I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 997: The Half-Saint is coming! Forced crazy "stay together" combination!


What's coming?

When Situ Yongren heard the words, he was stunned at first, and then he glanced at Huang Quan's high-looking look, and suddenly understood something.

"Half-Saint is here?" he asked with some horror.

"Well." Xu Xiaoshou nodded slightly.

Situ Yongren's calf immediately softened.

The half-sage is here, why are you still so calm? This is to kill you!

I beg you, don't pretend at this time?


Situ Yongren was hesitant to say anything, and wanted to say "run quickly, and run with me along the way."

After all, he already knew about the plan of the semi-sacred Jiang's, and with the power of the semi-sage, it is not difficult to calculate that he already knew the plan of the semi-sacred, so... both of them were silenced!

But after all, their positions were different, Situ Yongren was really embarrassed to call out with Huang Quan.

"Pump, pound..."

The dragon scale of the Holy Emperor jumped faster and faster.

This means that the semi-sage Jiang's speed in tracing back the power of time and space in the deep sea forbidden enchantment is also extremely fast.

Xu Xiaoshou didn't know what means the other party used.

But the semi-holy energy was so terrifying, he was already sweating coldly on his back.

"What are you afraid of?"

Although his heart was frightened, Xu Xiaoshou remained calm on the surface, looking at the void indifferently, still not knowing what he was looking at: "There is a forbidden law enchantment in the deep sea, and a half-sage enters the water, how much combat power can be left?"

"Semi-holy combat power will certainly be sealed, but you won't be any better, right?" Situ Yongren almost didn't blurt out these words, but fortunately he held back.

Huang Quan's ability to use the power in the forbidden enchantment has exceeded his expectations.

But no matter how much means can be used to evade the ban of the forbidden enchantment, there must be a limit, right?


You have the means, is there a way to avoid the ban?

In a situation where both are balanced, how can the Taixu seal under the seal and the semi-sage under the seal win?

"Senior...Is it possible, do you still want to fight back?" Situ Yongren asked slightly stumblingly. He couldn't see anyone at the moment, but his back was numb and he had a whim. He already understood what Huang Quan said, and it might be true.

The enemy is already approaching!


Xu Xiaoshou chuckled.

He is still holding on.

He had to stand until the last moment, let the situation of 100,000 urgent and completely force Situ Yongren into the gang. Only in this way can the overall situation be won.

"It's impossible to fight back. After all, a half-sage is still a half-sacred. This seat will not be stupid enough to force its edge. The top priority..."

Xu Xiaoshou turned his gaze back to Situ Yongren's face, looked at this guy's frantic expression, and said, "I'll go first, you take care."

Having said that, as soon as he lifted his foot, the power of space in his hand bloomed, and he was about to step into the vortex of space and teleport away.

"Senior, wait!"

Situ Yongren's lips turned white, and he was immediately anxious.

You ran away, what should I do?

Whether it should be said or not, there is no need to wait for the semi-sage Jiang to come to silence the situation. As soon as you run, the pressure of this deep sea can crush me. How can I protect myself?

"Senior, can you take me for a ride?" Situ Yongren finally said.

Xu Xiaoshou raised the corners of his lips slightly.

With retreat as advance, it's done!

"Take you?"

He didn't answer, but jokingly said:

"You must understand that you are the Holy Son of the Holy Spirit Temple, and I am the Hell King of the dark forces.

"You and I are different, and we don't plan for each other. If you really walk together, you will be bumped by someone...

"I'm afraid, you don't have to wait for the semi-sage Jiang to come over. You can't argue with your own words under the ridicule of the crowd."

How could Situ Yongren not know the benefits?

But the problem is, there is no other choice at the moment.

He even lost his protective spiritual weapon by Huang Quan. Isn't this... forced to "break the boat and sink the boat"?

"damn it…"

Mingming was so anxious to scratch his head, but Situ Yongren was still able to calmly analyze the situation and fight for himself:

"Senior don't have to worry about this, as long as the junior can survive, these trivial matters can be easily handled.

"But the key now is that you and I are grasshoppers on a rope, inseparable.

"Besides, the senior destroyed my protective spiritual tool, didn't it just force me to get on your...cough, boat?

"You want to use the power of the Holy Spirit Temple to fight against the semi-sacred Jiang Clan, and I also need to live, gather the situation into specific information and spread it out, so... uh!"

Situ Yongren said for a while, obviously anxious, and then said after gritted his teeth: "Let's put it this way, senior has a plan, and I also want to make a contribution. Now everyone is marching towards the same goal, senior helping me is equivalent to helping you. yourself, right?"

"You are very calm." Xu Xiaoshou was more admired.

This guy is really strong. At this time, he can still come up with so many great truths in order to survive.

However, isn't that exactly your original intention?

Situ Yongren tried his best to help him spread the false information and pour sewage on Jiang's Bansheng and Hades.

Therefore, the other party's request can naturally be answered in one bite.

But the reason why "play hard to catch" is "play hard to catch" is because the farther the "play" is, the more the two parties are bound together, the more indistinguishable and the tighter the "capture"!

Xu Xiaoshou ignored the "pounding" dragon scales of the Holy Emperor who were jumping wildly, frowned, and said, "You have to understand, these are your own requests, not for this seat to coerce you."

"Yeah!" Situ Yongren nodded heavily.

He knew very well that the other party was playing hard-to-find and retreating to advance.

But when the conspiracy was turned into a conspiracy, and there was only one word for "death" in the end of disobedience, Situ Yongren knew more about who he was now, and he should act foolishly.

- Rarely confused!

Xu Xiaoshou remained unmoved, opened his lips and said:

"If the half-sage Jiang sees you on the same path as me, he will naturally understand your choice.

"He doesn't care whether your choice is active or passive, and he doesn't care how much face your master has, because you already know his plan.

"At that time, you may be buried at his hands before you have time to call.

"You understand this, too?"

Situ Yongren frequently looked left and right. Although he could not see anyone, the palpitations that tingled his scalp became more and more intense.

He nodded his head like garlic, and there was a hint of crying in his voice:

"Senior, I'm not stupid..."

"I now, there is only one way left!"

Poor baby.

Xu Xiaoshou said in his heart that the Situ's hatred for the King of Hell, Huangquan, was probably greater than that for the semi-sage of the Jiang family, but he just didn't show it.

But these...

They are all aimed at Huang Quan, and have nothing to do with the sage Xu Xiaoshou!

"Okay." He nodded heavily, "Since that's what you want, this seat will take you on a ride and save your life."

Situ Yongren's eyes returned to light at that time: "More seniors!"

He took a step forward, and was about to hang up the body of the King of Hell, Huang Quan, and teleport away together.

But after he stretched out his hand, he found that the man in the golden mask was still indifferent.

Situ Yongren was stunned.

"Senior, what are you waiting for?"

Waiting to die? !

Damn you, take me away quickly! !

Situ Yongren's mentality exploded.

"Wait a moment."

Xu Xiaoshou spoke calmly, but there was a mad look in his eyes.

seeing is believing.

Up to this point, all of Situ Yongren's plans for Jiang's semi-sage were learned from his own one-sided remarks.

Now that the situation is critical, of course he chooses to go along with himself.

But once he escaped, would he take it seriously again?

He said that he was doing meritorious service, but after contacting him, Xu Xiaoshou understood that Situ Yong was not a good bird, and this guy was also bad-mouthed and very smart.

Therefore, he had to let Situ Yong see the half-sage deity of the Jiang family with his own eyes!

As long as they meet once, their identity will be recognized.

Without the need to talk, Situ Yongren subconsciously instilled the psychological hints he had just given him, such as "Half-Saint Jiang wants to overturn the case of the Tears", "Half-Saint Jiang plots the authority of the Tears", "Half-Saint Jiang" Shi skipped the Holy Spirit Hall and coveted a higher position and a bigger cake", etc., all affirmed!

These accusations are many times greater than the simple "Jiang's half-sage plotting tears and eyes".

The latter is a personal act.

The former is a monstrous conspiracy of the Half-Saint Family!

As long as Situ Yongren survived this catastrophe, he would report these false "conspiracies" to the headquarters of the Holy Temple with a positive statement.

The latter's only picture of Lei Jiatong may not be enough to alarm the top.

But the former one was deducted from the three charges...

Xu Xiaoshou believed that the Jiang Clan of Puxuan in the Northern Territory would be doomed!

The task that the water ghost gave Xu Xiaoshou was to lure the half-sage into the water, then desecrate the saint, and in the best case, become a slaughter.

But Xu Xiaoshou was not satisfied with this.

It's about the little junior sister, it's about the tears family...

If this scourge is not eradicated, troubles will only continue to flow in the future.

Therefore, since he has encountered the chess piece of Situ Yongren, he will go under the deep sea, at the least cost, to drive away wolves and kill people with swords.

——Using the Holy Spirit Hall, the entire Northern Territory Puxuan Jiang Sect will be cut down and rooted!



"Pump, thump, thump!"

Three hearts were beating wildly at the scene.

Under pressure, Xu Xiao was afraid that he was about to face the saint, his eyes fixed on the top, and he asked without turning his head, "You recognize Jiang's half-sacred face and breath, right?"


Situ Yongren's Adam's apple rolled, his face pale.

He already understood what the King of Hell was going to do, and replied, "Naturally I recognize it."

"This seat, I won't lie to you."

Xu Xiaoshou turned his eyes and grinned, his eyes became a little terrifying under the mask, but he said warmly: "If you follow this seat, then the information you have obtained this time will help you win, you want anything!"


Situ Yongren's Adam's apple rolled again, this time it was not fear, but hot eyes.

He nodded heavily and said, "Junior understands."

The King of Hell, Huang Quan, wanted to use the Temple of the Holy Spirit to slay the Puxuan Jiang Clan in the Northern Territory. His Situ Yongren had only one option left, and that was to be forced to be a knife in desperation.

But "forced" can never compare to "willingness".

Since he was destined to go on such a path of "one will succeed, ten thousand bones will die", Situ Yongren also dared to use the Holy Spirit Temple as a chess and pave a road for himself.

As long as what Huang Quan said is true... No, only three points are true!

After that, he Situ Yongren was able to slaughter the semi-sacred family on the grounds that "Jiang's semi-sage intends to encroach on the status of the holy emperor".

Taking this great credit as a reference, he calmly took the position of the head of the Taoist group into his pocket.

And even more profitable.


When Lu Zhen came to this point, it was no longer important what the "truth" was.

In the eyes of Situ Yongren at this moment, he has already boarded a pirate ship. This wave is either his death, or the entire Jiang family has disappeared.

And as long as he sees it later, it is indeed the half-sage of the Jiang family.

No matter whether the other side has such a big plan as he thinks...

He Situ Yongren said that there is, but the Jiang Sect of Puxuan in the Northern Territory, even if not, must have it!

—A community of interests, nothing more than that.


The deep sea, ripples slightly.

After the two fell silent, the pounding heartbeat was so harsh, like a butterfly flapping its wings, leading out a tornado of astral wind, stirring up the deep sea here, and the dark tide was surging.


Almost suffocating waiting...

Situ Yongren's whole body was tense, his fists were clenched tightly, his fingernails were pierced into the flesh of his palm, and his forehead was even more blue veins protruding.


Suddenly, the water flowed, and there seemed to be movement on the side.


Situ Yongren shouted loudly, turned his head to look, but saw Huang Quan, the King of Hell, stretched out his hand... and touched the back of his head.

Situ Yongren's eyes froze: "Previous, senior...?"

"I was shocked." Xu Xiaoshou twitched the corner of his mouth under the mask, and smiled more, "I am bored, scratching my itch, why are you so excited?"

After speaking, he really scratched the back of his neck twice.

Situ Yongren: ? ? ?

At that time, he even had the heart to kill.

Can this great enemy stop making trouble now? !

"Condemned, passive value, +1."

"Cursed, passive value, +1."


One wave has not settled, and another wave has arisen.

Just when Situ Yongren was still madly cursing in his heart, the high-frequency heart attack of the holy emperor dragon scale ten times a second came to an abrupt end.

at the same time.

Not far in front of you, the water quickly branched to both sides.

At the crest of the waves, the afterimages of clouds and fog converged into the true form, and an old man settled down with a smile.

He has eyes that are clear and translucent like a child, but his hair is pale, his eyebrows are frosty and cold, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes are slightly wrinkled, and he has an image of kindness and kindness.


The deep-sea forbidden law enchantment has blocked everyone's power!

The appearance of the old man this time was not covered by clouds and mist.

And the half-holy face, anyone who looks up and sees it, is like a mortal blasphemy, and the soul will tremble for it.

"Boom!" With just one glance, Xu Xiaoshou's heart stopped beating.

"Boom!" Situ Yongren looked sideways, and the same was true.

Obviously, the old man in front of him didn't make any movement.

"You are Huang Quan?" After the old man stopped, his eyes were like swords, stabbing straight at him.

"Frightened, passive value, +1."

Under the mask, Xu Xiaoshou's face turned pale on the spot, losing all color.


The water ghost is honestly not deceiving me!

This half-sage can't even see it at all, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is long overdue to say…

If it is said that Xu Xiaoshou is not the first time to face the Holy Spirit, but he is still suppressed by that coercion, so he can't say a word.

Situ Yongren's reaction was much better than his.

Because he has been by Master's side for a long time in the past, he has a certain resistance to similar coercion.

"Half-Saint, Jiang Buyi!"

Staring at him, he said this sentence with difficulty.

On the one hand, Situ Yongren saw the great merit beckoning to him, and on the other hand, he saw the **** of death slowly stretch out the reaper scythe towards him.

He shrank his hand behind him, flapping wildly, and almost turned his head and started roaring at Huangquan, the king of **** beside him:

"I recognized him, he is a real person!

"Even if you are lying to me, as long as I survive, he will have nothing! But...

"Fuck you, what are you still doing? Take me and run! This is a half-sacred real body!"

But Situ Yong would never think of it.

Huang Quan, the absolute thigh who he regarded as Ding Hai Shenzhen, was actually a peer of a master with a lower cultivation level than him.

At this moment...

Bansheng said bluntly, Xu Xiaoshou couldn't even move a finger!

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