
   Gu Qingsan was so angry that he wanted to shoot again.


   At this time, Gu Qingyi had stopped in time.

   can't wait and see any longer.

   His original intention was to test Xu Xiaoshou's skills. If he wants to continue, not to mention that the inn does not allow it.

   It's just a battle where the sword is moved, and it's a bit difficult to stop.

   The two sides are just a bit of a quarrel, there is no need to develop to such a degree.

   Looking at Xu Xiaoshou's passive defense, he can actually fly the youngest third's "Zhandao Body", which is even more explanatory.

   The person in front of him is a self-cultivator.

   This muscular man is destined to be impossible to have anything to do with Jian Xiu.


   It is naturally even more impossible!

   "Sorry, I disturbed Xiongtai today. This is a little bit of our brothers and sisters. I hope you can forgive me."

   Gu Qing said, took out a ring and handed it over.

   Xu Xiaoshou stayed on the spot, thought for a while, no longer refuted, and took the ring.

   "Okay, I forgive you."


   Gu Qingsan was angry again, but was hurriedly held by the second senior brother.

   Big Brother doesn't plan to continue anymore, how can he let his brother continue to fool around.

   He thought that this fight was very unnecessary.


   Gu Qing nodded and bowed, and left with his two juniors.

   Xu Xiaoshou touched the ring on his hand, looking at their backs, lost in thought.

   According to his idea, it is impossible to fight today.

   However, the fact that the senior fellow headed was so polite was obviously beyond his expectation.

   His thoughts are actually similar to those of Gu Qingyi, but he is temptation.

   took advantage of them to look for Jian Nian, and after some unreasonable troubles, they tested the strength of these three people.

   Why these guys with famous swords came from? Xu Xiaoshou probably knew something in his heart.

   "White Cave?"

   He frowned and returned to his house.

   With the passage of time, it seems that all kinds of "white caves" are gradually emerging.

  According to his speculation, Jiao Tangtang and Xin Gu Gu should also come for the "White Cave", but their purpose should be a ghost animal host like Momo.

   And these three sword repairs, it is obvious that they are attracted by the "four swords".

   No matter what it is for, it is clear that this is just the beginning.

   There is indeed still some time before the opening of the "White Cave".

   I can’t say, there will be similar existences in the future.

   "A headache..."

   Xu Xiaoshou touched his head and lay on the bed. Before the "White Cave" was opened, he saw how his opponent existed.

   Jianzong, famous sword...

   "No, I still have to hold Xin Gu Gu tightly!" He secretly determined.


   Tiansangcheng, Nantian Street.

   This is a prosperous area in the city. The people living in this street are either rich or noble. They are all the big figures in Tiansang City.

   At the end of Nantian Street, there is even the famous City Lord’s Mansion.

   Although Xu Xiaoshou has never seen him, the number of black armored guards he has seen along the way is already extremely impressive.

   "The security level is really something." He sighed.

   Xin Gugu led the way and said, "Isn't this what you said? It must be concealed, but also to prevent assassination, that can only be here."

   "This place is too close to the city lord's mansion. As long as there is a noise, it is estimated that the Guards will be able to arrive in time."

   "If there is a throne coming and saying that you have to wait for it, you will be invited by the people of the City Lord's Mansion to have tea."

   Xu Xiaoshou nodded, expressing satisfaction.

   "Yes, I spent a lot of spirit crystals..." Xin Gugu raised his head and glanced at the young man beside him secretly.

   "It doesn't matter."

   Xu Xiaoshou waved his big hand, even if he ran out of money, he was not afraid.

   As long as Xin Gu Gu can stay, everything is easy to say.

   "Xu Xiaoshou, what exactly did you buy?" Mu Zixi asked curiously from one side.

  Along the way, I saw a lot fewer people, but the quality has obviously improved by more than one grade.

   Everyone met along the way, and they all had a big belly and looked like they were very rich.

   Xu Xiaoshou smiled happily without explaining.


   Soon, the three of them stopped.

In front of    is a magnificent small manor with lush and lush spiritual trees. If you don’t wait to enter, you can feel the beauty of this place.

   "This is our new home in the future!"

   Xu Xiaoshou laughed loudly, slapped the girl's head with a slap, and raised his other hand, wanting to take it too.

   But when I thought that this was a throne after all, it was a bit abrupt, so I only patted Xin Gugu's shoulder.


   Muzixi's eyes flashed with extraordinary colors, and his complexion darkened, as if he was aroused by some emotions.

   But she shook her head quickly and was a little surprised: "Xu Xiaoshou, you are crazy. We will live here for a few days. We will have to return to the palace in a short time. You bought a manor?"

   "How much is this..."

   The little girl opened her lips slightly, unbelievable.

"What do you know?"

   Xu Xiao hit her forehead, "This is what you need for cultivation. If you have to compensate the inn every time you practice, who can resist it?"

  He has some fleshy pain.

   The cut in the daytime cost him more than 100,000 Lingjing.

   If you come here every time you practice, and stay in this city for more than ten days, he won't have to pay millions?

   This is enough to buy a small manor!

   Xin Gu Gu ignored the two.

   He was a little excited. After all, it was a new home he had completed the transaction with his own hands. What he couldn't bear was to take out the token and open the barrier.

   walked to the gate, he was a little awake now.

   Although this was done by his own transaction, Xu Xiaoshou gave the money.

   This door opening ceremony is obviously better for the owner to complete.

"You do it!"

   Xu Xiaoshou said with a smile.

   Half of the reason for this manor is that Xin Gu Gu bought it. Naturally, it is necessary for this guy to open it by himself, so that the sense of belonging will be stronger.

   Xin Gu frowned, not hypocritical.

   As soon as the token was printed, the shielding enchantment flashed, and the door opened.

   The three of them stepped into it full of excitement.

  The vastness of the manor ~www.ltnovel.com~ is quite different from the simple facilities in the palace.

   The courtyard is filled with spiritual flowers and exotic plants, each of which has spiritual energy, obviously not extraordinary.

  The most eye-catching ones are the scattered spirit trees. It seems that their planting orientation also contains a certain principle of large formation, which has attracted a lot of spiritual power.

   The concentration of the aura of heaven and earth here is not as good as the inner courtyard, but it is much stronger than the outer courtyard.

   The little girl ran out happily in an instant, complaining about Xu Xiaoshou's misuse of money a second, and then she fell in love with this chic little manor.

   Xin Gu Gu was also full of joy. He only saw the view of the manor in the jade slip, so he bought it directly.

   is here now, obviously the environment here is also very appetizing for him.


   Xu Xiaoshou also smiled, but his attention was not here.

   took out a gilt name sticker from his arms, he glanced at the date, and it was tomorrow night.

   "Xin Gu Gu."

   "Huh?" Xin grunted back.

   Xu Xiaoshou shook the post in his hand, and said: "Do you want to enter the city lord's mansion to play? No accident, it should be fun."


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