1382 Die Miserably or Live with Dignity? (2)

But it didn’t matter. The chess piece had no name. As long as one could, dared to think, and was willing to do it, one could even control the opponent’s chess moves, let alone take a chess piece over.

“Praised, Passive Points, +1.”

“Liked, Passive Points, +1.”

The Information Bar moved wildly, and Xu Xiaoshou was really flattered.

He did not expect that Jiang Buyi would not only not kill him but would also give him such a high evaluation. At that moment, he could only show an expression of being flattered to meet someone who could discover his potential.

“Senior, you flatter me.” Xu Xiaoshou cupped his hands and couldn’t help but laugh.

The smile on Jiang Buyi’s face suddenly disappeared. He said seriously, “However, someone as smart as you should also understand one thing. If you can’t be used by me, I would rather kill you than give you up to someone else.”

Xu Xiaoshou was suddenly petrified in the air.

“Threatened, Passive Points, +1.”

At this moment, he could feel the extreme killing intent from Jiang Buyi. He finally understood why Jiang Buyi had praised him.

He would not allow the threat to remain.


Jiang Buyi gently nodded. Seeing that Xu Xiaoshou had understood his meaning, he restrained his killing intent, and his face became friendly again.

Finally, he asked gently, “So, I’ll give you three breaths to make a choice. Do you want to die miserably? Or do you want to leave with me with dignity and enjoy endless wealth?”

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