I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 332: The eighth sword fairy?



   Two pieces of corpses fell to the ground dullly.

   Previously, Xu Xiaoshou gave a punch, which left a ten-mile vacuum. After the vacuum, thousands of people exclaimed.

   Now, Uncle Uncle slashed out with this sword, and it was all silent and silent!

   Everyone was dumbfounded.

   What kind of fairy sword is this!

   This sword is like Kunwu, it can cut nine days, and it is like going out of the sea of ​​clouds, dividing the river and breaking the current.

   It is not only Chong Dong who is in two halves under this sword.

   That long black line of void is even more ascending to the sky, as if forever.

   "A sword is eternal, no more than this!"

   After people finally exclaimed, the scene immediately became a frying pan.

   All the sword repairmen on the scene watched their sabers rise into the air, as if ten thousand swords returned to the sect, worshipping the scruffy man at the center of the battle.

   In my heart, each is a legend.

   Everyone flushed red and their fists were clenched.

   That legend, in the Eastern Region, where sword repairs converge, is a god!

none of them!

   Even if you look at the entire Saint God Continent, even if the legend is like a flash in the pan, it still leaves a strong mark in this history!

   "One sword will come from the east, and one sword will come from the east, drunk leaning against the yellow spring and walking into the sky?"

   Someone finally couldn't hold back, and told this legend.

   At this moment, all the other sword repairers... are glaring.

   "What a joke!"

   "Even if the Eighth Sword Fairy is a casual sword, how can this sword be comparable?"

   "Look who he killed, it's a throne!"

   "Who is this? Chongdong, commander of Chongda? It's amazing? Not necessarily!"

   "A throne, you dare to pull on the Eighth Sword Immortal?"

   "Let’s not say that the Eighth Sword Immortal has fallen a long time ago, but with such a weak sword, how dare you make such a bold association and directly draw it to the head of the Eighth Sword Immortal... the Eighth Sword Immortal!"



   "Extremely ridiculous!"


   The first one to speak was directly sprayed with blood on his head.

   Indeed, the legend of the Eighth Sword Immortal, placed in the Eastern Region, is a household name.

   His existence, as far as Jianxiu is concerned, is faith and God!

  God, how could he suddenly descend into the world and cut such a weak sword?


  Only a throne...

  In normal times, he may indeed be a great figure, but he really wants to be comparable to the gods in everyone's mind...


   The person who spoke was very wronged. He also knew that the first one said that he would definitely be sprayed to death by the big guy.

   But he can't help it!

   He is also a fan of the Eighth Sword Immortal, how can he not know how many famous stunts of that man?

   "You spray back to spray, take a closer look at the sword just now, isn't it the Eighth Sword Immortal's'Great Buddha Slash'?"

   At this time, everyone was silent.

   a long time.

   "Indeed, it seems..."

   "Like a fart!"

   Someone was angry on the spot.

   "The Eighth Sword Immortal's'Big Buddha Slash', said it as if you have the qualifications to see, and your superficial understanding is just hearsay."

   "Is it true that what is seen from the miracle of spiritual skills?"

   "Is'Dafo Zhan' so weak?"

   "Don't say anything else, this style imitates spiritual skills, how many have you seen?"

   "There is no one hundred thousand, ten thousand must have it, everything will be pulled on the Eighth Sword Immortal, come on you!"

   "Retreat ten thousand steps, this is'Big Buddha Slash', but'Buddha', where is the Big Buddha phantom?"

   "This special is a piracy, a fact that is hard to beat!"

   There is a lot of uproar, and a fight is about to start on the spot.

   Fortunately, there are still a few people in the Imperial Guard who don't hold swords. They are still calm, and they are about to grab the more impulsive partner beside them.

   This will prevent the outbreak of a tragedy of wounding by the Janissaries.

   Yuan Sandao was also silent.

   Indeed, there are many copies of "Big Buddha Slash", and even the original one is not only one person who knows eight.

   At least what he knows, in the bloodline of Sanyue Xiancheng, there is this type of spiritual skill.

   can use the half-style "big Buddha cut", which has nothing to do with the eight masters.

   He can only prove from the side that the man in front of him is really a person from the moon fairy city.

   At the very least, the relationship is not weak!

   As for why he asked himself a question, the answer was "wrong"...

   To be honest, Yuan Sandao did not intend to get the most truthful answer from the other party from the beginning.


   At this moment, Chongdong's broken corpse fell out of a purple box.

   As soon as the box fell on the ground, it opened with a snap, and then a light and shadow turned into the form of Chongdong.

   Yuan Sandao immediately took a step forward, blocking the uncle's path forward.

Uncle    raised his brows, instead of stepping forward, he calmly watched the purple box work.

After    the box appeared light and shadow, a flash of inscription pattern.

   In the next moment, a purple wormhole appeared, and Chongdong's corpses falling on both sides were absorbed into it.

   At this moment, the heaven and the earth trembled. It seemed that the rules of heaven were forcibly changed, and the clouds gathered and the sky suddenly became dark.

   There was a thunderbolt in the blue sky, roaring, but no target was found.

   After the black robbery cloud on the horizon receded, the wormhole reappeared, and a brand new Chongdong fell out.

   His body recovered perfectly, and even his broken fingers were connected.

   As if the rules of time and space were reversed and replaced, the box took out a brand new Chongdong from the previous time and space and replaced him.

   But memory cannot be replaced.

   The newborn Chongdong's face was pale, his hands and feet were weak, and when he appeared, he fell directly to the ground.

   Yuan Sandao closed his knife one by one, protecting him.

   "Sky Jade Pearl?"

   Uncle's eyes flashed astonishment for the first time, and he exclaimed: "You kid, how could there be a heavenly secret box?"

   The firmament?

   Yuan Sandao's pupils shrank when he heard the name, and his heart was full of horror again.

  Who is the firmament?

   Kui Lei Han, eight masters, unpredictable to the sky!

   This is the top three giants of the ten sects of the Central Territory, the contemporary master of the Holy Temple, and the first heavenly magician of the Holy God Continent.

This guy……

   actually pronounced the name in such a light tone?

   You need to know that the name of the Lord of the Temple of the Holy Spirit is not for mortals to mention.

   Even if it is a spiritual refiner, if you want to call it, you usually use the word "Hallmaster" instead.

  This guy...who is it?

   is a person of the same generation as the Taoist firmament? Played against him? Or are there other special relationships that are unknown?

   Yuan Sandao pressed his heart secretly, and took a deep breath.

   He knows that this matter today may be overwhelming.

   But even so, where the responsibility lies, he still had to speak out and ask the third question!

   "Your Excellency should be aware that the mainland clearly stipulates that throne masters cannot make moves, and either enter the realm or enter the half-empty sky."

   "However, your direct action like this has hurt tens of thousands of innocent Tiansang City, which is really big!"

   "The Temple of the Holy Spirit will investigate it, even if you surpass the throne, surpass the way, what will you do? Isn't it a death in the end?"

   Yuan Sandao's blade turned around, erected on his chest, and slowly said, "My third question is, why did you make the move?"

   Such a strong person, there is really no need to violate yourself in this way!

   Shot in Tiansang City?

   is too silly!

   Yuan Sandao felt that during this period, there must be some unspeakable secret.

Uncle    smiled again.

   Chongdong can be resurrected by his own ability, that is he is great, as far as he is concerned, this thing has passed.

   When he does things, he has his own rules, and he only kills once.

   Putting aside the matter of Chongdong, he replied to Yuan Sandao's question.

   "First of all, I am not a throne, as you can see, I am just a little bit of an acquired thing, and the rules of the mainland cannot restrain me!"

   Yuan Sandao's mouth twitched.

Uncle    was not over yet, and continued: "Secondly, although I have already explained it, I have to explain it again. It is really not me who hurt Tiansang City's innocence."

   "It's not you, who else can it be?"

   Yuan Sandao sneered, could it be the dead body next to you?

  "It was him~www.ltnovel.com~ the uncle kicked the sack on the ground and said, "The good things he did have nothing to do with me. "

   Yuan Sandao was out of breath.

   The sack was uncovered. He had explored it a long time ago. There was a congenital junior in it, who was still dying.

  What's this special, he knocked the land of Tiansang City into the air?

are you kidding me? !


   This pot is thrown...I really thought you could just throw dirty water on someone who couldn't talk.


   "So, why are you here?"

   Yuan Sandao said coldly.

   He didn't bother to care about other things, but the purpose of this man's shot was always to be figured out.

   There is always no way to say nonsense, "I came here to save the kid in the sack. If he doesn't save, he will be killed by the corpse on one side"!

"Ha ha!"

   Yuan Sandao was amused by his own thoughts.

   In this way, it is not that the other party has a problem, but that the other party thinks that he, like him, has a brain disease!

   However, the uncle kicked the sack.

   "It's true that I am here to save this kid."

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