still terrifying, and his eyes suddenly became indifferent, as if he was looking at a dead dragon.

Then, he lifted his disguise and turned into a graceful and gentle man, bowing his head slightly to show respect to the top of his dragon head.

"Junior Xiaokongtong, the tenth seat hidden by the saint slave, I have seen the water ghost senior!"



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