I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 995: poverty! original sin!



Press the communication bead.

Sure enough, the water ghost was not connected.

Huang Quan's eyes sank, his hands raised slightly, without even thinking about it, he used his abilities.

"Back in time and space!"

Interlaced light and shadow, Guyin Cliff returned from ruin to before the war, and the picture began to replay.

The water ghost handed Po Meng's communication beads, and Po Meng's embarrassed voice sounded...

This is the beginning of contacting myself.

But after two sentences, the sky suddenly darkened.

Clouds and mists gather, and the semi-sages are here!

In the picture, the water ghost suddenly cut off the communication beads, and looked up in horror.

However, seeing Jiang Shi's half-sage looking down angrily, he said in a cold voice:

"I completely forgot what this Saint entrusted to you?

"Let you trace the traces of the members of the King of Hell, this sage, but I didn't let you secretly conspire with the members of the King of Hell!

"Do you really think this place has never been stared at by this saint?"

This is obviously what the water ghost and Fengtang Mengpo were talking about, but Jiang's half-sage found out, causing the other party to rush over in a very angry way, and they were about to fight.

Taixu had no chance of winning in the face of the semi-sage.


The water ghost shouted loudly without hesitation, and threw Madam Meng into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

But Jiang's semi-sage finally shot, and the holy power was swept away.

The water ghost spat out blood with a "poof" and flew out backwards, but borrowed the recoil force to resist the blow, and quickly fell into the forbidden enchantment in the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs.

"Want to run?"

Jiang's Bansheng rushed to the edge of Guyin Cliff, but stopped, obviously afraid of the forbidden enchantment.

But after thinking about it for less than a breath, he jumped and rushed into the sea of ​​clouds between the cliffs without any fear.

Semi-sage, why should you be afraid?

"Time and Space Backtracking" ends.

What Huang Quan saw was clearer and more real than what Jiang Buyi saw.

There was no turbulence anywhere in the scene, but he did not escape his eyes, and after watching all this, Huang Quan... did not have any doubts!

Heaven will not deceive people.

What's more, with the power of time and space retrospect, it is impossible to retrospect a fake picture for oneself.

Huang Quan verified all the details with his own eyes, including every plant, every tree, every flower and every stone.

All the pictures, there is no possibility of fictitious, as real as... no, it is real!

"Jiang's semi-sage, also descended the cliff?

"Is this his semi-holy clone, or his real body?

"Is this... the plan of the water ghost? Or is it an emergency?"

As a character who walks in the dark in Tibetan years, Huang Quan is more cautious and thinks more.

However, no matter what the process is, he can only come to one conclusion:

In the forbidden enchantment, since Jiang's semi-sage went into the water, it was the best time to deal with him.

As for the water ghost...

This guy, mixed in between himself and Jiang's semi-sage, must be trying to get some benefits, otherwise he won't come up with a sacrilege plan.

But if you can get the "half-sacred person" of the half-sacred Jiang Buyi and share some sweetness with the water ghost, what's the harm?

As expected.

Huang Quan flickered and disappeared at the Guyinya site.

At the same time, the sea of ​​​​clouds between the cliffs shone brightly.

"Time is slow~"

"Timing · Reverse~ Well, let's reverse it a little bit. When this is completely without Gou Wuyue's powerful function, it should be that my realm is not enough."

"The time is fixed~ Alas, this trick is still difficult. At most, you can only cast a space confinement and pretend to be fake."

Under the deep sea, Xu Xiaoshou incarnates Huang Quan, with a greedy **** on his head with three eyes of disgust, and he enjoys experimenting with the attributes of time and space.

There is still half a day before the agreement with the water ghost, and when the time is up, the half-sage Jiang will go into the water.

And the big bosses of the Holy Temple are all surrounded by the Void Gate at the moment, and it is estimated that they will not dare to open the door for a while, so there should be few opponents under the deep sea.

As for this period of time, Xu Xiaoshou considered himself invincible.

Invincible is so lonely~

It caused him to leave the traces of the "Yellow Spring" raging everywhere in the water, and the picture was to disturb the feeling of Jiang's semi-sage after he entered the water.

"I don't know if the Semi-Saint Society will be completely disabled by the forbidden enchantment.

"If he goes into the water and becomes a weak chicken, maybe I can fight back..."

Xu Xiaoshou pondered, suddenly his heart trembled, thinking of the water ghost's explanation, if he encounters Jiang's semi-sage, don't try to resist, just run away.

He immediately dismissed the absurd idea of ​​a grandmaster fighting a semi-sage.

After all, one of the three major illusions in life is "I can fight back". I don't know how many geniuses died on this illusion.

"Uncle doesn't know where to go."

Xu Xiaoshou, who was all alone, suddenly missed Xiao Kongtong's "Senior Water Ghost".

With such a big bodyguard gone, he felt a little empty and lost a lot of sense of security. After all, in the initial plan, the uncle could keep him until the end of the Deep Sea dungeon.


Above his head, the greedy **** was constantly shouting excitedly, staring at the direction of the distant thunder tribulation, expressing a strong desire to eat.

"What do you mean, you still want to eat Thunder Tribulation?"

Xu Xiaoshou heard the intention of coveting God, but couldn't help but startled.

He can grow up by swallowing thunder tribulation himself, but he never thought that the greedy **** would also care about this.

But now the situation is a bit special.

There is basically no slashing path to cross the tribulation under the deep sea.

The last one left, the thunder tribulation is powerful, not to mention too vain, even if the semi-sacred body is in the water, he may not dare to pass through - what if the thunder calamity changes and becomes a holy calamity?

Xu Xiaoshou understood that the other slashing paths were buried under the thunder tribulation and became the nourishment of the Void Sect.

The only one left should be the mutated Vigil.

"If you came out earlier, I could take you to have a bite of Thunder Tribulation and get to know someone by the way, but now your master is afraid of death, so I won't go there..."

Xu Xiaoshou stared at Lei Jie for a long time, averted his gaze, and decisively rejected the invitation to greedy food.

He obviously couldn't resist the nine-death thunder calamity after the 108th Dao. Now that the thunder calamity has come to an end, Vigil is capable of resisting it. He has one master, and if he goes, he will send it away.


After the greedy **** heard this, he couldn't help drooping his head.

"Let's find someone first."

Xu Xiaoshou fed the little white cat a mouthful of medicinal pills, ignored this fellow, and galloped away into the distance on his own.

He also planned to take advantage of the time before the semi-sage went into the water, to find some more people who coveted his head and slaughtered, and let these people see...

The black gold reward is not so easy to accomplish!

But it seems that there are not many stowaways alive at the moment under the deep sea.

Flying away from the Void Gate, Xu Xiaoshou searched for a long time. There were corpses, and the water polo fragmentation pictures with no bones left were seen, but none of the real living people were touched.

"After such a long time, everyone will either be drained to death, or they will die with dignity after earning a dehydration ball. There should be few left..."

Xu Xiaoshou was moved.

This water polo is really a devil's trick!

Water ghosts really live up to the name "water ghosts"!

When he seemed to swim and fly for a while, he didn't hold out much hope.

Suddenly, in the "perception", a stubborn guy broke into the "perception". His realm is not high, but he is one of the few guys who can still struggle to survive in the water polo.

"When is the end?"

Situ Yong was originally dressed in brocade and gorgeous clothes, with countless jade ornaments on his body, noble and dignified, but now he looks like a desolate figure, struggling to support in the water polo.

Not to die.

But dying.

On Guyin Cliff, he used the Heavenly Secret Technique to trap Huangquan, the King of Hell, with the inner world of the cloud world.

I thought that this time, I would make a great contribution and impress everyone, and then won the position of the head of the Taoist Ministry, and was tied with Yu Lingdi for the highest position of the younger generation.

Never thought that a little swordsman who appeared out of nowhere, shattered the inner world of the cloud world...

It's not over yet.

The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind.

The master of the water system's profound truth pulled everyone into the water with one move, and he, Situ Yongren, was no exception.

After falling into the water, if it weren't for the fact that the operation was already arduous, he brought a lot of protective spiritual tools and medicinal pills in advance, and he would not have been able to survive until now.

"The Profound Truth of the Water System...

"In this world, apart from Yu Lingdi, is there anyone else who can master the profound meaning of the water system?

"If it's other attributes, that's fine, but it's a coincidence that they are both water elements, right?"

Situ Yongren is suspicious.

Is that person, Yumo, the head of the Qianling radical?

In my memory, the Great Demon King Yumo has fallen. Even if he is not dead, he should still belong to the Holy Spirit Temple.

After all, Yu Mo grew up in the environment of the Holy Spirit Temple, and his roots are red, so it is impossible for him to do anything that would be detrimental to the interests of the Holy Spirit Temple.

These inferences clearly have no answer.

Situ Yongren let out a long sigh, turned his thoughts, and returned to the guy he almost won on Guyin Cliff.

"Ye Wang, Huang Quan...

"It's a pity, I was almost able to catch him..."

He murmured softly, and his thoughts began to diverge again, thinking that he did not know when the water polo would fall to the end, and Rao Jianxian would find himself and escape from the sea of ​​misery.

"do you miss me?"

At this moment, a joking voice suddenly popped out from the back of his head.

Situ Yongren froze and turned around suddenly.

Under the barrier of forbidden law, spiritual thoughts are useless, and he didn't even notice that there was someone around him just now.

However, when he turned around like this, Situ Yongren saw in horror, behind him, there was a man in a golden robe mask, standing majestically in the deep sea, without the protection of water polo, but not attacked by water pressure.

What's more outrageous is that this person is all right.

The cat on top of his head was able to resist the water pressure!


Humanity! Are you questioning Ben Meow? !

The little white cat is not afraid of life when it sees people. After a strange bark, Sanyan's eyes turned faster, and at the same time, it was more eye-catching and angry.

Situ Yongren was stupid on the spot.

His first reaction... This, is this a ghost?

Second reaction... Tears? This ghost beast cat also has eyes with tears and eyes? What a **** extravagant joke!

The third reaction... The man with the golden mask? Yellow Springs? Hades Huangquan? !

"My life is over!"

Situ Yongren's heart sank, his eyes flashed, and in a trance, he seemed to see the **** of death beckoning to him.

He resisted for so long, but he couldn't hold on to Rao Yaoyao's rescue, but he waited for the "credit" he wanted most.

But with Rao Jianxian there, this is a "credit", and when there is only one person left, this is the "Death God" deity!

"Former, senior..."

Situ Yongren felt that it became difficult to even speak. After his Adam's apple rolled, he couldn't even get a complete sentence out. He was afraid.

"God greedy."

Xu Xiaoshou didn't talk nonsense, but interrupted, and gave the order to the greedy god.


Covetousness understands God.

It is very skilled in similar activities. Immediately, the left eye twitches with disgust, and when the gray flower turns over, Situ Yongren, who is still terrified in the water polo opposite, has dull eyes.

"In your eyes, who am I?" Xu Xiaoshou asked.

"Meow~" greedy translation.

Situ Yongren brought no less than a dozen pieces of spiritual defense spiritual tools, and these spiritual tools can be effective against spiritual attacks.

But Lei Jiatong is too unreasonable!

Sanyan Tongmu is even more unreasonable!

When crossing the border, as long as you pay a certain price, you can control the other party, not to mention that the greed **** is now a throne level, the "magnitude" and "quality level" of the ghost and beast's own energy are only higher than Situ Yongren's.

Under such circumstances, the two look at each other, and as long as the covetous **** thinks about it, he can control it on the spot.

"Ye Wang... Yellow Spring..." Situ Yongren replied unconsciously.

Huang Quan?

Very good, it seems that this guy still can't see my true identity.

It is expected that Rao Yaoyao should also suspect the possibility that I am Huang Quan at this moment, more than that I am Xu Xiaoshou...

Xu Xiaoshou thought to himself.

He had three identity changes on Guyin Cliff.

Although he thought that Rao Yaoyao and others didn't see it through, but with the confirmation of the enemy, he could finally relax.

Before I knew it, the King of Hell carried a lot of pots for me...

Xu Xiaoshou smiled, looked down at the many spiritual tools on Situ Yongren's body, and asked, "How many protective spiritual tools and medicinal pills do you have left on your body, how long can you last in the deep sea?"

"Cat woo~" Covetous God conveyed.

Situ Yongren: "Spiritual tools... one hundred... thirty-two... pieces, pills... a lot, can... last... for three days..."

three days?

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes bulged.

I am so afraid of dying to bring so many things...


This is too rich!

Ten times, a hundred times more than me!

"Can you send me?" Xu Xiaoshou asked.

"Meow meow meow!" Greedy God was also excited when he heard this question, and immediately translated it, he was also interested in medicinal pills!



"Spiritual tool...recognize the master...can't send...go out..."

"What about the medicine pill?"

"Pill..." Situ Yongren's face flashed and struggled, as if he was trying hard to fight, but failed, "Okay..."

"Bring it!" Xu Xiaoshou was excited.

Greedy God gives another order.

The power of San Yantong's eyes is too strong, Situ Yongren can't resist, he can only obey the guidance, try his best to open the space necklace, and take out a lot of bottles.

All of a sudden, the water polo space was almost filled!

Xu Xiaoshou was stunned.

"Little Rejuvenation Pill, Rejuvenation Pill... So much for restoring the body? Did you rob the warehouse of the Holy Spirit Temple?

"Sheng Yuan Pill, Soul Yuan Pill... What the hell! This is the highest quality elixir to restore spiritual essence and soul energy, right? There are more than ten bottles of each?

"Thorn pill, a combat pill that stimulates spiritual power and stimulates potential...

"The nine-turn blood pill, the holy medicine for healing...

"God's Blessing, God's Blessing, God's Blessing... Nima, how come there are so many God's Blessings?! Xiaodan is bottled, that's one bottle, but why... you also have seven bottles?"

Xu Xiaoshou's eyes were dull.

He was robbed by Situ Yongren, which emptied his cognition.

I thought that Jhin Zhao was a billionaire compared to his peers, but UU reading www. uukanshu.com never thought that this true descendant of great power is countless times richer than himself!

"I should have had a fight with you long ago, so you are a fat sheep...

"I hate it, last time I was on the first floor, I couldn't let you go! It's too fat!"

Xu Xiaoshou's lips trembled, and even his hands trembled.

As long as he robbed Situ Yongren earlier, he would have estimated that Vigil would not have changed, at least he wouldn't have to be under the calamity of thunder, helplessly smelling the empty honey pot of eight or nine rank—Wangmei quenches his thirst.

Poverty! original sin!

"Bring it to you!"

Xu Xiao received a hook, and the space was replaced.

A large number of bottles and jars in Situ Yongren's water polo turned into water.

And in the Yuanfu world, there is a lot of wealth!

"Anything else?" Xu Xiaoshou asked hopefully.

"There's no..., a bottle... is... not left..." Even if Situ Yongren was charged, his tone and expression were very painful at this moment, as if he knew what terrible thing he had done.

Xu Xiaoshou pondered, and after a while, he raised his eyes and said:

"Where's the Holy Blood? Aren't you some kind of Holy Son from the Holy Spirit Temple? There should be a lot of Holy Blood on your body, right?"


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