I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Vol 2 Chapter 2: 0 replaces my 8 masters, and I call the divine light with my order!



Zenchov was stunned for a while.


He didn't even know what kind of mentality this player had, and dared to pretend that he was Cenchov in front of his original, genuine Cenchov.


The key is…


"What is there to pretend to be an old man?"


Zenchov looked at the "self" in the water polo, and was completely speechless.


You said that you pretended to be Ba Zungan, and everyone understood it very well. Ba Zungan himself is here, and it is estimated that there will be no more blaming.


But I am an unknown old lady, and I have no major crimes, and I have no extraordinary achievements in my life.


But it's just the unremarkable "one enemy in the eight palaces", the ordinary "woodchopper cuts the road overnight"...


If you pretend to be a water ghost, you have a better future than pretending to be Zenchov, right? !


Cenchov twitched the corners of his mouth, he was hesitant to say anything, but in the end he had no choice but to look at the water ghost.


The water ghost also cast his gaze, and after the two looked at each other, they suddenly laughed at the same time.


"What are you laughing at?"


Xiu Yuanke felt that there was a strong sarcasm in the laughter, and he was immediately angry, but he didn't wait for him to continue speaking...


"To shut up!"


The water ghost raised his hand, and the water-type mystical formation diagram spun from under his feet, preventing this guy from interrupting the eight Zunji's spellcasting.


Xiu Yuanke suddenly felt his heart twitch, as if he was completely restrained.


His words just reached his lips, and he only felt that some power in the water polo penetrated into the muscles and veins of the body, and it was a blockade horizontally and vertically.


He couldn't move at all!


"What kind of ability..."


Xiu Yuanke was shocked.


He cannot see through this ability.


But just now, the profound meaning formation at the feet of the golden beast-faced man was clearly seen!


The profound meaning of water system?


This guy, is Yu Lingdi?


"???" Xiu Yuanke was stunned.


How did the eldest brother get mixed up with the Yuling Di, the head of the spirit radical.


this this this...


Isn't it?


The big brother turned out to be a person from the Holy Spirit Temple?




There is only one explanation left...


Yu Lingdi, is it our own?




! "Having this conclusion, Xiu Yuanke's jaw dropped in shock.


He didn't dare to resist for a while, for fear that if he did something wrong, he would cause more trouble.


Of course, the most important thing is that, in this delicate situation, it is obvious that the layout of the big brother is more important, and it is best not to make extra efforts.


Eyeballs shriveled...


Xiu Yuanke did his best to glance at the direction of "Elder Brother".


What was he still writing on that golden scroll...


The surging power blooming on the scroll, even through the water polo, Xiu Yuanke could clearly feel it.


"Saint Power..."


be nice~


My eldest eldest brother, what bigger tricks are you planning on the Moon Fairy City behind your back? !




The eight masters were completely focused on the holy emperor's golden edict.


He couldn't sense the person coming from behind.


However, being able to hand over his back to others is exactly the absolute trust of the eight Zungans in Cenchov and the ability of the water ghost.


And as the holy emperor's golden edict was written in blood one by one, the will of the holy emperor on it became even more evident. The golden light on Guyin Cliff, which repelled everyone, almost pushed all the idle people out of the surrounding land.


"Fairy Wood"


Cenchov, the water ghosts, and Xiu Yuanke in the water polo were all attracted by this change and didn't say much more.


The three of them were forced to retreat by the golden power, and they just stared at the "Eight Masters/Elder Brother" who had only one back left, trying their best to write ancient prose.


Finally, when the last word is settled...




The Holy Emperor Jin Zhao vibrated violently, as if it had absorbed full power, and it actually glowed with vigor.


At the same time, the surging power of the Holy Emperor emanated from it, and the water polo that trapped Xiu Yuanke burst apart with a bang.


However, at this moment, Xiu Yuanke was completely a monster.


Like the Water Ghost and Cenchov, his knees trembled, and he was almost not suppressed by this terrifying holy emperor's power, and he fell to his knees on the spot.




Hearing this, the three of them tried their best to look up.


As far as the eye can see, the "Eight Masters/Eldest Brothers" of the acquired realm have escaped the suppression of gravity and slowly floated into the air - this is obviously the invitation of the Holy Emperor's power to people of high rank.


At this moment, although the state of the eight masters was even more sluggish due to the writing of the edict, but the golden light emanating from the emperor's golden edict was all over his body, as if the gods had descended.


It is surrounded by clouds and mist, and the breeze accompanies it leisurely.


Not long after, under the guidance of all things in the world, the eight gods floated above the nine heavens.


He held the golden edict in both hands, and his eyes were solemn. Looking down, if he could look at the five regions and the four seas, he could swallow mountains and rivers.




Don't delay anymore, after standing for nine days.


The eight statues threw their hands at ease, and the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao turned into a streamer and merged into the way of heaven.





Yunlun Mountains, Jiuxiao shook.


Like a mirror, the sky suddenly cracked open, and a golden spot bloomed in the eyes of everyone, and then it shone like a blazing sun.


Immediately after, the coercion of the sky descended.


At this moment, whether it is the mountain attackers who are competing for the nine dragon veins, or the trialists who are wandering in the inner and outer regions, looking for their own opportunities, or the slashers and Taixu stowaways who sneak into this world...


None of them crawled and smashed to the ground in panic!


"Again, again...?"


The testers are lost.


How many times!


Is it possible to let the trial of the royal city continue normally!


Before, there was a battle of saints and a black dragon overwhelmed the world; there were people who rode the sea, and the halberd killed the crime bow;


Dongtianwangcheng, did something wrong!


Why did all the bad things happen in the Yunlun Mountains?


The trialists felt that they were used to the unexpected frequent occurrence of trials in the Yunlun Mountains.


But every accident...


Either way, it's a big new thing that is rare in the world!


At this moment, even if they were crushed to the ground, everyone still raised their eyes as hard as they could, looking to the sun, looking at the golden shining sun that is adjacent to all living beings in the Nine Heavens.


"Is the sun..."


Someone murmured in shock, feeling that there was a common sun in the distant horizon for lighting.


Now, above this head, there is a blazing sun that looks like it could destroy the world!


This is not gentle at all!


It looks like the Holy Emperor is furious, about to destroy the sky and destroy the earth!


"Do not!"


"Not the sun!"


Suddenly, someone looked at Nine Heavens and found that the golden spot bloomed and turned into a vast scroll that was enough to cover the entire sky world. Only then did they realize that the dazzling light like the sun was just the power of the Holy Emperor attached to it.


"What is this, scroll?"


"Look, there are... there seem to be words on it!"


The golden stretched scroll replaced the entire blue sky and white clouds.


And after zooming in, naturally, there are blood-colored ancient writings like talismans clearly visible on it.


Everyone only felt that the holy miracle was coming, even if they were prostrate on the ground, they also had to take a look at the **** ancient text, as if after one glance, they could realize the vicissitudes of life and become holy overnight.


But the next second...




"Pain! My eyes!


! "


"Can the holy miracle of Heavenly Slaughter not descend on the Yunlun Mountains? I only need to be in the top thirty-sixth in the standings!"


"I made a mistake, please let the trial officer punish me, instead of destroying my eyes in this way, woo woo..."


In the Yunlun Mountains, there were countless screams of mortals who were blaspheming the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao with their eyes.


At the time when the sorrow was everywhere and the pain was overwhelming, there was an extravagant Taoist voice, and the sound of bewildering chanting, like chanting, like singing, like singing, resounded in the ears of all beings.


Together with the sound of the avenue.


In an instant, the pain and noise disappeared, and the Yunlun Mountains fell into silence.


"Holy secret... A world... thousands of years..."


The voice of the Dao is like a citation, and it cleans people's hearts.


At first it was like a spring breeze, then it was like a thunderstorm.


The sound of the Dao sounded in the souls of the testers in the Yunlun Mountains like Hong Zhong Dalu, but in exchange for it was the confusion of a large number of young people.


But the difference is...


When this voice fell into the ears of the stowaways, the eyes of these people instantly became hot and crazy.


"Holy secret?"


"Holy Secret Void Island?"


"This, is a holy relic belonging to the city in the sky?!"


With just one word, countless people who knew about the "Holy Secret Void Island" in Sky City all understood that something big might happen next.


The power of the Holy Emperor became stronger after Daoyin.


The sentient beings were crushed to the point of being beaten, but despite this wave of suppression, countless people still raised their heads, trying to break through the mystery of the blood on the golden scroll and get the favor of the "Holy Secret".


Unfortunately, nothing was found.


The anomaly became stronger.


In the Eastern Heavenly King City, some people were trembling at first, kneeling on the ground inexplicably.


Without waiting for the people on the side to laugh at him, the sound of "bang bang" could be heard incessantly, and the sound of knees hitting the ground all around him.


At this moment, no one dared to make a noise.


Or bow your head to pray, or raise your head to fight.


The spiritual masters exhausted their means one by one, trying to find a way out and even an opportunity from this "persecution".


The ancient text of the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao, after landing in the air, no one could look at it.


However, as Daoyin continued to sing, the blood-colored edicts lit up one by one.


At this moment, no matter how stupid they are, everyone understands that they don't need to read, just listen, and maybe they will be able to get the guidance of the power of this holy edict.


The sound of the Dao stopped, and then resumed.


It was Chen Pu before, but now it is Jingyin.


"I use... my blood... to pass the past...!"


After the accent, ripples appeared in time and space.


In the shadows, everyone seems to have seen an ancient heroic city floating in the clouds thousands of years ago, above the nine heavens.


There are celestial sounds lingering, cranes and luans chirping in unison, haze flowing, and holy spirit singing.


But the picture was wrong, and the mottled and quaint sky city above Dongtianwangcheng came into view.


Decay, aging, moss, gravel…


In an instant, everyone understood something.


The first picture is the original scene of the city in the sky.


The second picture is the current situation of the city in the sky.


As for the city in the sky, the city in the sky seemed to be endowed with a soul and more surging vigor after this accent.


The ancient city "Long" made a loud noise and broke free from the fragmented stream of space, like a wild horse, even the black heavenly chain as thick as a pillar of optimism could no longer be pulled, and it was about to rush out of time and space and smashed to this place. Above the Holy Spirit Continent.




The residents of Dongtianwangcheng were shocked.


What kind of ability is this?


In a word, let the city in the sky stand up for you?


The key is that everyone is keenly aware of the self-proclaimed "I" in this sentence!


That is to say, this holy miracle is not the manifestation of the divine, but someone who is summoning the power of the city in the sky?




He lowered his eyes and looked up. The spiritual masters who thought they didn't need to look at them were surprised to find that the golden scroll that covered the sky had been expanded again.


It was so big that people in Liandong Tianwangcheng and Yunlun Mountains looked up, and they could only see the tip of the iceberg of a certain stroke in a certain **** ancient character.


"what happened?"


Giants are always scary.


At this moment, the people of the Eastern Heavenly King City and the Yunlun Mountains are completely unaware.


With the help of the power from the Void Island, it expanded to the entire Eastern Heaven Realm, and then pushed it out to the Sword God Heaven in the Eastern Region, and even traveled through the entirety of the Holy Spirit Continent—the Five Regions!


In the Siling Mountains of the Central Region, the so-called "thunder tribulation" of the holy relic was cut off by the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao.


In alchemy, the half-sacred Dragon Rongzhi raised his eyes in amazement, but saw that in the ancient script of the imperial edict, there was a faintly homogenous power that appeared in front of his eyes, if he had eaten the half of the sky tree.


The osmanthus folds the holy mountain, the screen candle field.


Hua Chang Deng was lying under the broken willow **** worshipping willow, suddenly a look of surprise arose in his pitying eyes, and the candle on the table in front of him flickered.


Take a break.


Hunting Ghost flew and started, Hua Chang Deng raised his eyes to look at the sky, and the sword intent on the screen was wreaking havoc.


However, seeing that it was the power of the Holy Emperor Jinzhao in the sky, not the old man who came, he chuckled lightly, shook his head and sighed, sighing at the shadow of the cup bow and snake, and then lay down again.


What he saw was the power of Jian Nian.


Under the four seas.


The woman with her limbs bound, dressed in prison uniform, and her ordinary appearance did not hide her beauty. She raised her eyes in the water prison, and what she saw in her eyes was the same light of the Holy Emperor's golden edict.


Unlike everyone else, what she sees is not power, let alone light.


But under the radiant light, that man with a beard, slovenly, and a lot of turbid eyes.


Two lines of clear tears flowed into the water prison.


The woman's eyelashes trembled and she closed her eyes silently, as if thinking of the beauty of the past, the corners of her pale lips, and an indescribable smile.



All things in the world, raised their heads at this moment, and was shocked to see that there was finally a figure under that ray of light.


Even under the deep sea of ​​Guyin Cliff, the half-sage Jiang, Huang Quan, and the five degenerates of heaven and man are facing each other, as well as Rao Yaoyao, Xu Xiaoshou, Mu Lin and others in front of the Void Gate.


No exception!


The Holy Emperor Jin Zhao interrupted the progress of the world, so that everyone in the world must make time to listen to the words of guidance.


"The holy secret has been around for thousands of years, and I used my blood to cross the past..."


Xu Xiaoshou was still reminiscing about these words, thinking that it would take him a few months before he could reach such a level of attention, and madly licking the wool of everyone in the world.


Nine days above, after the eight statues understood the accent, the malaise was swept away, and there was a sharp edge in the eyes that had not been seen for decades.


at the same time.


The last two lines of the ancient texts of the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao suddenly lit up, and they should be heard in the ears of the world, so that everyone can understand that this voice... It is not a holy voice, but a human being.


"Baidai replaces my eight masters, and I will summon the divine light with my orders!"


With a buzzing sound, the golden light shines.


The power of the Holy Emperor Jin Zhao was fully activated by the ancient script written in blood, turned into a beam of nine-colored divine light, descended from the sky, and fell straight to... Guyin Cliff!


The eight statues are familiar with seeing nothingness, and the turbid yellow is no longer. When his eyes turn, his eyes fall to Guyin Cliff, the place where the divine light falls.


He took a deep breath, raised his sleeve robe in this direction, and said softly:


"Void Island, let's go."




The sound is certain, the chain of heaven can no longer hold the city in the sky, and it shattered and opened in the sound of Peng Peng.


And the Void Island that was suspended for almost a month above the Eastern Sky King City, and the ancient city on the island...


Finally, the Buzhou Mountain, which was knocked down, tilted and fell in the direction of Guyin Cliff in the Yunlun Mountains.


this moment.


The sun and the moon are terrified, and the world is pale!




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