I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 334: You can go and save people.

   Xin Gu Gu immediately my eyes are splitting!


  This guy, why is it like this?

   We can discuss!

  Isn’t it all done in business? What's more, it’s not just business, but life!

   Why did you say nothing, you just exposed my identity directly?

   You are killing me!

   Xin Gu Gu's eyes are red.

   If he was found out in battle, he has no complaints.

   Because of this, he can at least drag his enemies to bury him.


   was just like this. It was like a game of werewolf killing that hadn't opened yet, but his cards were turned over directly...

   This is a fart!

Uncle   's words fell, Xin Gugu seemed to see Yuan Sandao's horrified face, and that which is hidden deep in memory and never dared to recall...

   "Red clothes!"

   Xin Gu Gu's blood spread instantly, and at this moment, he realized that a big battle was inevitable.

   But even if he is dead, he has to drag this odious, sloppy man to hell!

   He flicked the stick and exploded murderously.

   The crowd watching all around instantly turned their backs on their backs, one by one with weak-minded people, they went into trouble, burst into death!

   "Die to me!"

   He roared and waved his Zen stick, the ground broke and opened as he moved, and black blood began to penetrate.

   Ten miles of the earth, everything is red.

   A view of the **** of Seng Luo, as if present.

   The crowd is crazy!

   fled in a hurry, roaring, crying, moaning of pain...

   is coming in endlessly!

   Xin Gu Gu took a stick, but found that he had penetrated the man in front of him, as if he was standing in front of him, no longer the nasty guy.

   is a ghost?


   "Are you awake?"

Uncle   's figure broke apart, shattered into gleaming sword light.

   His voice seems to fall from the sky, and if born in the infinite universe, it is ethereal.

  "This is your choice just now, you have seen the ending and your own fate!

   "Obviously I have given you the best direction, but you just want to kill yourself."

   "Little guy, wake up!"

   "In front of me, you are not qualified to shake your head."


   There was a crisp sound and the pain on the cheek made Xin Gu Gu wake up on the spot.

   His head jerked, his vision returned to focus, and he was shocked to discover...

   Xu Xiaoshou is still lying down, Yuan Sandao is still standing in the distance, the crowd is still jumping for joy, this piece of land...

   hasn't started bleeding yet!


   Xin Gu Gu's pupils shrank, and his brain went blank again after a bang.


   This is not an illusion!

   This was caused by this uncle, he actually has the ability to directly affect his thinking?

   Still, he has really realized time, and presented all the things after this choice in the form of spying on time and space in front of him?

   Xin Gu Gu was in a cold sweat and immediately chilled his clothes. He was suddenly weak, and he was gasping for breath while holding the golden stick.


"how did you do that?"

   Such means, no matter what the possibility, the strength of this guy is already beyond his imagination!

   I am afraid that even Yuan Sandao still knows him under the sword he deliberately suppressed!

   "This is a big boss who hides too deep!"

   Xin Gugu made waves in his heart. He looked at the uncle, and didn't know what expression to make.

   "How did I do it?"

Uncle    clicked the corner of his lips, just about to grin, and suddenly groaned, his chest trembled, as if he was holding back something.


   After a light cough, he calmly turned around with his hands.

   "How I did it, you don't need to know."

   "It's you, my suggestion just now, you should know what to choose!"

   Xin Gusheng gritted his teeth, but he still couldn't agree: "My time is limited. I can't stay with that kid for a whole year."


   Unexpectedly, the uncle changed his words, "As long as he needs you, you can be late."

   Xin coo was a little surprised, he suddenly thought of the cough that had just happened, frowned, and tentatively said: "I have my own mission, and I can only help him in my free time..."

   "You only need to block the guy above the throne, it won't take too much time." The uncle kept walking.

   Xin Gu grunted his brows and moved in. "The number of times..."

   "There is no limit to the number of times!" The uncle flatly refused.

   "No restrictions? How can this be possible, I can only shoot once...twice!"

"Ha ha."

   "What? I gave in?"

Uncle    stopped walking when he heard the words, and turned slowly, his turbid eyes stared at Xin Gugu without emotion, and said: "You have the most and the most, and you can say one word."

   "More than a word, the price is death."


"Just kidding Nima! He is Xu Xiaoshou and wants me to be there on call? You are crazy, right? I really thought you were sick, I couldn't see it. If it weren't for that sword, I wouldn't bother to be with you Talking...you lunatic!"

   Xin Gu Gu roared frantically in his heart, and his face was gentle.


Uncle    sneered and dragged his sack.

   glanced at the other one not far away, and said: "That sack is handed over to you."

"give it to me?"

   Xin Gu Gu was puzzled, stretched out his head and tilted, dare not speak.

   "Leave me what?"

   "This kid is a contradictory body. There are four great thrones staring at him. You want to leave it to me?"

   "How do I get it?"

   He was so confused that he didn't dare to say it, and the uncle naturally didn't explain it.

   Step by step, dragging the sack to not far from Yuan Sandao, the sloppy man smiled and said, "How is the time delay? Is anyone coming?"

   Yuan Sandao touched the blade, he had realized that something was wrong.

   Allowing this guy to talk to others for such a long time, the city lord has not even been able to rush over.

   Forget it, even the individual didn’t give it to himself, and there was not even a transmission...

   "Did something happen?"

   Yuan Sandao's eyelids hung, and the sword's intent appeared in his eyes.

   can't wait!

  The city lord did not come~www.ltnovel.com~ I have to take him down!

"Do not impulse."

   The awkward man didn't even stretch out his hand, only his eyes moved down, and Yuan Sandao felt a pair of invisible hands pressing against him.

   He looked at the man and said with a sneer: "It hurt someone and destroyed Tiansang City. Today, you can't get away."

Uncle    said slowly: "You'll talk about this later."

After    said, he raised his head and watched the distant mountains engulfing the setting sun, his sight shifted, and he looked directly in the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

   "Your people have not waited, mine, it should be almost done."

   Yuan Sandao's blade tightened, and the three thrones behind him also shrank.

   is like responding to the words of the uncle, the direction of the city lord's mansion, suddenly a roar.

  嘭! !

   A black shadow that tears through the world falls from the sky, like a great axe of a god, yin and yang are divided, chaos enlightened.

   The city lord’s mansion flickered and exploded!

   Everyone is stunned.


Uncle    dragged the sack and walked away.

   "You guys, you can go and save people."


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