I Am Loaded with Passive Skills

Chapter 336: Sword worship

   "Guardian Sword Classic?"

   Xu Xiaoshou only glanced at its thickness, and immediately realized that this was the last straw that had crushed him.

   At that time, the uncle sloppy shot such a thick classic in front of him, said some nonsense, and then fainted.

   "Spiritual skills?"

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at this ancient book with a strange expression.

   He thought of Sang Lao.

   Every time the old man asks him to learn a new thing, it is not a way of encouragement and reward, but a means of coercion.

   In a situation like this, it is not a good thing to learn by yourself.

   "Jin Lu Tian Burn" needs "Jin Lu Ting".

   "Jin Zhao Tianyan·Bai Yan" and "Dragon Rong Realm" need "Jin Zhao Tian Yan".

   He hadn't even watched the latter, and he didn't even want to know how to get this big fire.

   Right now, this uncle also uses such a method...

   "This ‘Guardian of Sword’...can it be a good thing?"

   Xu Xiaoshou was a little surprised, but letting this thing be in his mind doesn't seem to be very good?

   His spiritual thought touched up.

   There was a buzzing sound. At this moment, Xu Xiaoshou felt that his soul was being pulled, and the whole person was sucked into a mysterious black hole.


   Endless black.

  Loneliness and remoteness, loneliness and vicissitudes of life, seem to come from the eternal mood of ancient times, flooding into the endless black.

   Xu Xiaoshou was surprised.


   This is very similar to the special illusion that will be formed when you draw a master passive technique!

   Is it possible that this "Guardian Sword" can be as strong as the proficient passive skills, almost invincible?

"You came."

   A hoarse voice sounded from behind.

   Xu Xiaoshou suddenly turned around.

   He saw the first ray of white in the endless darkness.

   That is a sword aura!

   or "Jiannen"!

   Feeling the slightly familiar aura on it, Xu Xiaoshou is extremely confident, this is the "sword thought" in his dantian!


   Where is the sound?

   "Who are you, where are you?" Xu Xiaoshou shouted.

   This voice is a bit like that uncle, but not exactly.

   Although it is also hoarse, it is not as unpleasant as hoarse. Just hearing this voice, Xu Xiaoshou can actually hear a bit of noble feeling.



   "Jian Nian" trembled in response, swaying from it, slowly rising out of a white figure.

  The white light lit up, really dazzling in this boundless darkness.

   Even so, the figure in this white shirt is still very vague, and he can't see his face at all.

  The only thing I can see is that huge number of swords!

   That's right!

   Above this white light and shadow, "X" on his back is holding two giant swords, one purple and the other golden.

   Besides, there are two sabers on his waist, one black and the other cyan.

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked by the awe-inspiring sword intent coming from this shop.

   He just wanted to ask questions, and the voice sounded again.

   "I look good."

   "I only have one sword."

   Xu Xiaoshou:? ? ?

   He didn't even know what was going on, but the person's general self said that made him realize.

   The energy of this shaky guy may not be enough to support the conversation with himself, he should be a little light and shadow memory that is sealed.

   is similar to...

  A video?

   After the white shirt man finished speaking, he did not see any gesture of drawing his sword, and put his hands directly on top of his head.

   It seems that he is about to pull out something from his Heavenly Spirit cover.

   Xu Xiaoshou showed a different color.

   Didn't you say the sword?

   Even if there is only one sword, there are four in your body. No need, what do you pretend?

   Is it possible to draw a sword from your heavenly spirit cover?

   The next second, his thoughts were stagnant, and the whole person was terribly shocked.

   I saw the man in white shirt lift his hands from the heavenly spirit cover, and the world suddenly shook.

   In the next instant, the space shattered and time was slow, Xu Xiaoshou felt that even his breathing was frozen, and this mark was like a year.

  The terrifying road rules clearly emerged under the mention of these two hands, and then shattered.

   There are endless white sword thoughts rising from the sky and the earth, like moths rushing to the fire, and rustling rushes under the hands of the man.

   The half of the white sword handle where the sword thoughts were gathered was really pulled out by the man from the heavenly spirit cover!


   A melodious sword sound rang through the sky, directly smashing Xu Xiaoshou's soul.

   This sword, I didn't even see the guard, it was only worthy of being pulled out by half the handle of the sword, the world could no longer bear it, and it broke directly.


   The darkness fades, goodbye Qingming.

   Xu Xiaoshou looked at the familiar inn room and collapsed to the ground with a thud.

   "One sword? Only one sword?"

   "This is so special that you haven't even drawn the one-tenth sword yet!"


"too strong!"

   "What kind of sword is this..."

   Even if he had mastered the "Master of Swordsmanship", seeing this sword, Xu Xiaoshou still felt a sense of hopelessness.

   This magnificent sword intent that has been shining from ancient times to the present, this kind of peerless heroic appearance...

   Xu Xiaoshou can't even imagine, what kind of magnificence would that sword be pulled out of the heavenly spirit cover?

   As for... cut out?

   He can't think about it anymore...

  I am afraid that after that sword, even this piece of heaven and earth will no longer exist?

"too frightening!"

   Xu Xiaoshou breathed a sigh of relief, and when he relaxed all over, he realized that his whole body had been cracked.

The broken cracks on   's body constantly ooze blood, and on it, there are familiar sword thoughts entangled.

   The wound is indeed recovering, but the speed is so slow that it can even be said to be climbing like a snail.

   It is clear that "Life forever" has reached the level of the Grandmaster, so there is such a slow recovery speed?

   You need to know that even the extremely fast cutting of the Red Dog was forced by Xu Xiaoshou's body!


   That sword repair, isn't it a phantom?

   Everything in the illusion actually affects reality?

   Xu Xiaoshou was shocked again.

   He felt as if he could manipulate these sword thoughts on his body.

   With a thought, these weird things entrenched in the wounds were actually taken back.

   They shrank onto the pubic area, turning into the docile appearance they had seen at first.

As soon as    disappeared, the wound healed quickly.

   "This is the'Jian Nian' that the uncle brought over?"

   Xu Xiaoshou felt that there was only one possibility.

   If he had expected it, this Jian Nian should be matched with this "Guanjiandian" and be sent into his body.

   In this case, the phantom in this sword thought should naturally be the uncle...

   "He is so strong?"

   Xu Xiao was puzzled.

   The two-fingered throne that I saw that day, although good, it was really far from the sword drawn from the sky spirit cover just now.

   Xu Xiaoshou couldn't restrain his inner curiosity.

   He directly opened the "Guanjiandian" in his mind.

   When I flipped through the front page, it was not an obscure sword technique, but a few lines of small words.

   "Want to learn the "sword worship" that you just saw?"

   "Do you want to have the pride of Yi Jian Donglai, drunk and leaning against the sky?"

   "Want to reach the pinnacle of this world with your saber, and cut away the infinite shackles from the impoverished sky?"

   "Open me!"

   "Don't hesitate~www.ltnovel.com~ Don’t miss the opportunity, time will never come again!"

   This deep familiar taste... When Xu Xiaoshou saw this, the odious head already appeared in his mind.

  The proper tone is that sloppy uncle!

   His complexion was distorted, and he wanted to cover the broken book, but he couldn't stop his curiosity.

   What the hell!

   Is it so powerful?

   Xu Xiaoshou thought so, thinking that the uncle is not there now, no one is watching, so he continues to look down.

   "But, you have to pay attention, once you choose to open it, you will never be able to look back."

   "Now, seeing this, you still have three seconds to consider, choose whether to flip or not."

   "Of course, I sincerely persuade you. If you don't choose to open it, the ‘sword reading’ in your body should explode."

   Xu Xiao was shocked.

   "This Nima..."

   He immediately sank Dantian, he saw the "Jian Nian" that had begun to expand and seemed to explode in the next second.

   Xu Xiaoshou's face is green, so this thing is actually a time bomb?

   "How can you cheat me!!!"


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